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Science for the Science God


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"Why do chemists call helium, curium, and barium 'the medical elements'? Because, if you can't 'helium' or 'curium', you 'barium'! Hm hm!"


"Why do people say 'you can't trust atoms'? Because they 'make up everything'! Hehe!"


Good ol' Heimerdinger.



Fe on the periodical table of elements stands for iron.

Male is another word for man.

Fe + male = female

I am Iron Man.  :grin:


Huh... I actually came up with that same joke before on the forums. Not phrased the same way you put it, but nonetheless the same joke. I'm guessing I'm not the only one to think of it?... and to think I thought I was original .w.

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Some people have more bones than others. 206 noted and named bones. The extras are called sesamoid bones. ^_^ they are small bones that can appear in joints.

Babies skulls come in pieces and fuse as they get older.

During your ENTIRE life from birth to death (assuming no related disease) your eyeballs grow no more than 2mm. THATS why babies have big eyes... 

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Huh... I actually came up with that same joke before on the forums. Not phrased the same way you put it, but nonetheless the same joke. I'm guessing I'm not the only one to think of it?... and to think I thought I was original .w.

actually I saw it on Facebook. But the fact you came up with it by yourself is pretty cool.

The bones in your joints have a pocket of gas between them. So when you crack your knuckles you are forceing the gasses out and basically causing a tiny explotion.

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Babies skulls come in pieces and fuse as they get older.



On the topic of babies:

Since they have to be rather flexible most of the time (and during childbirth), a babies skeleton consists of not only bones, but also of a much higher amount of cartilage compared to an adult during its first years. Eventually, those cartilages turn into bones by an artery growing into them and it slowly forming bone first around the cartilage, and then slowly turning it whole into bone.

That's simply how all our bones are made, they were first cartilage and turned into bones. Babies are just squeezed out before it fully develops, which is relatively good.

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On the topic of babies:

Since they have to be rather flexible most of the time (and during childbirth), a babies skeleton consists of not only bones, but also of a much higher amount of cartilage compared to an adult during its first years. Eventually, those cartilages turn into bones by an artery growing into them and it slowly forming bone first around the cartilage, and then slowly turning it whole into bone.

That's simply how all our bones are made, they were first cartilage and turned into bones. Babies are just squeezed out before it fully develops, which is relatively good.



And due to Ossification, this is how Bone marrow is formed



Education through creepy stuff. 

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On the topic of babies:

A newborn child sees everything upside down for the first few days. This is because the brain hasn't yet adjusted to the world, so it doesn't automatically correct the image (which arrives in everyone's eyes upside down due to the way the lens focus the image). In theory, if you were to hang upside down for 3 days, the image would flip and you'd see upside down for a few days.

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On the topic of babies:

A newborn child sees everything upside down for the first few days. This is because the brain hasn't yet adjusted to the world, so it doesn't automatically correct the image (which arrives in everyone's eyes upside down due to the way the lens focus the image). In theory, if you were to hang upside down for 3 days, the image would flip and you'd see upside down for a few days.


I never really understood why biology did that.

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Babies sort of come out half done... if they stayed in any longer the mother would die or the baby would die when its born.

Instead getting MOST of it done is the way we have evolved. We got nothing on the kangaroo though. Those suckers can be pregnant for 5 years - holding it in statis. Then the born joey is tiny. It climbs through its mothers fur to the pouch where it will finish developing into a proper bouncer.

A human babies strongest two senses are smell and taste- hence why they are always sticking stuff into their mouths.


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Instead getting MOST of it done is the way we have evolved. We got nothing on the kangaroo though. Those suckers can be pregnant for 5 years - holding it in statis. Then the born joey is tiny. It climbs through its mothers fur to the pouch where it will finish developing into a proper bouncer.



In the pouch the mother has a nipple, the baby finds it and proceeds to suck on it.


Imagine yourself climbing up a mountain with a blindfold. Once you reach the top, still blind, you fall into a pit and wander around aimlessly. Eventually you find a nipple as tall as yourself and your first reaction is to put it in your mouth and suck on it.

That is how the kangaroos do.

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*stares at pelvis*

A baby has to get out of that hole..

Lets wind back though.

Excuse the graphics (Although its more anatomical than graphic?)

The vaginal canal is full of biological 'pesticides' Its a hostile place to be. It is designed to flush out and kill all intruders... Sperm You are included in that.

The sperm in its lovely bit of fluid fights past this. The uterus is not happy either, its got one thing on its mind- The cycle. Build up flesh and then break it down hoping for a magical signal that hey there is a seed in the field.

The sperm has to make it through this (comparatively) vast place and up into the fallopian tubes. There are two of these and only (normally) an egg coming out of one each month and it alternates. The sperm dont get any hints here they just blindly pick one (assuming they find the tubes which some just plain don't).

In the tubes the Sperm which are now rather more few than started out are on a search for an egg. An egg that in the 28 day cycle will only spend some 12 hours or so making its way down a tube. Even if they find the egg dozens must throw themselves against it trying to break the defenses around it. There are layers of this made to protect the egg and eventually- Maybe. One gets in. 

The egg then continues on down its merry way (dividing now) and into the uterus where it has to successfully LAND and STICK to the Uterus generating a Placenta which will supply and feed it.

Assuming the sperm is healthy and the egg also healthy... the chances of all that happening? It amazes me that people manage to make babies at all... And yet I know it happens all the time and that even one careless sexual encounter is all it can take.

The hundreds of times that the cells replicate to form a human being always amazes me. That everything goes right and the mother's body doesnt reject it... so many things can go wrong and do go wrong yet our species thrives... 

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[sperm stuffs]


I have to add that vaginal fluids are actually acidic.

Why? It helps the sperm travel, it's basically an energy boost for it.


EDIT: I forgot to add that it also kills off any hostile bacteria with that acid. Since urine and sperm come out the same hole that could be dangerous otherwise.



Also, as soon as a sperm breaks the egg and hits the inside, the egg quickly hardens to prevent any other sperm breaking it, or else it would have too many chromosomes. It's fascinating how the egg just "knows" when to harden, when to travel into the uterus, when to stick to a wall.

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Ever wondered why a car engine shouldn't overheat?

The pistons are precisely fit into their holes, and metal expands when heating up. If the pison heats up, it blocks the whole engine. The result: first it grinds metal against metal, followed by an almost instant stop of all four wheels.

And you thought it's because it'll start burning or something silly like that..


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