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Wickerbottom's choices compared to winona

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Wickerbottom gets 16 unique books (2 are just upgraded versions) meanwhile Winona has 2 power sources, 1 cruddy utility, and the catapult.


Warly gets 4 dishes with unique effects, 4 spices, and the 2 temperature dishes

It's just that since wicker has gotten a huge expansion to her arsenal to have more options to affect the world as a whole. 

I'd hope for new options to the other 2 characters that rely solely on their kit so that they more ways to have an impact.

Tldr: need more Winona machines and warly dishes/seasonings

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Winona has more then Willow, who just has a Lighter & Teddy Bear.

But I like the development approach Klei has been taking lately, tweaking and updating old characters or already reworked characters.

If an Update can benefit or even hinder a survivor- LET IT!

The more “Unique” they will become over time & updates.

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9 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

But I like the development approach Klei has been taking lately, tweaking and updating old characters or already reworked characters.

That's the thing. Tweaks and QoL changes wouldn't be enough for Willow, Winona and Woodie. They all need sequels to their reworks. 

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8 minutes ago, xhyom said:

Why do you feel the need to do this on every topic

Do what, agree with a thread and add my own related opinions? Because that's what forums are for. The real question is why you feel the need to leave off topic unconstructive ad hominem on every topic like you are now. 

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18 minutes ago, Cheggf said:

So what, agree with a thread and add my own related opinions? Because that's what forums are for. The real question is why you feel the need to leave off topic unconstructive ad hominem on every topic like you are now. 

What's constructive about being ironic about everything people say? He's talking about Warly and Winona which are not known for being STRONG like Wolfgang and Wanda, what those two has to do with anything he said?

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16 minutes ago, xhyom said:

What's constructive about being ironic about everything people say?

Who's being ironic? 

17 minutes ago, xhyom said:

He's talking about Warly and Winona which are not known for being STRONG like Wolfgang and Wanda

What forums have you been going to and what game are you playing? 

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25 minutes ago, xhyom said:

What's constructive about being ironic about everything people say? He's talking about Warly and Winona which are not known for being STRONG

You had me up to here....

30 minutes ago, Cheggf said:

Do what, agree with a thread and add my own related opinions? Because that's what forums are for. The real question is why you feel the need to leave off topic unconstructive ad hominem on every topic like you are now. 

Can't tell if It's inception level layers of sarcasm - Futurama Fry | Meme  Generator

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I see what you mean with 16 unique books but some of them are relatively useless. Of the new ones the majors that stood out were Full Moon Control, Bee Summons, Rain Control, Fish Summon, Fire Control (Rip Willow), and the Light Source. Oh you also have the old ones that are useful which is Tentacles and the resource renewal, Silviculture or something. Which is 8. I think the major issue with Wickerbottom is her lack of any major downside. Warly, for instance has his food pickyness he has to worry about. In practice for hunger this isn't really a big deal but if you are ill prepared or forget to bring a crockpot (i've done it before, we all have I know it) then this downside is actually really stressful. Which is awesome! It is why I love playing Warly. As far as his unique crafts I think the 8 are enough. The Honey Crystals alone are enough to justify me playing him. The garlic seems a little weak considering it applies after armor reduction instead of before. The chilly flakes are static damage boost, and the salt is great just too tedious to farm to actually utilize. The 6 food items (that aren't just food) are nice though for me the only ones I really use the Wetness Protection, Light source (only while underground), and the Volt-goat jelly.

I think Wickerbottom needs a downside that affects her gameplay. At least for my preference of playstyle. She has enough books since the rework to be interesting I feel. Currently she feels like Wilson+ which, meh. Not my thing.

Winona. yeah she needs an actual downside as well as one or two more construables. They don't need to be major just something as simple as a Voxola Radio that can be used to automatically tend crops (kind of like the thing we see in the RWYS update trailer Wes uses hint hint). Then maybe also some other utility. Her Spotlight needs a buff or a rework. I think it would be really cool if the spotlight highlighted enemies that are near by causing them to take more damage or focus on the player with a larger radius, either or.
So many possibilities for her.

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19 hours ago, Cloakingsumo198 said:

Warly gets 4 dishes with unique effects, 4 spices, and the 2 temperature dishes

If even that. Wicker's new wetness book makes his frogbowl dish less useful than before. Both Winona and Warly are not strong characters outside of their crafts and every argument as to why they shouldn't get more to their kit has never made sense. The literal best argument I've seen was "they don't need it", and even that is super weak.

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