The Rise Of Literacy (Literate Roleplay)


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Bekuno had silently watched from the trees as everyone else woke up and went on their separate ways. She decided that this was best for her too, but where was she to go? She scurried up a tree for a better look and decided the orange forest looked inviting enough. She leaps down from the tree and takes off.

Upon her arrival in the forest the girl finds a hollow stump and a catcoon bathing in the light between the trees. "Well.. might as well stay here until I figure out what the hell is going on. My back still hurts... " She grumbles, sitting down at the base of a tree. She rolls the book over in her hands a few times before finally opening it. Before she could begin to read it the nearby catcoon had begun flailing and wheezing on the ground, as if struggling to breathe. Its fur fell out in clumps as it rolled in the dirt and fallen leaves and bumpy purple skin shown through it. Startled, Bekuno slams the book shut and slowly stands and approaches the creature. It had stopped flailing and fell still against the earth.

She decides it might be best to move on, for she might wind up the same and moves on to another part of the forest.

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Ferro was walking through the forest. Others probably did not know that was he. He saw some confused faces during time they walked away.

He was keep going and eating all the vegetables and fruits he saw. Week without it made him really hungry.

Then he saw something like a corpse.

- What the...? - He asked himself but then felt that somebody is watching him. Then he discovered he had his book opened wide. He closed it and the feeling was gone.

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(Well, it could certainly use some work, but that's all i'll say.)


Tritus advanced through the forest. He could hear the stirrings of other people. He managed to stay away from them all until he reached the pig village. There were two or three of them in the immediate vicinity. He grinned, and readied his sword, charging at the nearest one, chasing it to a nearby house, and slicing it from belly to throat, covering himself in pig's blood. The other two nearby pigs charged at him in response, with their classic response of "You go smash!" Tritus's greedy expression only spread to take up the entireity of his cheek. He sidestepped their swipes, and quickly stabbed one in the belly, lept back, then rebounded and dove forward, slicing the second pig's throat open. It quickly fell over and died choking on it's own blood. He turned to the third and last one, motioning to him with a hand.

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(Thanks for forgetting about me, Minik.)

Zach frowned, noticing that the trees didn't respond. "H-Hello? Is something wrong?"

You wouldn't happen to be talking to us, would you?"

"I am. My name is Zach." The human grinned cheerfully, sitting up. His hands moved outward and met an object. At first, Zach thought it was a rock or a root, but he realized it was oddly smooth, with a fine texture that he could almost recall. He picked it up and found it to be rectangular in shape. The human fumbled with this object for a while, eventually finding a series of small bumps on one side. Running his hand over these ridges, they brought back memories of his schooling. It was Braille.

"Ehm... Hello, Zach..."

"Please, what is this?" Zach held up the rectangular object.

"That? That's one of those weird human tools. It opens, and has lots of layers. Why do you ask? You're a human, you should know your own tools."

Zach then proceeded to tell his story to the trees. The story of his blindness, of his yearning to venture out into the woods, and his being mentored by the forest. It didn't take long for the surrounding trees to take interest. You see, trees live to be very, very old. Unless, of course, they are chopped or burned or killed before they can live their course. And often times, as beings who cannot move, they resort to story telling to pass the time before their inevitable demise. However, only so many stories can be made before they begin to seem ridiculous or odd or dull. Thus, the trees yearned for another tale, and Zach had given it to them. The surrounding trees relayed the story to their neighbors, who did the same. It wasn't too long before most of the forest had heard Zach's tale and had grown a bit of respect for the human who could understand and befriend plants.

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The moleworm, under Percy's control, grabbed the amultet he was bound to and began to burrow underground.  However, it abrubtly stopped as a newcomer came stomping into the clearing, holding some half-eaten carrots.  The boy slowly turned to face the newcomer.  He almost felt a slight feeling of amusement as his unblinking eyes fell upon it.  It resembled some sort of bizarre mixture between a lizard and Indiana Jones.  Slightly curious, he took out Neither and opened it, interested in what it might do to the lizardman.

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(Sorry if this is rushed, I just woke up.)

After walking for the longest time, the pig village finally came up on the horizon, and sadly the platform the Pig King usually rested upon was barren. Wickerbottom wasn't surprised. They'd probably be conspiring against anything anyone did from now on. Walking further towards the village, she saw something that was surprising. Two bodies littered the ground at the far side of the village, and Tritus, the half-dragon they brought in. She hadn't expected anyone to be here. This would cost her greatly. Drawing in breath, Wickerbottom sunk once more into the ground, dreading what was to come next.

Edited by KidneyBeanBoy
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Bekuno has eventually hit a dead end in the forest, no matter which way she went, right or left, she met water. She cursed and kicked dirt into it before turning around back the way she came. She picked the berries of any berry bushes she passed, eating one every 15 minutes.

She eventually passed a mostly barren pig village but didn't stick around to see anyone who might have been there. The girl has no idea where to go or what to look for, at this point she just wants a nice meal and a place to sit and read this stupid book. Her exploration takes her to a field of lumpy evergreens where she decides to temporarily stay.

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(It was my turn but OK ;) )

Ferro looked around and saw a rabbit. With small horns... He was very surprised. He moved to it but it screamed and hide in a hole.

- Hey,wait! I won't hurt you. - But after that he took his book and looked on it.

He opened it and read the spell. Rabbit came out. Then he looked on one of pages in the "Counteracting The Fermi Paradox".

- Humph... Rabbit... A good meal for all survivors... Why the hell there are only name and no name of species or something! - All of these looked weird but then he found something that he never expected to saw in that book. - Naughtiness? What? I need to study that book.

He closed the book raged. Rabbit hidden in the hole again. Lizardman wanted to move on to find water. But then he almost jumped off of his skin.

There was ghost looking creature in bushes.

Edited by Minik435
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"And... Well, now I'm here." Zach finished explaining himself to the trees, who clearly appreciated the tale, and, in effect, Zach.

"That was quite the story. We'll help you as much as we can for now." At that, the trees directed Zach to some nearby berry bushes, which they allowed him to pick. After that, they led him to collect a bit more of nature's bounty, such as twigs and carrots. Finally, he was directed towards a nearby pig village. All the while, the man had been running his fingers over the Braille lettering, desperately trying to recall the schooling he'd received so many years ago.

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Percy felt the lizard's eyes fall upon him.  He did not move a muscle, simply staring at him with lifeless eyes.  After a couple of seconds, he began to bristle with anger.


This is our sacred place.  He thought furiously.  Nobody gets to see it!


He would bide his time, and see if the stranger would come closer.  If he did, he would regret it.

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