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I think pairs of radios on the surface of the asteroids could have interesting potential. Essentially, they would serve as bridge connectors for automation between asteroids.

Consider this, set up radios up top and have your dupes line two of them up (by selecting from a menu). Then you can then send signals between the two bases. I think it would work well with the 4-channel inputs. That's plenty of signals to transmit, especially for the folks who pack meaning into the full 4 bits.

It can also get interesting if all transmissions from one asteroid are picked up by all the receivers on the second.

I'm picturing something that looks like the old TV satellite dishes and that rotates slowly over the course of a cycle, tracking its target.

Transmissions should not be instant. Effectively, they should run through a delay buffer based on the number of hexes between asteroids.

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In real life radio dishes can serve both purposes. I was proposing as a new building mostly to keep from overloading one with functions.

Getting a little ahead of things, I'd also like to see a receiving antenna built into a specialized bunker tile. After that, bring back space weather and make it hex based. Then, an observer on Base A could tell the poor systems on Base B that it is finally safe to open the shutters.

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I think it would be nice if we had both a sender and reciever antenna. The sender would have to be exposed to space to work and accept ribbon wires which would allow it to transmit on multiple channels. The reciver would be a 1x1 building allowing it to be placed inside rockets.

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Hello guys.

A few days ago, I released this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2361374172

At this moment it connects two initial asteroids with Warp Conduits using ribbon signal transmission. Currently, I am working on radio towers to send signals to more distant asteroids (I got the code, just need to work on some details)

If you want to send automation signals, feel free to check this mod :)

As always with mods, I hope KLEI would like the idea and implement it in the game. But I believe they have plenty of work with the DLC right now, so before that happens we are left with the mods :) 

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22 hours ago, ArchRylen said:

Cool. That does just what I was talking about.

I just updated above mod and introduced Radio Towers.

They are late game tech, unlocked with Multiplexing. When powered with 1200 W and exposed to space, they can broadcast and receive 4-bit ribbon signals. If multiple towers broadcast signals at the same time, detected signal will OR all of them just as connecting two logic wires. Unpowered and/or not exposed to space towers send and receive 0 signal.

By design I didn't add delay to the signal transmission, Green signal transmited from one tower will be received at instant in all towers, even on the other side of space hex map.

I also didn't want to add 1x1 radio receiver. Already existing mod Wireless Automation handles those and I didn't want to duplicate its scope. Also, I wanted to make big, power-heavy buildings to send signal across space, small radio receivers didn't fit that idea. I am also not sure - what would you like to automate inside flying rocket...?

If you like the idea - check out my mod and let me know if you have any feedback!

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While I do like the idea of ribbon-radio, it's not early game and does not fit all logistical purposes by itself.

Personally I would prefer some kind of 'per rocket data'. So that when 'rocket A' lands it sends a specific signal and gets loaded with iron, when 'rocket B' lands and sends different signal, it gets loaded with oxylite. Potentially with 'Asteroid A' setting signal for rocket and 'Asteroid B' reading said signal via some kind of rocket data writer and rocked data reader (reads complex rocket data/state, compares to set value and then emits regular based automation signal based on result).

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A buildable "Radio Mast" could provide audio to be received with the "Radio Jukebox" or the "Bakelit(e) Radio", perhaps as a neat idea.

There could be various music channels and a buildable "Dupe Stage" preseting DJ Dupista, the Dupelions Jazz Group, the Davarian Black Forrest Horn Blowers, the Dondon Symphonic Orchestra and the Metal Band Detallica playing their all time hit "And nothing else crashes".

The powerful "Radio Mast" also allows strong enough signal transmission to safely operate "Nr. 5 Dupe Robot" through radioactive map areas. :p

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