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Let us choose Bernie/Abigail skin

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It would be really really nice QoL fix to allow us the option of freely changing the Bernie/Abigail skin while in game, for those of us who have alternative skins. Or let us be able to choose which skin to start out with in the character select menu. It's really frustrating to have to use resources and time to make a completely new Bernie/Abigail just so we can use the skin that we would like, especially since I don't usually need to make a new one, so letting us choose the skin we start out wiht for these companions would be really awesome and so much more convenient and allows us to actually use the skin we like more often. (This could also be applied to Willow's lighter skin - these items that we dont usually make more than one of for a while.)

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What I'd love is an option in the character select screen, if you have skins for certain items characters start with(such as the lighter and bernie for Willow, abigail's flower for Wendy and the battle spear and helm for Wigfrid) then you can select those skins for those items. I do hope klei considers something like this.


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If you guys have no problems about using mods, you can use this one:


Allows you to change the skin of everything with a single click of your mouse, but you need to have it.

But this idea is not bad at all, if possible would be really nice, i agree.

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Yeah, I know about the skin staff mod, and while it's a really great mod for personal servers, I like playing on public vanilla servers a lot too and we don't have any option to freelychange skins there :( 

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6 minutes ago, ooheee said:

Yeah, I know about the skin staff mod, and while it's a really great mod for personal servers, I like playing on public vanilla servers a lot too and we don't have any option to freelychange skins there :( 

That's true, I support the idea of this change

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It makes more sense to choose a skin upon crafting an item. If you want a pure sandbox experience where you are able to customize everything without actually having to pay attention to the survival aspect of the game you can use a mod or console commands, no..? Crafting one more Bernie is not a huge ordeal, even on a public server, and this comes from an unremarkable Willow player. Implementing this suggestion would certainly require developer resources and time without adding any tangible benefit to the game.

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43 minutes ago, Captain_Rage said:

It makes more sense to choose a skin upon crafting an item. If you want a pure sandbox experience where you are able to customize everything without actually having to pay attention to the survival aspect of the game you can use a mod or console commands, no..? Crafting one more Bernie is not a huge ordeal, even on a public server, and this comes from an unremarkable Willow player. Implementing this suggestion would certainly require developer resources and time without adding any tangible benefit to the game.

I agree that there are higher priorities for them, but it is still good to leave the request made. At some point that they are more available, it's possible to consider doing It.

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There’s a Belongings tab in the main menus. Currently all it acts as is a Checklist for what you do and don’t have.

Why cant I select the belonging skins I want to start with in this menu? Super easy and I don’t got to go get Nightmare Fuel and Mourning Glory to turn Abigail into her Survivor skin.


What I would LOVE is an option to “Lock” skins, so you do not accidentally unravel something you wanted to keep.

And Yeah I have accidentally unraveled stuff I wanted to keep, because I was looking at the item I wanted to Unravel, but the game still had my Unravel button on something I wanted to keep.. Its happened more than once.

But unlike most people who would come here and complain demanding Klei give it back.. I will instead politely ask can I please have a LOCK Option on stuff I don’t want to ever Unravel?

Thanks <3333

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