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Can you beat bosses with wendy and abigail?

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For Klaus,keep her unsummoned during first phase(use her for the krampus wave if you want) and summon her unriled for the second phase.Klaus prioritizes you over her.She will hit and get hit by the deers,but if you fight as you would with any other character she will not get close to killing them.

But seriously,ornery beefalo rush is the way to go.Is easy once you know how to do it and it saves so much resources in all overworld fights. You can face tank every seasonal giant,you can skip the annoying fishing part of the antlion fight,you can facetank 3 spider queens in a row and every hound wave is a joke.And the best part is that it patches Wendy's biggest weakness:dealing with shadow creatures with your pathetic damage.

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About Klaus... if you are fine with doing the lureplant cheese, you can use Abigail against him. As long as you keep Abigail soothed and make sure not to target the lureplant yourself, her attacks will not damage the lureplant. Plus, Klaus's attack is especially weak against Abigail: he does a two swipe combo where each swipe only deals 75 damage (to non-players) and Abigail's shield completely neutralizes the second attack.

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So I finally managed to kill Bearger with Abigail but not in the way you would think.. I had to rely heavily upon using an ice staff to draw his Aggro without you know burning the entire forest down..

I didn’t want to use Abigail to draw Aggro because VS Bearger 2 strikes and she’s dead. The way I did it was to instead get Abigail to draw Aggro on nearby mobs, (Killer Bee Nest, Hounds, Merms etc..) and then I would intentionally move around until it positioned Abigail and the mobs she had angered right into Beargers path Abby still died at least twice with this Method but.. yeah.

Also I know by Meta I can just kite him through a forest until Treeguards spawn to deal with him... but Where’s the fun in THAT?!

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41 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

So I finally managed to kill Bearger with Abigail but not in the way you would think.. I had to rely heavily upon using an ice staff to draw his Aggro without you know burning the entire forest down..

I didn’t want to use Abigail to draw Aggro because VS Bearger 2 strikes and she’s dead. The way I did it was to instead get Abigail to draw Aggro on nearby mobs, (Killer Bee Nest, Hounds, Merms etc..) and then I would intentionally move around until it positioned Abigail and the mobs she had angered right into Beargers path Abby still died at least twice with this Method but.. yeah.

Also I know by Meta I can just kite him through a forest until Treeguards spawn to deal with him... but Where’s the fun in THAT?!

the fun of getting more wood that you will need in 400 days without sweat xD

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Now while I don't play Wendy, I do now wether or wether not to call for Abigail's aid. For the Deerclops, she's always going to help, and will almost always be alive when the Deerclops dies if you decide to help her. That's because she's more powerful during night, and the Deerclops usually like invite himself into your world during night. 

For Bearger, it is almost always a no-no for Abigail. Bearger does a significant amount a damage compared to other bosses, and his attacks are AOE, so even if you rile Abigail up and use potions, she will almost always never make it out.

For Moose Goose, I suggest keeping her until the Mooslings enrage. The Moose Goose herself isn't that big of an issue, but since Abigail is almost always going to do better when it is hordes of mobs, she will make quick work of all the Mooslings.

For other raid bosses, I don't really know. For Dragonfly I see that she could be helpful for the Lavea, but chances are that you're using a method that blocks them out, and almost ever method I've seen either traps or keeps the Lavea out, so using Abigail would seem like a waste there. For the Grumblebees during the Bee Queen fight, I can also see her keeping them at bay while you focus on the queen herself, but chances are that she'll continuously kill them, causing the Bee Queen to spawn in more, and it just seems like she would make the job easier rather than easier. For the Toadstool fight, I don't really know.

I dunno, the easiest thing for you to do is to experiment for yourself, try stuff out, and see where she's helpful and where she's not. Apart from bosses, Abigail seems to be extremely helpful during hound waves, frog rain, and blending mobs so Wortox can get access to souls extremely fast. Dunno if that would help you, but just experiment for yourself. :)

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If you are using any wall method using Abi is a no brainer for DF,she will almost never get targeted and she boosts your damage and your teammates.You can even rile her up when she goes for the lavae spawn so when DF comes back she hits her first and tank the first hit.

Beequeen is easy thanks to abigail. In my sloppy solo kills you need around 4 hats,hambat around 20 pierogis worth of healing 2-3 cure alls and 2-3 nightshades nostrum to solo her.

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Abigail can work just fine against Dragonfly (do your arena and have her on stand-by, give her the Nightshade Nostrum) and Bee Queen (get like 7 Cure-Alls and leave her to the grumble bees while you take on the Queen. I don't use her for Deerclops or Bearger, but I figure she'd be useful for Moose.

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