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Minor Varglet proposal

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Heya everyone, I'm back.

Now, I like to believe I'm the number 1 Varglet family supporter.
I was there advocating for their designs, and I was there proposing that Vargs and Hounds get their adorable eating animations during the Lunar Bosses beta.

The Varglet quickly became one of my favorite designs in the game, honestly, they're just so goofy, I love them!
However, something did feel missing. You can sort of tell they're reskinned Hounds pretty easily, this itself isn't an issue, but they don't really behave all that unique either.

Without really messing with them too much, I had an idea. What if they had a bit of a unique walk?
Nothing drastic, but a cute new walking animation sounds like a fun way to make them a wee bit more distinct. Maybe even lowering their pitch a tad, with them using normal Hound sounds and all.

Here, I've even got a mock up! Thoughts?

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I have to say I agree with with this, movement/animation is very important to help differentiate characters, this would allow them to stand out from hounds and be more unique, which makes them a little less of a reskin, and that's good in my books.

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The only issue I have with this is the suggestion for a walk animation, or rather a cute one, Hounds/Varglets only have a running animation because it makes sense with how they're portrayed: very hungry dogs that want to rip and tear just about everything around them. It'd be strange for hounds and vargs to keep this general theme but then have varglet skipping around. Maybe a new distinct run, bark, howl, and/or attack? Something to keep within that general attitude of very hungry dogs.

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2 hours ago, Leonardo Cox said:

Maybe a new distinct run, bark, howl, and/or attack? Something to keep within that general attitude of very hungry dogs.

Yes, absolutely what I was meaning to get across. The reference was more so to how you can have a unique set of walking anims that portray that they are in fact a bit different than the default hounds.
Maybe something a bit stumpier, sorta Varg-like would be fitting. I didn't mean a genuine skipping animation, as goofy as that sounds.

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