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Charlie speaking in the speech LUA files?

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I was going through the updated Speech_Waxwell.lua file for DST to see what Maxwell had to say about Wortox when I came across some... interesting text.  At first I thought they might be snarky comments from one of the developers, but the more I found the more I realized they were meant to be from another game character.



                                {               GENERIC = "What a dapper fellow!",

                                                --Pride... Arrogance... Conceit...


MAXWELL = "Looking good!",

--This was your fault...

MAXWELLHEAD = "Hey, handsome.",

--You did this...

MAXWELLLIGHT = "Aw, it remembers me.",


MAXWELLLOCK = "It keeps the master in the chair.",


MAXWELLTHRONE = "It's less painful than it looks. Barely.",

 --You haven't escaped its pull...


STATUEMAXWELL = "It seems silly now...",

--Your hubris... Maxy... it was always your weakness...


And then I found lines in the Speech_Winona.lua (I wasn't able to find any lines in the other characters' files):




OUT = "My sister was afraid of the dark.",

--You've changed so much.



                                {               OUT = "My sister was afraid of the dark.",

--How much time has passed for you?


MANDRAKE_ACTIVE = "This is exactly what having a little sister's like.",

--I should like to speak, face to face.


I think it's evident that the speaker is supposed to be Charlie. This is the first time I've seen these lines; I was curious if they've been there for a while and I just never noticed them before or if they're a new addition.

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I hope it will culminate in some sort of campaning/mission/event. Like maxwell head or maxwelllight can only be found in the campaning of DS.


Apart from my hopes if find this creepy and charming at the same time . :D

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