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Your Dont Starve Together Hot Takes

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5 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

I mean you can say what you want.. but I don’t feel like players should be required to use Darkswords to fend them off.

There are certain mobs in DST that could really use a HP tone down, and it’s not because I CAN’T fight Cookie Cutters- Give me A Darksword or the newer Brightshade Sword & I’ll make short work of them, the thing is though… should the player really be expected to use anything higher than a easy to craft in bulk spear to fight of a few tiny fish?

I can use this spear to kill a horde of hounds, and a Varglet that spawns them.. yet cookie cutters board your boat, and stun lock you to death if you don’t use weapons above spear tier on them.

I simply don’t think certain parts of the game should require such a I guess you can call it “Skill Check” just to build a grass boat kit and wooden oar to paddle out to sea to see what you can discover.

sure, the game shouldn't expect you to know how to obtain easy to access weapons like hambat, have half brain cell to approach salt formations slowly to only agro few cutters or to be prepare while exploring

the same way winter is a multiplayer focused mechanic because the game shouldn't expect me to know how to craft a thermal stone or to gather charcoal for a campfire

man, this game is so unfair



grounded is a game with multiplayer approach but can be played solo but, like dst, you get thw same amount of loot and is harder. That is fun because you can have 2 approach and a challenge to overcome instead of crying for nerfs

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My Spicy Spicy Chili takes:

· Combat in this game is simple and bland. Step out of the attack zone every three seconds, then go back in and whack away for the other two and a half. Wow, a winner is you! For extra safety help yourself to armor with percentage defenses as high as 90~95% and as much healing as you can carry or toss on the floor near you. Can you imagine something like Dark Souls where you only take 10% incoming damage and have hundreds of healing items? If I want satisfying combat I go play another game. Can't understand how some people are so obsessed with it in DS to the point it defines their player identity. The only bosses that up the ante are Fuelweaver, Toadstool, Crab King and similar with healing or armor phases that shake up the rhythm. They aren't perfect encounters but I enjoy the higher stakes.

· Building in this game will never be truly complete until we can have a roof layer above our heads. You can build some nice looking stuff, but it still feels like a "camp", like stuff that's out on the wilderness soaked in rain or covered in snow. It always will.

· Exploration is one of my favourite things to do in these games but it can be "solved" really early on and then you're left with nowhere new to go. Shipwrecked and Hamlet deliver better exploration (even if Hamlet also gets "solved" a bit too fast) I'd prefer content updates more focused on the world and exploration than what we've been getting even if it means not getting a monthly update. Something similar to World Hopping being brought over would be a start.

· Skill trees are badly implemented. I'm cool with a second round of balances because I love these characters. But attaching skill points to days survived sets up the easy exploit of idling until you get them all. You don't need a career in game dev to see how this isn't getting your playerbase to engage with your game in a good way. In general it saddens me to see how accepted it is in this community to explot every small little thing. Generally it doesn't affect me so I don't care, but when me and the crew are on the way to Fuelweaver and I'm forced to voidwalk just to keep up I do get a little twisted.

As a bonus, lightning round of character takes:
· Wolfgang is basically two Wilsons taped together and the fact he deals double damage doesn't rustle my feathers any. If I thought he was THAT good I'd be playing him.
· Wanda is ultra busted all around and people seem to only focus on her damage output. Even if she stayed young forever she'd run circles around half the cast with the teleport watches.
· Wigfrid is a really strong character. But has a high skill floor/low skill ceiling problem. So she's often overlooked.
· Woodie and Wickerbottom lack meaningful downsides and would be better characters otherwise.
· Wormwood is no longer a challenge character. On top of getting buffed at every bend, DST doesn't force the player into combat as much as Hamlet did.

· Maxwell needs to have his power budget toned down. His downside alone isn't enough.

· Wes is okay but almost everyone who chooses him gives up and does nothing but troll. I resent him some because of that.

Edited by -Kiyo-
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20 hours ago, Hungry French said:

And who better than me to know that people may not share my opinion.
The problem is that people try to impose their opinion on me, and if they can't, they start trolling, hating or threatening

You've shared your opinion about DST many many times and how you hate the fact that it's getting updates while DS (a finished game) isn't. Lots of people express their own opinion on the subject, yet you insist your own opinion to be true and continue the spiral of argument. I believe that's pretty much an example of "imposing opinions to others" on your end. 

And not only that, you continue to berate the game saying is bad and awful to the point that it became annoying for most users, especially because you're insulting the game that loads of players like. Criticism is different from insults and slander. 

