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Wortox Postman

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Hi guys, I really liked the changes we had in the Beta, especially Wortox which now covers a very cool niche, although I don't play with it and I don't intend to play it, but I believe it still lacks things to make it more interesting, so my suggestion would be to give Wortox the ability to teleport only items across the map, with the reduced cost of souls, filling a niche that is missing in the DST or delivery man, being able to even send several items at once, with the wax packaging, which for me would be very cool and would be a real delivery service.

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Just now, Trevindo said:

filling a niche that is missing in the DST or delivery man, being able to even send several items at once

That would be extremely fun, if there was something that I was a just a tiny bit little saddened by when Wanda released. It was not being able to put items through her time rift like you can with Wormholes, would have at the very least given it a use in single-player other than transporting statues as her.

Applying this to Wortox would be really cool! I have always fantasized about 'airdropping' resources to a base or a point of interest from far away without having to go there myself.

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5 hours ago, Trevindo said:

Hi guys, I really liked the changes we had in the Beta, especially Wortox which now covers a very cool niche, although I don't play with it and I don't intend to play it, but I believe it still lacks things to make it more interesting, so my suggestion would be to give Wortox the ability to teleport only items across the map, with the reduced cost of souls, filling a niche that is missing in the DST or delivery man, being able to even send several items at once, with the wax packaging, which for me would be very cool and would be a real delivery service.

HAHA Klei responds by letting him teleport other players without consent

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This would be amazing, especially in coop play. Oh your friend is out chopping but their axe broke? Send em one! They're out of food? Delivery incoming! Inventory full? Just send some stuff back home! And teleport spiders! Why? Why not! They are an inventory item after all!

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4 hours ago, Parusoid said:

For those who dont know you can already send items with the help of telelocator staff

The problem with the telelocator in my opinion is that it is very expensive to send items (3 purple gems + staff duration), serving more to move creatures. Also if we are going to use this as an argument, the wanda's teleport should not exist since it already has in the game or the short distance teleport of Wortox, since there is the staff "The Lazy Explorer" or Walter's dog, since it already exists the Beefalos...

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