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Let the moon caller staff grow crops.

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A little known fact as I've recently learned from a particularly useful video on youtube, the star caller staff causes crops to grow during the night. This makes sense, as it's like a sun, providing a ton of heat and light.

The moon caller staff is the natural counter part of the sun caller staff, except it's harder to obtain and it has 3 times as many uses. Sure, it makes less sense that the light of a cold polar staff would cause crops to grow... and moonlight doesn't either. but it's still a bright star. On the other hand Crops grow in winter, with them only caring about sunlight and their season-preference, rather than the cold, so why can't crops grow in the polar light?

If anything, at least winter crops should be able to grow under polar light, as to give more of an incentive to use the moon altar, or even just leave a staff in the altar and base around it.

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2 hours ago, Well-met said:

in real life moonlight is just sunlight being reflected on its surface so I don't mind this idea

Yes, but in the game, the "Moon" is a self-luminous shell for an eldritch god. Meaning it does not reflect sunlight.

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I mostly just almost never see the thing being used. it's a good deal of effort to get the staff, it would just extend the niche uses for it. Since sun-caller has comparatively a lot more niche usage.

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39 minutes ago, Ketrai said:

I mostly just almost never see the thing being used. it's a good deal of effort to get the staff, it would just extend the niche uses for it. Since sun-caller has comparatively a lot more niche usage.

50 uses, i think people use them a lot (maybe not in short worlds in pubs) since you have hours of light with just 1 staff. I actually use them more than star caller staffs 

The deal getting the staff is being able to gather tons of moonrock, moonrock statues or werepig+hounds loot plus a staff that cools you, gives sanity and light and have 50 uses

On 8/10/2021 at 4:14 AM, BezKa said:

Doesn't mooncaller staff actually summon Aurora Borealis, localized entirely in one small orb? 

Perfect for some steamed hams

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