If the original point was to share insight about a certain subject, argumentative tone isn't the way to go if you plan on changing people's perspectives. No one likes hearing a random person on the street call their backpack a mistake

Edited by mykenception
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2 minutes ago, mykenception said:

You've shared your opinion about DST many many times and how you hate the fact that it's getting updates while DS (a finished game) isn't. Lots of people express their own opinion on the subject, yet you insist your own opinion to be true and continue the spiral of argument. I believe that's pretty much an example of "imposing opinions to others" on your end. 

I don't like the fact that both games don't get updates together.

4 minutes ago, mykenception said:

And not only that, you continue to berate the game saying is bad and awful to the point that it became annoying for most users, especially because you're insulting the game that loads of players like. Criticism is different from insults and slander. 

Remind me by what criteria I insulted DST ?


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28 minutes ago, Hungry French said:

Remind me by what criteria I insulted DST ?

Idk about your criterias and what not but here are some of the insults you've made before:

- Wishing DST was abandoned

- Calling DST sequel is a disgrace to the word

- Wishing DST had an awful launch as much as Overwatch 2

- With DST, there's no bright future for the franchise 

at the very least, you've admitted that you don't care about DST, only DS (even go as far as saying you only watch klei animations and log in to DST just for skins). Yes, your main point was that you want DS (a finished game, yes because the sequel is currently ongoing) more updates but going on about in the DST forums just to spite on the game is definitely gonna spark argument and hate. It had crossed my mind that maybe this is all just a entertainment for you and such, that you're actually trolling. Else, I don't think holding on to this is healthy.

Maybe I'm wrong and these are all just strongly worded opinions. At this point, I'll just gaslight myself into thinking this is just all a troll so I can keep my sanity. I fine day to you 

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11 minutes ago, mykenception said:

- Wishing DST was abandoned 

- Other people wishing DS to be abandoned.

And my wish is that both DST and DS are updated.But it sounds like a fairy tale.

12 minutes ago, mykenception said:

- Calling DST sequel is a disgrace to the word

What 's offensive about that ?
To call DST a sequel is an insult to DST.

21 minutes ago, mykenception said:

- Wishing DST had an awful launch as much as Overwatch 2


And launch DST is bad if you consider the game a sequel. 
And if we consider its multiplayer expansion, which it has been since 2016 to the present day, then DST has a good launch.
Why did people hate Overwatch 2 ? Because they resold Overwatch 1.

29 minutes ago, mykenception said:

- With DST, there's no bright future for the franchise 

Why is this an insult ? 
This is a fact

The franchise is not one game..
Klei is very dependent on DST in monetary terms. Because of which we will not expect something like Hamlet or a new game before the completion of the DST.
Do you believe that Klei will once again divide the development team to develop something besides DST?

56 minutes ago, mykenception said:

at the very least, you've admitted that you don't care about DST, only DS (even go as far as saying you only watch klei animations and log in to DST just for skins). Yes, your main point was that you want DS (a finished game, yes because the sequel is currently ongoing) more updates but going on about in the DST forums just to spite on the game is definitely gonna spark argument and hate. It had crossed my mind that maybe this is all just a entertainment for you and such, that you're actually trolling. Else, I don't think holding on to this is healthy.

Of course, I can play in the DST sometimes, but only because the DS does not receive content updates.
But this is not so interesting, because the game is created and calculated for multiplayer.

And the finished game ? It is more correct to say unsupported.
Sequel ( multiplayer).

Trolling ? With the condition of how people communicate here, if I were a troll, then this would be a good place. Do trolls like other trolls ?

1 hour ago, mykenception said:

Maybe I'm wrong and these are all just strongly worded opinions. At this point, I'll just gaslight myself into thinking this is just all a troll so I can keep my sanity. I fine day to you 

Have a nice day.

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7 hours ago, _zwb said:

You can just step back a bit when they land on the boat, and attack them from the outside one by one. Honestly this just feels like tanking hordes of spiders while being surrounded, then blames the game for your death.

Hambat is a rare and expensive weapon that no one can afford.

Hambats aren’t really noob tier weapons, you have to A: Know how to reliably obtain pigskin to craft them. Which most players will be using to instead craft helmets for Armor since they’re not so good at Kiting.

B: Worry about a weapon Spoilage timer if you haven’t killed the Bee Queen for the game changing item that is Bundling wraps. Which deters noob gamers from even using Hambats, Why use a Weapon that’s durability goes down over time with basic Spear will stay in your inventory until you need it?

Sure you can wait till you get where your wanting to deal combat and THEN craft a fresh Hambat, but now consider how damn slow it actually is to paddle a boat out to a point of interest- and how likely the Meat required for your Hambat will be spoiled.

