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Germs minimal threshold.(QoL3)

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I feel like there should be a minimum amount of germs before a dupe can get infected. Like lets say 1k germs per tile. Below that they shouldn`t have an effect on dupes. The low amounts of germs are hard to see and can be hard to detect by automation if there`s just one tile with a little amount and not evenly spread around the area. You can`t effectively keep every single germ away from the dupes but you can keep them below a certain amount. The dupe immune system should be able to deal with the low amounts of germs.

As for the current situation we need a base to be 100% sterile which is hardly possible. If it got dangerous (infectious) only above a certain amount it would be easier to control inside your base but still a threat for dupes wandering outside (like it should be). Different germs could have different infection thersholds. A tile with germs above that margin would show an "infectious" warning on hover, similar to how it should to show gasses as "toxic".

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Agreed! We had something similar to that before which was the Duplicant's natural Immune system regeneration which kept them healthy even if they were exposed to a decent amount of germs.. Now that the immune systems are gone it seems to be a percent chance of getting sick based on the length of exposure over the course of a cycle. The exact math isn't as apparent as before. It would be nice to know at least a general formula so we know how long is too much time to be exposed. 

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I agree as well. Sickness has become extremely frustrating. Just one diluted patch of polluted oxygen can infect my entire colony. I have a deodorizer (sometimes more than one) in every room, but even that can't get everything clean. There is always a handful of tiny polluted oxygen bubbles floating around just out of reach of the deodorizers. I shouldn't need to put one every three feet to keep the base clean. These 'bubbles' are so small that until I used the gas overlay feature I had no idea there was even any in the base because amidst all the clean oxygen they were basically invisible. Just a quick run through one small bubble I can't see is enough to get one dupe sick which then spreads like wildfire through the base as they cough beside another dupe who immediately picks up the sickness. (It appears that each time they cough they create a tiny burst of polluted oxygen) I consistently have half or more of my colony ill. I get that pills should be more useful, but at this point the mechanic for illness just feels needlessly frustrating.

Before it would take constant exposure to high concentrations of germs to get some one ill. With each cough the game shows that the Dupe creates 1,000 germs in that single cough. Even just that low concentration is enough to make others sick. And going out into the slime biome before you have suits is just a guaranteed pandemic. It feels like a over correction from taking illness as only mildly troubling to a pure headache. Would be nice to have some happy medium between the old immune system and the new 'any time' system. Perhaps reinstate the old immune system, but make it go down quicker or random chance for exposure to germs to take it down by a hefty chunk instead of just healthy to sick at the snap of a finger.

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вчера исследовал это с помощью DnSpy
извините что не на английском

yesterday explored it with DnSpy
sorry not in english

примерно так:
у болезни есть "жирность"
у дуплика есть "восприимчивость" - обычно 100%, у некоторых может быть 125 и 50%. можно понизить таблетками
когда дупл поглощает порцию микробов, больше чем "порог"
эти два параметра перемножаются - пусть будет "личная жирность"
дуплику присваивается статус "кандидата в депутаты" и запоминается "личная жирность" для этой болезни
и есть общий на всех дуплов счетчик для этой болезни - к нему тоже прибавляется это значение
когда общий счетчик перевалит за 100% - происходят "выборы":
из всех "кандидатов" согласно их "личной жирности" случайно выбирается 1 и ему присваетвается еще один скрытый статус "победитель по жизни"
и общий счетчик уменьшается на 100%
(примечание: "кандидаты" которые уже стали "победителями" - в следующих выборах не участвуют)
после сна оба статуса снимаются, "победитель" при этом заболевает.

отравление и слизь - порог 100 микробов за 1 раз, "жирность" 30%
можно есть еду с меньше чем 100 микробов за 1 раз и вообще ничего не будет.
можно дышать слизью, если ее за 1 вдох меньше 100. это приблизительно 5000 на 1 кг воздуха.

зомби споры - порог 1 микроб и "жирность" 90%

цветы - порог 1 микроб и немного по другому, без выборов:
есть склонность к аллергии - мнгновенно заболевает
нету склонности - мнгновенно получает бафф на минус стресс


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I would even add to this idea, that the minimum amount of germs should be a necessity. The immune system should become weaker in the sterile environment, and stronger as the number of germs increase. So if the dupes that never contacted any germs before are suddenly exposed to the large amounts, they become ill. But if the germs are introduced in small quantities, the immunity is developed over time, which allows to fight the disease easily.

Technically, the immune response could be "the amount of germs killed in second". After the dupe goes through the infected territory, it collects some germs, and the immune system start to slowly kill them off. The longer the immune system fights off the particular type of germs, the more efficient it becomes. If the dupe remains in the infected territory for a long time, it constantly collects the germs from the environment, and the immune system constantly fights them. Thus, the more developed the immune system is, the more heavily infected territory the dupe can safely live in. If the immune system is not developed enough for the amount of the infection in the environment, the number of germs collected by the dupe start to increase, until it reaches the critical number, at which point the dupe becomes ill.

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On 4/15/2019 at 3:51 PM, Sasza22 said:

I feel like there should be a minimum amount of germs before a dupe can get infected. Like lets say 1k germs per tile.

What we really need is the old immune system back, only with much lower recovery. I don't recall the old math, but tweak it so a Dupe can breath in 1000 germs or so a cycle before illness is a possibility, rather than the 100,000 or so it was before. That should give the intended effect without the endless infection cycle that happens now.

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Apparently there is a threshold but it`s 100 germs. Below that they won`t get exposed. My main gripe about it is that it`s hard to see those small amounts on the overlay. Just a bit higher would make it more managable, like 500 maybe.

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18 hours ago, Sasza22 said:

Apparently there is a threshold but it`s 100 germs. Below that they won`t get exposed. My main gripe about it is that it`s hard to see those small amounts on the overlay. Just a bit higher would make it more managable, like 500 maybe.

Even with their 1k coughs it's difficult to see. Frequently I can only tell it's there either by really leaning in and examining the screen like an old lady attempting to read without her glasses or by hoping I'll notice the minute fluctuation in color when it shifts tiles. I can only imagine for folks with color blindness it's even more flustering. (Though, really, the whole game likely is since it's so heavily color dependent for gases and germs. *Cough* Color blind mode, Klei. *Cough*)

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1 hour ago, KieraGreywolf said:

Even with their 1k coughs it's difficult to see.

The overlay should be improved. Amounts over 100 should have the tile extra highlighted (maybe red or the germ color) and show as "infectious" so the overlay is more useful in identifying exposure areas.

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On 4/25/2019 at 1:50 PM, Sasza22 said:

Apparently there is a threshold but it`s 100 germs. Below that they won`t get exposed. My main gripe about it is that it`s hard to see those small amounts on the overlay. Just a bit higher would make it more managable, like 500 maybe.

For slimelung it may be, but I've had dupes get food poisoning from as few as 11 germs.

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