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Beequeen is imposible with walter solo.

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Good old cheese debate. Ofc he can kill her with bunnys, cheese or no cheese, it's an easy way to kill her with any character, but that's not the thread's point i think. 

And yes, BQ crown does have great uses for walter, it reverses sanity auras that would not effect him in the first place, making it arguably more usefull to him than anybody else. 

Walter's got some serious solo world issues: He needs beequeen crown to fight bosses, yet he cannot kill beequeen.

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There is one way to do it. After some testing I've found that Walter does NOT take the extra damage from bees (including the queen) when inside a Snurtle Shell Armor; You can land about 3 hits before needing to hide, but I've found it barely decreases DPS. If you can get around the Grumble Bees, you should be able to solo her with this method.

Here's a tiny bit of a video in my attempt to fight her with this setup. Regardless of the fact that I suck at fighting her, the Grumble Bees gave me the most trouble (trimmed for file size btw):

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48 minutes ago, Owlrus98 said:

There is one way to do it. After some testing I've found that Walter does NOT take the extra damage from bees (including the queen) when inside a Snurtle Shell Armor; You can land about 3 hits before needing to hide, but I've found it barely decreases DPS. If you can get around the Grumble Bees, you should be able to solo her with this method.

Here's a tiny bit of a video in my attempt to fight her with this setup. Regardless of the fact that I suck at fighting her, the Grumble Bees gave me the most trouble (trimmed for file size btw):


But in long term is so tedious to get that amount of shells everytime you want to fight her

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Ok, so people didn't like the blow dart method. 


This time I solo'd her using only the slingshot. Cursed rounds are probably cheaper even if the tentacles don't hit her, but people seem obsessed with marble rounds so I used those to get fewer complaints this time.


The total cost to kill her is a paltry 45 marble (but bring a few extra for misses), 0.12 green gems (because we need 6 uses of a single pan flute, so you can probably use the same free pan flute for both bee queen and dragonfly in a world), any good light source (so moggles work, but for the sake of recording I used several stars so the viewer could see the fight and not have the moggles filter on, fewer stars would work but I used 6 total), and then a little food and monster meat. Enjoy.


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 ive killed her with his sling only walters downside and sling is made specificly to make him kill bee queen from ranged from what i can say

yes u can kill her without getting hit a single time all u need to fight her is 3 monster meat at least 5 stacks of marble rounds some cursed bullets if u do have them gold rounds to finish the job i suggets ruins rushing and getting a magi a club and a starcaller and a stack of cursed bullets to shorten the fight as much as possible cuz 3 days or around 30 mins for a boss is not ideal to say the least

seems like i did it at the same time without knowing the other guy well great minds think alike then

i think mine is better tho it leaves room for more errors when the third phase hits


mine is panflute free

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On 6/18/2020 at 9:12 PM, Misuto said:

Ok, so people didn't like the blow dart method. 

People need to get over themselves.  Not everyone has to fight like Wolfgang.  If you get a slingshot that enables you to farm bird feathers pretty easily then there is no reason not to use blowdarts.  Slingshot is also great for clearing tentacles...  practically hand him blowdarts on a silver platter.  Might as well complain about dark sword lol

There are ways to defeat every boss that are completely character agnostic, therefore you can never complain about X character being unable to defeat Y boss.  Its just a player refusing to do what works b/c they don't *want* to.  Something is not bad just because you refuse to adapt and be resourceful.

This is part of why I will also propose cheese strats, and don't care what Wolfgang players say about them.  Sandbox survival games are not combat simulators, they are designed to give you the freedom to survive how you will.

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thing is walter is still a quite good character his sanity downside only comes into play in fw fight and his bee allergy can be countered by using slingshots so we are left with a character that has 66% speed beefalo that doesnt get effected by auras that has a ranged weapon not wolfgang or wortox level but its up there

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On 6/17/2020 at 1:33 PM, themightyone said:

But to me using built structures (walls for dfly, fence system for beequeen) or large mob groups to beat a boss , then its cheesing.

In my opinion, blocking Ancient Guardian is, using map edge to break Ancient Weaver's cage (which has been fixed) is, using buggy in-game behavior to violate original intention behind game design is cheese. Cheese usually refer to cheap method with high reward. For example:


Putting a lot of effort into building something grand and taking advantage of existing mechanism shouldn't be considered cheese, I think it's creativity and beautiful hard work. I know a lot of people simply just change to wickerbottom and use tentacle methods. And I also know friends who prefer to fight qb with just hambat and armors. But I'd have to say, none of them have abused the game mechanism.

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