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What's the thing about don't starve you hate the most and why?

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2 hours ago, prettynuggets said:

there is no maximal amount of followers allowed player could hire (?)
its pain to have several player play as webber and wurt walking around with hoard of army damaging server with unnecessary lag 

There is this thing that ants do where they hold themselfes together to make themselfes more durable or to cross a gap. Since spiders live the same way that ants do I can see klei adding something like this where spiders hold themself together to fight something so that they turn into a single entity and lag the game less.

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20 hours ago, Cheggf said:

Noob bees make fake honey. 

but apparently their honeycombs can make bundling wrap

I mean I guess it's not a bad trade off but me personally I'd prefer rotting honeywraps over honey that gets stale after a season

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Batilisks are a pain. The double Rabbit Hutch setup works pretty well I've found though.

Splumonkeys chasing you for four to six minutes is kind of a pain. They can be countered by walling in all the pods. It's just kind of annoying that it's either that or "sit there and wait for the cycle to end".

Statue placement, even with mods is tedious. I get the potential for cheese, but it's also just hard to deal with the Moon Caller Event without them, or to wall in inconveniently placed MacTusk camps...

The storage system is kind of frustrating as a solo player. I've watched many playthroughs and usually people don't even really build chests until the second Autumn. Now if you have multiple players or a Woodie or Maxwell on your server it's not that big of a deal. I do wish we had the option to make larger chests (as in more item slots), so they end up taking less space and needing less feather pencils. I've even seen players resort to using backpacks as storage for turfs to save on wood.

Also, Moosegoose nests. I have one next to my base after I already moved it away from a Mactusk camp... They're harmless for now, but I might wall in the nest with some statues and anenemies at some point.

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21 minutes ago, cybers2001 said:

Bundling wrap. I'm so sick of bundling, unbundling, bundling...

Just give us more ways to extend the life of foods already.

How about if we can use the jars to make pickled foods?

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24 minutes ago, Flarezen said:

How about if we can use the jars to make pickled foods?

I like the idea of a salt shaker like the gorge, which would give more incentive to farm salt, and it wouldn't result in changing existing food recipes. Though I'm all for more variety! Could be an alternate recipe that trades some of the food's stats for slower expiration.

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