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Monstra tartar is not that bad

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I'm a Warly main, and I love tried to eat different food from the Constant, and in my journeys to far places I usually bring with me some berries, monster meat and eggs. While traveling I collect some mush. So I discovered a personal strategy: Cook a Monstra tartar and then any healing item like pirogi. It will make your Warly long journeys easier to compact, and you won't need to carry a ton of ingredients, even bad things can be used for good!

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Instead of making Monster Tartare from 2x Monster Meat and 2x any filler, you could also hunt down a Koalefant, collect the meat, and make Meaty Stew from 2x Meat, 1x Monster Meat, 1x any filler. If you have the eggs for the Pierogi, then you can use the eggs as the any filler in Meaty Stew, more eggs can be gained by turning the Monster Meat you have into eggs. Meaty Stew restores +86.75 Hunger, +32 Health, +25 Sanity compared to Monster Tartare, and with the pierogi you'll restore more than 180 hunger, which allows you to repeat these dishes in 2 days without penalties.

Perhaps Monster Tartare isn't a bad food due to the amount of hunger it restores, but right now there are better foods which turn Monster Tartare bad again.

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Monster tartare is a niche food, I think its a cheap way to keep a starving Warly, a Wigfrid or a Webber well fed if resources are running low. The fact that only Warly can make it also makes it a situational item. 


-Warly because its a good way to get a cheap and decent amount of hunger, and make something different if most food available you have is monster meat. You can pair it with bacon and eggs, pierogi and meatballs and survive out of very poor quality ingredients for a while.

- Webber because he gets no penalty from it, and since he gathers tons of MM its probably an okay thing warly can make for him, saving other better foods for himself or others.

- Wigfrid takes less damage from it, and she can quickly negate its ill effects fighting anything, even spiders.


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42 minutes ago, ShadowDuelist said:

Monster tartare is a niche food, I think its a cheap way to keep a starving Warly, a Wigfrid or a Webber well fed if resources are running low. The fact that only Warly can make it also makes it a situational item. 

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-Warly because its a good way to get a cheap and decent amount of hunger, and make something different if most food available you have is monster meat. You can pair it with bacon and eggs, pierogi and meatballs and survive out of very poor quality ingredients for a while.

- Webber because he gets no penalty from it, and since he gathers tons of MM its probably an okay thing warly can make for him, saving other better foods for himself or others.

- Wigfrid takes less damage from it, and she can quickly negate its ill effects fighting anything, even spiders.


If you’re not Warly, you should go with cooked mon meat; even Warly would prefer that, but he can’t eat it. If you’re desperate enough to gamble, the 50/50 mon lasagna/bacon and eggs on standard crockpot averages better results than tartare.

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19 minutes ago, Ezaroth said:

Just eat 2 meatballs.

Warly has a downside where he gets less hunger from food he eats repeatedly. Also, 2 meatballs would require 6 filler as opposed to 2 for a monster tartare. I don't think OP is trying to say monster tartare is better than anything, just that it's not bad, especially for Warly who values variation in the food he eats. It gives a decent amount of hunger and its penalties are easy enough to heal off.

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9 hours ago, Electroely said:

Warly has a downside where he gets less hunger from food he eats repeatedly. Also, 2 meatballs would require 6 filler as opposed to 2 for a monster tartare. I don't think OP is trying to say monster tartare is better than anything, just that it's not bad, especially for Warly who values variation in the food he eats. It gives a decent amount of hunger and its penalties are easy enough to heal off.

10% reduction is next to nothing, still more hunger than Monster Tartare + Pierogi. Also, filler is easier than needing specific ingredients like egg and veggie. Monster Tartare is bad because it's just a meatball that damages you, eating a second or third meatballs still gives more nett value.

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