The Great (Roleplay) Experiment - The Revival Has Begun


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The man looks at the young women, slightly relieved after knowing that she needs a way out and means no harm. He breaks his gaze, looking up at the forest canopy, as if he was waiting for someone, or more accurately, something. He pulls out the same rod that he has used to summon the creature, squeezing it tightly, but quickly relieving his grip.


"Where is that blasted creature. It should be back by now.."


He slowly taps his foot, patiently waiting for the unreliable creature. Soon, the leaves of the nearby trees shake threateningly, moving by the weight of some animal. Of course, it was his spirit, but the young woman didn't know what it was. The man grips the rod, and the rustling of the leaves stopped, and a gentle 'whoosh' told him his creature turned back into mist. A simple wisp sinks slowly down between the branches, hovering above the forest ground. Pointing the rod at the wisp, the ethereal essence returns back to its owner, moving back into its old vessel. Once the smoke-like essence enters the baton, the man's eyes cloud over. The woman wouldn't know this, but the man was seeing a sort of path, a golden mist gathering around the path the creature took to get out. Putting his rod back into his sleeves, his eyes turn clear. Unaware of what was happening around him, the man walks along the same path, moving as if he was gliding slowly, though of course he decided to walk instead of climbing the trees.




(Sorry if this is lamely described, but I don't have enough time to be on the forums for an extended time.)

Edited by Pecival
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(Folks...unless someone else is willing to take up the mantle of GM for this thread, I cannot continue with this for at least a month. Because of the costs of moving, I will not have any sort of internet access for at least a month and this town doesn't have a library with internet or ANY place that has wi-fi access.)

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(I'm so sorry, folks, but unless $500+ winds up landing in my lap with no strings attached...which I KNOW ain't gonna ever happen...I won't be able to afford the installation fee needed to get phone lines installed into the place.)

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(I'm honored that you all unanimously chose me, but I would like to just wait for Tesa. The Violent Melting Pot ended on a sour note, and I'm swamped with classwork since I just got out of midterm week. It wouldn't be best for me to lead any other projects at the moment.. especially when Return Fire and those field notes desperately need updates.)

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Not being able to drive sucks...and that's not from lack of trying.)

(All I can imagine is you trying to drive various objects, only to get frustrated when they won't move because they're not a car.



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(For the month, at least, I have stable internet. So, now would be a good time to try and revive this roleplay.


Those who wish to revive and rejoin this, POST BEFORE THE 7TH OF APRIL. Those who don't will be assumed to be no longer interested in this and will be dropped/executed. By a miracle, I still remember the plot I had developed from the shards of story left behind by ScienceMachine and can still execute it.


For those that had eyed this RP and wanted to join while it was still active, right now, existing players have priority in regards to joining back into this.)

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