The Call of the Abyss


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Clarice's voice took on a disapproving tone.




"I certainly hope you aren't expecting me to apologize for scaring off the potential murderer."


"You didn't have to screw around with her like that."


"It worked, didn't it?"


"Yeah, but it doesn't really help to be doing stuff like that."


"If I can interrupt? We need to get down to business."


"Fine by me."


"*sigh*...lady! Lady, wait up!"


Clarice ran after Alex.


(haha, you need to make some posts in the general discussion or something so you can edit posts)

Edited by Silentdarkness1
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Tears threatening to fall from her eyes, Alex mentally scolded herself, they'll think you're weak, you can't let them know, her chest clenched, she reached into her bag for her inhaler, it wasn't there, starting to panic she fell to the ground and desperately tried to breathe, she must have left it back there with the snail, tears fell and she curled herself into a ball, hiding herself behind an old oak tree.

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"...Miss?.....uh..I...a...are you...okay?......what's going on?"


Chris tripped on something, but managed to stop himself from falling over. He had tripped on a tube device of some sort, likely the inhaler. He picked it up.


"Huh.....this is interesting...looks like she's got asthma problems?...."

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Shaking on the ground in a fetal position, Alex desperately Looked around for her inhaler, she saw...things, were they people or were they the shadows that once upon a time haunted her, the arms on her back flailed around aimlessly, things started getting fuzzy, she closed her eyes...

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Clarice had to back off to avoid getting hurt by the claws coming out of Alex's back.


"Chris! Help!"


Chris ran over to Clarice and Alex.


"I...I don't understand!....What's wrong with her?..."


".....She's having a panic attack, I think. Quick, give her this before she passes out."


Chris handed Clarice the inhaler. She quickly, firmly put it in Alex's hand.

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Alex looked shakily, the inhaler, her hand shaking like a leaf dragged the inhaler towards her mouth, she let the air release feeling herself regain consciousness. She looked ahead to see a girl unfamiliar to her and the boy whom previously spoke to her through telepathy, not wanting to look weak, she tried to stand before, falling onto her ankle, she buried her head between her hands and desperately tried to sit up.

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Alex looked shakily, the inhaler, her hand shaking like a leaf dragged the inhaler towards her mouth, she let the air release feeling herself regain consciousness. She looked ahead to see a girl unfamiliar to her and the boy whom previously spoke to her through telepathy, not wanting to look weak, she tried to stand before, falling onto her ankle, she buried her head between her hands and desperately tried to sit up.

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Alex looked up at the girl, her eyes red and puffy, she attempted to speak but found herself too much in a panic to talk, Alex closed her eyes and counted to 10, that normally worked, she didn't know if the others were staring at her but at the current moment she couldn't care less, she opened her eyes and muffled a quiet, 'thanks..'

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Clarice sighed in a relaxed tone, a relieved smile spreading across her face.


"Thank the had me scared for a moment. It wouldn't do to have you just...drop dead, like're welcome...i'm just glad to help people. You can call me Clare.....what's your name?.."

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"It's...just not in my nature to hate was a misunderstanding, was all. I understand if you hate William for landing you here, wasn''t all his fault. He was sort of forced to do it..."


"Indeed...Alexandra, you may fully aware, but there are dark forces at work, here. I know I did many things I regret. As a matter of fact, I was on the way to try and right a wrong."


(Okay D: )

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(You know, because I'm having a difficult time trying to find a way to introduce Volores, I'm going to make a new character. Not to replace him, of course, but I will say it may be much easier to introduce this one.


Name: Felicity Wulfric


Race: Human


Age: 16


Gender: Male


Backstory: (No snippet this time)




Talismans, Charms, And Charms

You can never have too much good luck, especially in such an unforgiving world. We've all heard of talismans and snake oil and all of those supposed charms. Many buy all these objects and scraps of paper, hoping that fate will smile on them. And yet, they never seem to work, apart from swallowing up money. However, these charms do work; perhaps not in the way they expect, but they do work, if made with the proper skill and details. Fortunately for us, Felicity is fairly adept at making charms, ranging from prosperity talismans to protection seals. The best part? They actually work, though they are quite fragile in comparison to others.


AppearanceWearing a ragged taupe colored cloak, the edge outlined in yellow, she wears an odd ring of glass on top of her head, a circlet resting on her forehead. Underneath the cloak she dons a simple piece of quilt-like cloth, looking as if they were created and sewed by hand. On her left arm is a thin golden bangle, two sigils inscribed on where the ribbon of gold ends. A necklace hangs around her neck, three objects dangling from the silk string. One resembles a crystal melded into a thin disk of gold, another like a circle both enclosed and outside another circle, and the last resembling a tiny bottle filled with beads of glass.


Personality: She's quite paranoid about topic relating to fate and spiritual ideas; why do you think she makes those charms? Mostly, however, she is quite charming and likable. Just don't take the charms away from her.


Side Notes: N/A


How's this?)

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Alex shakily stood up, and walked over to William, steadying herself against a tree, ''I..I,'' Alex glanced at Clare,' When I first came here, I felt scammed, tricked, lied to, to put it simply, I wanted revenge,'she closed her eyes and shook her head,'Once upon a time, I wanted revenge on someone whom I hated with every ounce of my being, it....didn't end well, I don't want to hold a grudge,' Alex sighed, I forgive you for sending me to this hellhole, Tell me though, who exactly are these 'dark forces'.

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( @


Done. )


"I know how that feels....I paid quite dearly for my vengeance....I don't think it'll ever be the same, now. They had me imprisoned here......I don't know who They are....but They're always waiting....watching......they won't approve of what i'm about to try and do...I would suggest you tag along, but it's very dangerous....more than everything else i've ever thrown at you while I was on the Throne."

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'Prisoner'! Alex looked at William, a hint of remorse sketched on her face for pointing a gun at the guy, she thought about it for a second, sure there was safety in numbers and god, she didn't want to be along here, but what are those dangers he was talking about, closing her eyes she stood there for a minute or two weighing up her options, before turning to Maxwell ,'It looks like the rewards out way the dangers here, I want justice, not revenge on these forces whatever the cost...'

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