To top that off- You’ll likely get Hungry on the Trip & before letting that Meat spoil you’d make some delicious tummy filling Meatballs.

This is EXACTLY what I was saying Originally: That Klei designs content for this game based on the “Skilled” Players, the Famous Youtubers & Twitch Streamers- And because of that: They expect the Average player of their game to have Done X, Y & Z and have certain items, Armors or Weapons when approaching the game and it’s Content.

But this Mindset is objectively FALSE and these Forums give off the Delusion that it’s the Norm, when in my experience for Myself & Observing others: This isn’t the case at all.

DST is an Open Sandbox game, the player can tackle any of the content with any tools available to their disposal and any wacky strategy they can possibly think of (that isn’t an exploit that gets patched out later..)

Unfortunately- famous Twitch streamers, Youtubers, The DS Wiki & these very forums only focus on the most efficient or “Meta” way of doing something- And that’s what Klei designs their game around.

However as I pointed out in another post- I’ve done every single task required in summoning the Celestial Champion, I have ALL the Alter parts, and all that’s left to do is to place them in Triangle Formation to start the Moonstorms-

I did this with as little as two eye masks, a few Darkswords, & a Lantern, NO Access to any type of food bundling items, I was playing as Wormwood living almost exclusively off of Redcaps, and Tents for Healing.

When I asked what weapons and armors I’m expected to use once I finally DO decide to summon the Boss- Peoples responses were items I have no freaking clue how to reasonably craft in bulk for the fight.

Such as Thelucite Armor & Clubs, or Bone Helms & Shields of Terror.

My point is that Klei has allowed this community to decide what the “Average” playing experience is meant to be.

So what is about to happen to Me is I am about to summon a boss I should’ve never been able to reach with my skill level & knowledge about the games weapons, armors & items..

But I’m here, and expected to have X, Y & Z when all along I’ve been winging through it with B.

Im aware I’m probably about to die- I just wanted to make a point about how easy it is to reach a point of the game where your expected to know X, Y & Z, and because Of YouTubers, Twitchers, Wiki pages & these Forums that’s just what the game is designed around now… but it’s not the “Average” playing experience, it in all honesty: Klei shouldn’t be designing content players can reach winging through it with Option B if their expected to had been using Z all along.

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22 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

but now consider how damn slow it actually is to paddle a boat out to a point of interest- and how likely the Meat required for your Hambat will be spoiled.

Drift wood oar and meat takes 6 days to spoil do you just do things randomly or do you actually plan for things? You find the biome first then take your equipment 

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11 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

Hambats aren’t really noob tier weapons, you have to A: Know how to reliably obtain pigskin to craft them. Which most players will be using to instead craft helmets for Armor since they’re not so good at Kiting.

4 monster meat = ham bat


11 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

B: Worry about a weapon Spoilage timer if you haven’t killed the Bee Queen for the game changing item that is Bundling wraps. Which deters noob gamers from even using Hambats, Why use a Weapon that’s durability goes down over time with basic Spear will stay in your inventory until you need it?

Sure you can wait till you get where your wanting to deal combat and THEN craft a fresh Hambat, but now consider how damn slow it actually is to paddle a boat out to a point of interest- and how likely the Meat required for your Hambat will be spoiled.

To top that off- You’ll likely get Hungry on the Trip & before letting that Meat spoil you’d make some delicious tummy filling Meatballs.

For 8 days, Ham Bat is better than a spear.
Huge strength is the main advantage of Ham Bat.
And 59 damage at the beginning of rotting

18 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

This is EXACTLY what I was saying Originally: That Klei designs content for this game based on the “Skilled” Players, the Famous Youtubers & Twitch Streamers- And because of that: They expect the Average player of their game to have Done X, Y & Z and have certain items, Armors or Weapons when approaching the game and it’s Content.

They make content for multiple players.
And let solo players look for other ways to solve problems.
Although the DST is not balanced even for 2 players.

30 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

To top that off- You’ll likely get Hungry on the Trip & before letting that Meat spoil you’d make some delicious tummy filling Meatballs.

Well, there's no problem with that.

I hope you noticed that there is a lot more food in DST than in DS?

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46 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

Hambats aren’t really noob tier weapons, you have to A: Know how to reliably obtain pigskin to craft them. Which most players will be using to instead craft helmets for Armor since they’re not so good at Kiting.

B: Worry about a weapon Spoilage timer if you haven’t killed the Bee Queen for the game changing item that is Bundling wraps. Which deters noob gamers from even using Hambats, Why use a Weapon that’s durability goes down over time with basic Spear will stay in your inventory until you need it?

