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Add spark ark to klaus loot table

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It should be added to Lunar Klaus if and when we get him to be a bit more fair!

Only having to Fight Klaus for a Spark Ark instead of Lunar Varg, Bearger AND Deerclops seems a bit too good. I know many players are advocating/asking for the Ark to be more easily obtained than having to fight all 3 lunar bosses each time and I do agree but I don't know if you should get one from just Klaus. Lunar Klaus fo sho though, maybe it could be a 50% chance to drop separate from his other drops.

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I think klaus should have his deer mutate instead of he himself. The red deer could be the shadow one and the blue deer could be lunar and the trick is, the two only cooperate so much...

You have to use their own mechanics against them.

I can't flesh my idea out in depth because I'm not a game designer, but I prefer it to having Klaus himself having a transformation. 


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4 minutes ago, chirsg said:

I think klaus should have his deer mutate instead of he himself. The red deer could be the shadow one and the blue deer could be lunar and the trick is, the two only cooperate so much...

You have to use their own mechanics against them.

I can't flesh my idea out in depth because I'm not a game designer, but I prefer it to having Klaus himself having a transformation. 


Klaus reviving yet again seems funnier, do both.

Also shadows lurk in the caves.

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23 minutes ago, chirsg said:

I think klaus should have his deer mutate instead of he himself. The red deer could be the shadow one and the blue deer could be lunar and the trick is, the two only cooperate so much...

You have to use their own mechanics against them.

I can't flesh my idea out in depth because I'm not a game designer, but I prefer it to having Klaus himself having a transformation. 


Datamined spoilers for the next Update, I recomend you to see with caution:




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41 minutes ago, -Variant said:

Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me.

I NEED a Horror Gem Deer now. PLEASE!

Gem deer are my favorite, a moon Variant would be sick!!

While super cute gem deer are evil little buggers, when you reposition badly against Klaus and they get a hit in it makes me angry.

Worse is when you get the final blow on Klaus and your character automatically goes in to attack them and they both get a final hit in before dropping their collars and gems and becoming passive... I've died twice to that over the years after gruelling battles with Klaus first winter.. I'm much much better at fighting and kiting him now but I still remember those deaths..

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Not to rain on everyone's parade but I have a feeling that only select mobs/bosses will be getting lunar possessed variants and I feel like Klaus wouldn't be in the running. I'm not fully sure why I suspect this, maybe it's because he's particularly Xmas-themed and seasonal but also a raid boss. I almost consider him noncanon to the survivor's survival in the constant. Maybe it's also the fact that he has no unique item that he drops the way that all other bosses do, such as Deerclops eyeball, Moose/Goose down feathers, Ant Lion desert stones, and Bearger thick fur. (krampus sack doesn't count for him because it's just part of the loot table and not uniquely his :P) 

Not to say a lunar Klaus wouldn't look cool and lead to fun mechanics (he's one of my favorite boss fights in the game currently).

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