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Compact Chest Placement?

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I started organizing my chests earlier this week and was able to place them in compact columns, as shown in the screenshot attached. A few days later, I logged back in and tried expanding my storage, but I found I was unable to place the chests as close together as before. I can still place them compactly via console commands of course, - c_spawn("treasurechest") - but that is not an ideal situation. I placed one chest a bit higher - where I'm actually allowed to put it now - so you can see the change in distance visually.

I do use Geometric Placement, but I have tried disabling it and still get a similar result: the build icon turns green (meaning eligible placement location) when I have the chest where I want it to go, but as soon as I click to place it, the highlight indicator goes away, and the chest is not constructed despite the indicator being green moments ago. If I move it further away from other chests, it'll be placed as expected.

Is this an intended change from a recent update? Or is this a known thing I was somehow circumventing without realizing it before? If the latter, how does one go about getting these pesky chests to go down near each other?


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Sometimes, Geometric Placement trips on it's own shoelaces like a dunce and places an object a v e r y  few pixels off, causing it's hitbox to move, sometimes this is updated in Geo Placement, sometimes it's not. Try hammering and re-building the closest item(s) to the location where you're trying to place something. In this example, try to hammer the crossed out chest, and the chest underneath it. Then, rebuild both of them.

This happens periodically in Singleplayer too, and it drives me crazy.

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No dice hammering and rebuilding those two chests. It seems to affect any of the columns, so I guess I'd have to hammer up all the storage and rebuild it to fix it? And even then it wouldn't be worthwhile; in the event it reoccurs, I can't afford to rebuild my entire storage area each time haha. I guess I'll have to space them out farther in the future unless you have any other ideas?

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2 minutes ago, kiwikenobi said:

My advice would be to embrace the wabi-sabi. I've found that adopting that mindset has made tons of games much more fun and less stressful.


I embraced that too.

I used to use the Geo Place' mod, but I felt like my creativity was locked up in a cage. Now I'm really free to build how I want.

I mean, the GP mod shows that you can only build on those little X, but what if I want to build in the middle of them? That's my freedom (+ wabi-sabi because they are never too 100% simetrical)

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You can thank floating point precision and the save/load phase for that.

When the map saves to disk that floating point used to store positions is truncated, so on load they can move if the loaded float isn't equal to the saved float value.

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