Sure you can wait till you get where your wanting to deal combat and THEN craft a fresh Hambat, but now consider how damn slow it actually is to paddle a boat out to a point of interest- and how likely the Meat required for your Hambat will be spoiled.

To top that off- You’ll likely get Hungry on the Trip & before letting that Meat spoil you’d make some delicious tummy filling Meatballs.

This is EXACTLY what I was saying Originally: That Klei designs content for this game based on the “Skilled” Players, the Famous Youtubers & Twitch Streamers- And because of that: They expect the Average player of their game to have Done X, Y & Z and have certain items, Armors or Weapons when approaching the game and it’s Content.

But this Mindset is objectively FALSE and these Forums give off the Delusion that it’s the Norm, when in my experience for Myself & Observing others: This isn’t the case at all.

DST is an Open Sandbox game, the player can tackle any of the content with any tools available to their disposal and any wacky strategy they can possibly think of (that isn’t an exploit that gets patched out later..)

Unfortunately- famous Twitch streamers, Youtubers, The DS Wiki & these very forums only focus on the most efficient or “Meta” way of doing something- And that’s what Klei designs their game around.

However as I pointed out in another post- I’ve done every single task required in summoning the Celestial Champion, I have ALL the Alter parts, and all that’s left to do is to place them in Triangle Formation to start the Moonstorms-

I did this with as little as two eye masks, a few Darkswords, & a Lantern, NO Access to any type of food bundling items, I was playing as Wormwood living almost exclusively off of Redcaps, and Tents for Healing.

When I asked what weapons and armors I’m expected to use once I finally DO decide to summon the Boss- Peoples responses were items I have no freaking clue how to reasonably craft in bulk for the fight.

Such as Thelucite Armor & Clubs, or Bone Helms & Shields of Terror.

My point is that Klei has allowed this community to decide what the “Average” playing experience is meant to be.

So what is about to happen to Me is I am about to summon a boss I should’ve never been able to reach with my skill level & knowledge about the games weapons, armors & items..

But I’m here, and expected to have X, Y & Z when all along I’ve been winging through it with B.

Im aware I’m probably about to die- I just wanted to make a point about how easy it is to reach a point of the game where your expected to know X, Y & Z, and because Of YouTubers, Twitchers, Wiki pages & these Forums that’s just what the game is designed around now… but it’s not the “Average” playing experience, it in all honesty: Klei shouldn’t be designing content players can reach winging through it with Option B if their expected to had been using Z all along.

Yeah, it's not that deep Mike. You know how you look both ways before crossing a road? I think that's what they're trying to say. Just take your time with cookie cutters, it has nothing to do with a Hambat. I'm guessing after you switched to Wormwood you realised it's not as simple as it is with Wendy, she's really good but she teaches very bad habits.

Like, I'm never gonna craft a hambat to fight cookie cutters specifically, i'll use what i have, thats probably a spear if its all i have on me.

19 minutes ago, Hungry French said:

4 monster meat = ham bat


For 8 days, Ham Bat is better than a spear.
Huge strength is the main advantage of Ham Bat.
And 59 damage at the beginning of rotting

They make content for multiple players.
And let solo players look for other ways to solve problems.
Although the DST is not balanced even for 2 players.

Well, there's no problem with that.

I hope you noticed that there is a lot more food in DST than in DS?

Hungry French, I love this post. Very reasonable points. I love your passion but this is lovely to see :P Hope you're alright friend :)

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8 minutes ago, Uedo said:

I'm never gonna craft a hambat to fight cookie cutters specifically, i'll use what i have, thats probably a spear if its all i have on me.

Gigachads farm and use malbatross bills specifically to fight cookie cutters.

Edited by BalkanCockroach
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51 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

However as I pointed out in another post- I’ve done every single task required in summoning the Celestial Champion, I have ALL the Alter parts, and all that’s left to do is to place them in Triangle Formation to start the Moonstorms-

I did this with as little as two eye masks, a few Darkswords, & a Lantern, NO Access to any type of food bundling items, I was playing as Wormwood living almost exclusively off of Redcaps, and Tents for Healing.

When I asked what weapons and armors I’m expected to use once I finally DO decide to summon the Boss- Peoples responses were items I have no freaking clue how to reasonably craft in bulk for the fight.

Such as Thelucite Armor & Clubs, or Bone Helms & Shields of Terror.

