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Let's talk about Webber in Hamlet

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Yo. I know, my english speak is too bad, sorry.

Let's about Webber in Hamlet... maybe Webber is weird than Wes in Hamlet because Webber can't go pig city. Pig knights equip armor and weapon is danger. how Webber can survived without reach pig city?

Wait, i've got an idea. Disguise! Webber can craft Pig mask. Pig butts uh.. i mean pig skins is need to crafting Pig mask. and equip pig mask to safe reach pig city. any Idea?

I'm not main Webber and i don't like play Webber. I'm main Wickerbottom and Maxwell.

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I rather like the idea of a pig mask for the Hamlet DLC, but not just for Webber. Let's say the pigs in the main areas of the DLC are smarter and would not normally attack Webber or any other player. Perhaps the outskirts of town, or a separate "biome" contain the hostile pigs keeping torches lit and "protecting" the Pig King from Reign of Giants, or other hostile or rebellious pigs. Players could craft a pig mask to blend in, even if that blending has a timer for different types of pigs (similar to the masks in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild that allow you to blend in with Moblins and other enemies, though tougher ones will catch on after a short time). Also, how will Werepigs come into play during a full moon? Perhaps a Werepig mask could prove handy as well.

Forgive me if any of these things have been addressed in other threads, this is my first post and I did not scour the forum, I was just compelled to reply to this.

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On 10/23/2017 at 4:07 AM, PlayMoGame said:

I rather like the idea of a pig mask for the Hamlet DLC, but not just for Webber. Let's say the pigs in the main areas of the DLC are smarter and would not normally attack Webber or any other player. Perhaps the outskirts of town, or a separate "biome" contain the hostile pigs keeping torches lit and "protecting" the Pig King from Reign of Giants, or other hostile or rebellious pigs. Players could craft a pig mask to blend in, even if that blending has a timer for different types of pigs (similar to the masks in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild that allow you to blend in with Moblins and other enemies, though tougher ones will catch on after a short time). Also, how will Werepigs come into play during a full moon? Perhaps a Werepig mask could prove handy as well.

Forgive me if any of these things have been addressed in other threads, this is my first post and I did not scour the forum, I was just compelled to reply to this.

 I don't Think there will be hostile Pigs in the Hamlet DLC beacuse of this:20171023222820_1.thumb.jpg.2d3a36f0d6e0e9e5269a75717b36e3b7.jpg

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