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Can't find entrance to 5th island

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Currently around day 40 and everything is going amazing. Have 30 berry bushes, 40 nettle plants. Healing/sanity/hunger figured out and 200 Oincs. Only problem is, I can't find the entrance to the 5th island and thus get to the calendar. 

I know how the entrance looks and in past worlds, it was always close to the one leading to the Pherostone (which I have found) but no luck so far. 

I should point out that I set my map to "larger" and the entrance to the second and third island were not close like usually (?) either. Not sure if they changed world generation or it is because of my settings?

Either way, anyone knows where I gotta go, is the entrance always in the poison jungle? Is on which island it is random or do I need to explore more of the first island?



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12 hours ago, Mullematsch said:

Currently around day 40 and everything is going amazing. Have 30 berry bushes, 40 nettle plants. Healing/sanity/hunger figured out and 200 Oincs. Only problem is, I can't find the entrance to the 5th island and thus get to the calendar. 

I know how the entrance looks and in past worlds, it was always close to the one leading to the Pherostone (which I have found) but no luck so far. 

I should point out that I set my map to "larger" and the entrance to the second and third island were not close like usually (?) either. Not sure if they changed world generation or it is because of my settings?

Either way, anyone knows where I gotta go, is the entrance always in the poison jungle? Is on which island it is random or do I need to explore more of the first island?



thats hamlet world gen for you try to see if it even exists by using this




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1 hour ago, Computer-7 said:

thats hamlet world gen for you try to see if it even exists by using this

  Hide contents



It reveals the map only once, if you quite and restart your world your map returns to normal. 

If you want to he really sure, but it will reveal it on your map, you can do the gonext command with I think ‘ruinsentrance4’ or something like that. If you start typing the console should show you a list of symilair prefabs. Go for entrance4.

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1 minute ago, Hyxaru said:

It reveals the map only once, if you quite and restart your world your map returns to normal. 

If you want to he really sure, but it will reveal it on your map, you can do the gonext command with I think ‘ruinsentrance4’ or something like that. If you start typing the console should show you a list of symilair prefabs. Go for entrance4.

I was telling him to check if it was there

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Hi jason, i had the same issue and used the command, and it said "attempt to call a nil value"

What should i do? i filed a bug report in game for the save slot twice already in the past 4 days for other bugs and issues.

Nevermind! fixed it and found my ruins. but i still lag too much to play.

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

c_gonext"pig_ruins_entrance4" will take you to it if it exists.

You could also send us your save file to look at.

Better if you do "c_countprefabs("pig_ruins_entrance4")" then you can know without real cheating :)

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Using "c_countprefabs("pig_ruins_entrance4")" I get "There are 0 pig ruins_entrance4's in the world (0 asleep). So that means it did not generate properly and I need to cheat it in? Will c_spawn("pig_ruins_entrance4",1) do the trick or should I use something different?

All settings were unchanged, except world generation set to larger. 

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@Mullematsch just do c_spawn("pig_ruins_entrance4") that will do. But don't exit through other door unless you spawn two of this world entrance in world, because game crash when trying go through second exit in them. Would suggest check if you have 5th island at all, if not, can spawn second ruins entrance somewhere else in world.

Don't know how 5th island look like, so can't help with that.

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If you do a search of c_countprefabs("pig_ruins_exit4") and it comes up posative, then just pick a nice looking spot of the poison biome and do: c_spawn"pig_ruins_entrance4"

If it's negative, it's trickier 
(unless you don't mind spoiling things for yourself and are familiar with using console commands). 

I've put in a safeguard to ensure those objects are in new worlds. But I'll have to do something else to help existing worlds that end up like that.

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I usually report my bugs first (and I will still report these, but once I'm done checking/breaking more things) but I thought this might be a good place to post my save since you were already talking about it @Jason.

I have the following occuring:

- My Aporkalypse clock worked fine the first two years, but after I rewinded it the first time, I went back to rewind it again and it seems to have gotten completely stuck pointing right, perfectly aligned, with no aporkalypse happening and the buttons doing absolutely nothing if I interact with them...


- At some point after the first rewind, it seems all of my hidden entrances in pig temples just opened. I haven't come across one, even in new rooms I've entered (so far) that hasn't been opened.

- On top of that, all the hidden temple rooms with items on pedestals now sometimes have a "buy for 1 oinc" option on the items instead of steal, but this only happens to some of the items, and if I don't have oincs it won't let me pick em up so I haven't tried, honestly expecting a crash if I do.


I do have mods active - Geometric Placement and Combined Status, but I really don't think they interact with anything (but who knows), though maybe combine status may have messed with the seasons/aporkalypse? I know! I usually play without mods for testing but I wanted to make a longstanding base this run!

But here is the file, I think? Please let me know if this is the incorrect way or place to upload the saves! (Also sorry for @ing, I don't know if I'm supposed to be doing that or not, yell at me if I'm breaking rules .-.) I'm just posting it here in case it can help in any way with these (supposed) bugs.


Actually, I do have a question, is it always better to submit a bug in the bug report and if its a big enough bug to send the save files / screenies there? I guess a better rephrase to that is - is there ever a time I should post a bug/story in general with the information *instead of* the bug reporting section (I mean I'd report it there either way, but like when is a more detailed post in general necessary if ever)?

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Alright, appreciate the help.

Using "c_countprefabs("pig_ruins_exit4")" I get "There are 1 pig _ruins_exit4's in the world (1 asleep). 

Using "GetWorld().minimap.MiniMap:ShowArea(0,0,0,10000)" I am able to find the fifth island, at least I think this should be it!?


There seem to be two ruin entrances on the island. I am assuming one is into the ruin with the calendar, the other the entrance to the island itself. 

Looking around further, I can not find the ruin entrance to the fifth island anywhere, neither on the first or any island. Since the one on island five generated, I should be able to spawn one using "c_spawn("pig_ruins_entrance4")"?

Picture of the whole world, everything else seems normal!? 


The world was created a couple days after the "The Aporkalypse! update" so it is not a very old world. Like mentioned before, the only change I made was setting the world to "larger".

I can provide the save file if that would help figuring out what the problem was. However I am not quite sure which file, I would need to include. 



EDIT: Spawning an entrance to the fifth island using "c_spawn("pig_ruins_entrance4")" seems to have worked. I was able to explore the ruin without issues and the exit to the fifth island also worked. 

So I believe everything is fine and I can keep playing without any issues hopefully. =) 


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Ok, I have similar problem.

I used commands:





And all returned 0, 0 asleep.

Any advice?


It is a world that was generated pre-aporkalypse, merged with RoG and SW, the character was in  RoG at the time patch was applied.

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