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DST shipwrecked (and maybe hamlet)

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I prefer SW and HAM over RoG and base game. And since DST is basically improved RoG with multiplayer why not make SW and HAM dlcs for DST. It would also be a good way to make some more money. Cause a lot of people would buy those.

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2 minutes ago, . . . said:

dlc for dst which isn't aesthetic only or character would suck unless they make it so your friends could join your dlc world even if they dont have the dlc like in payday 2

Minecraft dlc is also done so only the host needs to own it but anyone can join and play.

Hell It Takes Two allows you to invite a friend who does not own the game to play through the entire game with you as long as you own it.

Klei stated they did not want to further separate their fanbase between who owns/doesn’t own expansions- but if only one player needed to own while others can join in and play- it wouldn’t separate them.

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1 hour ago, Mike23Ua said:

Klei stated they did not want to further separate their fanbase between who owns/doesn’t own expansions- but if only one player needed to own while others can join in and play- it wouldn’t separate them.

Yep, exactly

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On 7/24/2022 at 5:20 AM, QuartzBeam said:

Cause they're a tad busy working on original content.

Pretty sure if ONE guy could make a Shipwrecked Mod, that Klei can hire like 4-5 people who’s entire job is to work exclusively on Shipwrecked/Hamlet compatibility with DST, while the rest of the dev team continues with their uninterrupted schedules.

As much as I love the newer content Klei’s been adding to DST it doesn’t quite have that same magic feeling of starting over needing to relearn the entire game all over again with new resources, biomes, mobs, and weather mechanics.

Now here’s the sad truth: Because I absolutely suck at Solo DS and average living maybe 50-75 days before something helps me meet my demise- Any of the really cool stuff I craft, build or discover ends up instantly deleted due to DS being a YOLO Simulator- Where as with DST I can “Practice” and “Learn at my own Pace” through rolling my worlds back when I die, or just playing on “Endless” settings- I bought these two DLC expansions and have barely even touched them because unlike DST- Where I can be revived in a multitude of ways (including by other players) once I die in Solo DS Walani can say good-bye to her beautifully renovated Hamlet Home-


This house no longer exists because Walani got murdered by some ugly cave dwelling bug.

Meanwhile over in DST: I have this Massive Carnival full of games and attractions that will only continue to get bigger each year Klei adds to the Cawnival-


(this is an outdated Gif because there’s now a few more carnival games and decorations added to it)

Now unlike Walani’s small house- This Carnival will exist forever in Endless Mode, or until I grow incredibly bored and delete my game save file to start a new world.

There could literally be any number of reasons why people want to play Shipwrecked/Hamlet Together with friends.

For me: I enjoy having a game I can play completely alone, but IF a friend or Family member wants to join in they can, I enjoy being able to invest hours into building a huge pretty base without Don’t Starves extreme punishment of deleting all your game progress, I’ve also invested probably a small fortune into skins for DST.. 

So even though I OWN Shipwrecked and Hamlet.. it is really really hard to go back to playing those-

1- Without friends.

2- Without Endless Mode/Rollbacks.

3- Without the boatload of skins I have bought/earned.

There has to be a REASON why so many people beg Klei for SW/Ham compatibility with DST right???

And heck who knows- If buying those DLCs were actually compatible with DST, Klei might even see a massive spike in DLC sales.

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