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Noob Smart Battery Question

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Hey Pals! 
I am still fairly new to ONI, and I have been working to try and improve my power production, I moved stuff around and was trying some new ideas. I THINK this battery worked at one point, but now it isn't. I deconstructed it and rebuilt it and it still is not working. Is there something I have wrong here? ANY input or suggestions are very appreciated. I know its an ugly mess but I am getting better, you should have seen my last set up :D 


Screenshot (2)_LI.jpg

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*squints* Nope, no idea.

But I do see a little bit of normal wire going into your coal genny so you can fix that meanwhile!

Also, there's actually no reason to use the Heavi wire for a setup like this, with 1 coal generator you can use normal wire - it carries up to 1k, with 3 of them you can use the conductive wire which goes up to 2k. Keep in mind that it only counts active power use - for instance you could have say 30 pumps connected with 1 flimsy wire without overcharge provided only 4 of them worked at a time :) The heavy thick wire is really only useful for powerful setups with lots of generators where the charge leaving them is consistently over 2k.

95% sure I'm not wrong. 5% in case I am in which case someone please correct me :D But while my base is in shambles in many ways, my power grids have been stable for a long time so it should check out. Cheers and I'm curious what's the deal with this battery too. I don't see why it shouldn't work.

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The battery should be working fine. The most likely explanation is that the power production can no longer keep up with the consumption as seen in the yellow circled transformer.

Do take into account the fact that you're trying to feed 2x 1000w power transformers but have only connected a single coal generator that can only produce up to 600w worth of sparks. An easy way to find out about this is by checking the uptime percentage in the generator's properties window.

I assume you're also automating the coal generator, this can be finicky. I foresee some fun with sliders and percentages in your future. The coal generator will produce a refill errand by the time it's on the last 100kg of internal storage and then check the battery charge status, the refill errand will remain active if there is no conflict with the battery charge percentage until a dupe comes along with some coal.

Note that "some" coal is not the same as all needed coal to top off the coal gen's storage. A nearby storage bin can help...


There are some recommendations to look at besides consumption:


Red arrows indicate non-healthy connections. There is a mix of high and low capacity wires on the line. It's best to settle on a single type of wire on any given power "network". In your case, there are 3 types of wire. Given the fact that there are only 2 transformers you can easily swap it all out for regular conductive wire instead of the thick-decor killer heavy watt wire.

If you still want to keep the heavy watt wire, then remove the conductive bridge on the left and place a heavy watt joint plate in the green square, for example. Trim any excess heavy watt.

Whichever choice you make, please remember to swap out the regular wire highlighted by the red arrow to the right.

Hope this helps.

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11 hours ago, jills2211 said:

I THINK this battery worked at one point, but now it isn't.

What exactly isn`t working about the battery? In the screenshot it looks empty so should produce a green signal. I can`t tell what the automation is connected to - i assume to the generator. So the generator should be working at least until the battery reaches 89% charge then turn off untill the battery falls below 52%.

As others mentioned the single generator might not be enough to power everything so the battery is always at 0. You need more generators to keep up with the demand or disable some machines that eat all the power.

Might be also a broken automation wire. If it`s not connected to the battery properly it defaults to red and keeps the generator disabled all the time.

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As said, your wiring is messed up. You could run that coal generator on a single regular wire, but there is no reason to hook up two transformers to it. For up to 2kW you can use conductive wire. And only beyond that heavy watt wire (or if you don't have refined metal). Heavy watt wire would be appropriate if you use have several coal generators in a row. And then the transformers to distribute that among several 1kW subnets.

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14 hours ago, Steve8 said:

You could run that coal generator on a single regular wire

you not know why he needs that tho. this kind system what he have can be also used as backup, also maybe he plan build that bigger or maybe it was bigger, another why he use 20kw wire is because maybe he not have yet the all the needed materjal, cheaper is build the 20kw that 2kw one

he does have there 2 transformers + battery, if he add there 1kw wire, it fill burn out at some-point when battery is full

2000w transformer does need 2kw wire as minimum

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The battery there acts just as an overflow-buffer, nothing more. 

Your single coal generator just produces 600W of power. The transfomer below can transfer up to 1000W to the secondary grid. If there is demand for >600W the transformer will just relay that available 600W for good, and nothing is left on the primary side for the battery to store. 

If you want a storage of power, either put batterys behind the transformer (they act then as single buffer for THIS line) or increase your power output by adding more generators. 


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6 hours ago, gabberworld said:

also maybe he plan build that bigger or maybe it was bigger

Yeah, but it's not really in a place where it can be expanded

Whatever it's supposed to be there should be some more thought into what it's supposed to do and how to to best realize that

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