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A list of counter-intuitive mechanics that would be good to know?

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1 hour ago, Neotuck said:

You might be right however, when I joined it was before terrariums produced PW

Ever since the change the only mention of terrariums that I saw in the forums was people being disappointed with the change and declared it a useless building or a "noob trap"

So what ever post you are thinking about (If it's before my time) most likely dealt with terrariums that didn't produce PW

I responded to several of the "noob trap" threads showing exactly how powerful it was.  I even built a sustainable base with Pufts and Algae terrariums before they dropped polluted water (and when Pufts dropped slime at a higher rate).

There was a short time where the re-introduced algae terrariums were useless -- basically the dupes took as long to empty the PW as they do to clean a latrine, but once that was fixed I showed the math for running the terrariums with (and without)  off-gassing.  

However, I think you're right, @Neotuck.  I can't find a thread before the one you started that discusses the current algae terrariums, so congrats. =^.^=

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While I'm not saying I was the first to use PW bottles from terrariums as an O2 source, I did come up with an effective build that surpassed the popular SPOM build that can be set up as early as cycle 50 and can last as long as you need it.

As for @Kabrute reply in that topic, it was more aimed at PW to PO2 off-gassing rates and was quickly dismissed in the same thread


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15 minutes ago, Neotuck said:

As for @Kabrute reply in that topic, it was more aimed at PW to PO2 off-gassing rates and was quickly dismissed in the same thread

Not the way I read it. There's only one reply, saying:


Early it´s so the best / most broken

Not sure where you see anyone dismissing it.

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