Don't worry about CC for now, I'd recommend for the moonstorms bramble armour (as you're wormwood) and you'll want something for the moonstorm slow/vision effects, If you've enabled rifts i think Brightshade helm works? If not, I'd recommend desert goggles, you can use Astro-goggles but they're not the best imo, probably more awkward to get (only if you've already got the blueprint for desert goggles). 

In the moonstorms, you'll find wagstaff (who will have a marker on the screen if you're wearing astro-goggles), keep following him and then protect him from birds whilst you give him the tools he requires (it's really frustrating, the invention he's working on CAN be destroyed which will end the event early with no reward, i'm not going to lie, it's very annoying and you might get sick of it - stick with it, CC is worth it) complete that and you'll get some blueprints (you can make an incomplete experiment and place it on the glowing energy that gets created when you've assembled the altars in that triangle you mentioned). I can't remember the full list of resources you'll need to complete the experiment, but you'll have to do the wagstaff event a few times, you need lots of Infused Moon Glass (You get this from the crystals left on the floor after a lightning strike inside they moonstorm - they happen a lot, so just keep looking) you will also need Moongleams (find them floating in moonstorms, they hurt you periodically but you can catch them with a bug net) and eventually you'll also need the celestial orb. 

Assemble the experiment (the final step is the one with the celestial orb, so don't complete it unless you're ready for CC - or are planning to summon it and leave for the time being). For CC i'd really agree with others and ideally have a bone armour or two. If you're worried about getting thulecite stuff, use some Night Armours and dark swords (that'll help with sanity too - you WANT to have low enlightment to avoid Gesthalts complicating things as you're fighting.) People suggest the Bone Helm cause it'll keep you insane 100% of the time, you could use a nightmare amulet if you wanted to but having a lot of them is very expensive. Other than that i'd recommend sanity reducing things, one suggestion is having a lazy deserter nearby, not done that myself but i see no reason why that'd not work - CC is kinda nice in that you can get far away without him attacking or regening his health, you could use the deserter then. It's important not to over-commit to CC, you can leave at any time and the fight can realistically allow you some breaks (each time you kill a phase, you can leave and regroup if needed - he won't go back to a previous phase and he doesn't respawn.) 

As Wormwood you have a few tricks (it's really not cheese, not that i've done it) the perk which resets bramble traps really helps with phase 2 especially (won't work for phase 3 at all) you can make a small boat bridge and make CC keep running into the traps that'll constantly reset.    

I truly hope that helps Mike. It's a bit daunting to do it for the first couple of times but the Crown is sooooooo worth the effort.

(TL;DR - Switch to Maxwell, take 80 nightmare fuel and have fun reading.)

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9 hours ago, Ardcrumb said:

Plus, the fuel weaver and cc quests are the most obtuse quests I've ever seen in a game, please tell me how someone is supposed to figure it out with no outside help.

I believe the main gameplay loop of dst is to go on multiplayer servers and learn from there. Ender dragon from minecraft is even more obtuse, though everyone knows how to do it anyway because of the spread of word.

(Not saying the game should not hint more, or it should be impossible to find out yourself)

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2 minutes ago, BalkanCockroach said:

A place where a game company called Klei Entertainment has a forums type website, which people who "don't have time" complain about their game 24/7 because their previous title is finished and isn't reveiving updates. Here ya go.

WoW. The Internet is full of unusual people. He probably has his own reasons why he wants the previous game to be supported.

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7 minutes ago, Hungry French said:

WoW. The Internet is full of unusual people. He probably has his own reasons why he wants the previous game to be supported.

Probably not. Or dumb reasons that take resources and time that should be used on DST.

Edited by BalkanCockroach
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2 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

The DS Wiki & these very forums only focus on the most efficient or “Meta” way of doing something

last time i've checked wiki garland page suggests sharing garlands between players to avoid picking too many flowers and immediately making top hats when you get silk 

Edited by grm9
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2 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

Why use a Weapon that’s durability goes down over time with basic Spear will stay in your inventory until you need it?

because it has more damage than spear for over 8.5 days 

2 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

Sure you can wait till you get where your wanting to deal combat and THEN craft a fresh Hambat, but now consider how damn slow it actually is to paddle a boat out to a point of interest- and how likely the Meat required for your Hambat will be spoiled.

are 6 days not enough considering that the freshness of the meat doesn't affect the freshness of the ham bat 

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10 minutes ago, grm9 said:

last time i've checked wiki garland page suggests sharing garlands between players to avoid picking too many flowers and immediately making top hats when you get silk 

Gigachads get enlightened crown on day 1 before dawn (this a joke i know ppl skip garlands cause they aren't good).

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