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From the lore, what should be the most dangerous and catastrophic characters?

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1 hour ago, Zhuzha said:

Could've sworn I've seen it on this very forum.But then again, maybe it was just fan speculation.

I mean, that one doesn't make sense. I've never heard that theory either, but Wilson's been harassed by Giants (at least Deerclops) before he even made it to the Throne Room. 

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1 hour ago, -Variant said:

I mean, that one doesn't make sense. I've never heard that theory either, but Wilson's been harassed by Giants (at least Deerclops) before he even made it to the Throne Room. 

Well technically Reign of Giants is a configurable DLC in singleplayer—which, if I recall, came out after Adventure Mode.

So yeah, Deerclops couldn't possibly be, but technically the rest could. Though, I doubt it. The ANR cinematic makes it pretty clear that Wilson is still newly struggling and hasn't given in yet. /shrug

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On 8/29/2019 at 3:59 PM, Theukon-dos said:

True. However, this is exactly the opposite of what we see in-game, where he has the hardest time healing out of all the charcters.

Technically he only has a hard time healing through human food. Spider glands, poop, and heck even sleeping in a tent heals him up quite nicely.

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On 27/8/2019 at 6:43 AM, Theukon-dos said:

I'm not sure about Maxwell or Wilson. While they did spend time on the throne, Maxwell seems to have lost most of his power, as shown in the Cyclum comic where he fails to muster a spell to kill a spider. We also know that the Codex Umbra could theroretically be used by anyone, due to Maxwell having scrathed the surface for his show, and that He's not even scratching the surface of the Codex thanks to one of Wortoxes quotes. And Wilson ofcourse, in addition to have only been on the throne for a few hours tops, got any power that he did absorb sucked right out of him by Charlie. so as far as we know, he is most definitly just a normal human.


Wortox would definitly be the most threatening. if he really can kill anything instantly just by touching them, that combined with his ability to teleport means that he is definitly going to be a force to be rekoned with.


I'm also not to sure about Wormwood's ability to control plants. Apart from his body forming, the only plant manipulation we see out of him are is his green thumb tab, all of which require already-magical living logs, so I'm not sure just how much he's controling them rather than he is asking them to grow in a spesific way.


If Wortox is as powerful as he is to be belived, then Wagstaff would definitly come in a close second. Not only is he quite possibly the smartest man alive (note how he built a teleporter out of some cogs, stone, and a crystal diode made out of gold and more stone) but he's also been shown to happily seek dark powers, have interest in the millitant applications of said powers, and not care too much about the board of ethics.


WX would also probably be a threat, due to his compleate and utter hatred of Organics.


I would also like to note that the blunderbuss is not Warbucks exclusive, as anyone can make it in Hamlet.

We cannot forgot the fact Wagstaff actually is not only the smartest man alive, but he is smart enough to make a metaphysic projection of him, and with this, explore The Constant, not only when he "dies" it doesn't actually dies, but he just gets disconnected from the world of The Constant. Wagstaff is not actually trapped on there.

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