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Do we need a new season?

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Inventing a new season would be a little weird unless you are thinking something akin to the aporkalypse where the world gets much harder and is more of an event. That could work.


Harder seasons past the first years also sounds good.

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Getting new things as the world progresses is what I was hoping "Through the Ages" was gonna do before it turned into A New Reign.

Blizzards, flooding, etc
I've always liked the idea of worms coming out during spring—perhaps a different variant like "Silk Worms".

Could do fun stuff with the RoT oceans in season now too.

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New world events to spice up the lategame would be very nice. Right now there is not much different from the first year and any year after that aside from Krampus spawns, hound wave intensity and frequency, and bearger spawns. It would be nice if there was some big terrible thing coming that we had to either prepare for or try and prevent like the aporkalypse from hamlet (though not necessarily it) for instance there could be an event lategame where the meteor spawners range gets so large that it spans the whole map and the survivor could deploy magical tech to try and create large forcefields around their bases powered by nightmare fuel (although this example is a little like summer tbh[flingomatics ring a bell?]) another could be a lunar infection brought on by the island that starts to convert the whole mainland into a harsher environment(kinda like the corruption/crimson from terraria) and survivors would have to use nightmare fuel or something to get rid of it. These are just bad examples, but I hope you get the idea.

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Oceanic effects from seasons would feel right...which it looks like we might get anyway given Iceberg data-mining. Things like changing winds affecting sailing, addition and frequency of waves, ect could be good too. Once we get actual coastlines, flooding in the area around them?

As for the main topic though, I'd be in favor of randomized variants of pre-existing seasons past the first year. More extreme temperature, or perhaps swings in the temperature, to lull the player into a sense of security...while also sometimes eliminating some of the usual tedium with the breaks in between. Actual snowy cold snaps in early Spring.
New effects that as of yet haven't been used in DST, ie from bring over stuff from Hamlet and SW.

...maybe we could use more ways for the player to affect the weather, as well as other world events. Bringing back player-made earthquakes underground would be a good start.

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I would love a new type of season or an event of some sort. I feel like things like that will make DST even more of a separate game from normal singleplayer DS. And DST needs that. It needs to be a totally different experience compared to singleplayer and I'm hoping that ROT will meet those expectations.

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I want a new season something in the terms of "aporkalipse" or the flood season in SW. Something like a kill season.

But before that I think seasons need to be more random! What I mean by that is for every season to have a 1-3 days randomly extra or less for example every season is 14-22 days.

At the moment there is 0 random days (winter/summer = 16 days, autumn/spring = 20 days) you aways know that the first winter starts on day 21 and ends on day 36... every game 21 day winter starts every game 36 day winter ends. I think this needs to be a bit more random for example winter to star on 19-24 day end on 34-39 day.

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