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Celestial Orb

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I am with my friend in a world around day  130. We really want to switch characters to improve our resource gathering but the celestial orb didn't falled yet(i saw  on  wiki that it falls on the first meteor shower). 

There  is two rocklands close to our base and there are meteor showers  on a biome(without turfs) next to them. I already checked this area a lot of times, mined the rocks that were around it and the smooth meteor boulder just don't spawns

Is there more than one area that can have meteor showers? 

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There can either be one or two meteorite biomes in your world, they do not have any turf on them. It's pretty unlikely not to find the Celestial Orb after day 130.

Do moonrock meteorites still spawn on your meteorite biome? If so, then there must be a second meteorite biome you didn't find yet.

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I didn't have one spawn until at least day 240 in one of my worlds. It seems there's a certain chance that it will spawn during each meteor shower, and as time goes by accumulated chance of having it spawned in the world gradually grows to 100% while never actually reaching it. It just seems you're being extremely unlucky (but not as unlucky as I was) and will have to wait longer.

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Open up the command console (The ` key) and type:

c_countprefabs "rock_moon_shell"

Open up the console again and it will let you know if it spawned in or not. There's no point in wasting a large amount of time searching for something that might not exist yet.

Although, if you're super desperate, you could just spawn in the orb.

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