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  2. https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/hardware/safe-mode-playstation/ It's not a full fix. All my skins were fine for a long time, then I think as I downloaded more games I'm back to where I started. I'll try rebuilding the database again, but it takes several minutes and I don't really want to have to do that everytime I download a game. Sorry about your junk pile.
  3. not really, which boss is that? frostjaw and daywalker are countered by walking to the side and most other bosses are countered by walking away huh? you don't need to use flute, you can run through them by the end of the screech and go back to BQ to keep attacking it until they get back, a lot of doing nothing in between screeches during p3 but cd gets shortened during p4 and it's fine, gives you some time to get BQ closer to where it spawned from so you don't go too far away when getting away from grumbles and have BQ get deaggroed and spawn more grumbles it could be harder and more fun if BQ does anything other than staring at you after grumbles come back after screeching during p3 why? what they're used for in case of BQ, dfly and FW isn't even related, FW heals if they get close enough and they can't attack you so you need to either kill them or prevent them from reaching him, dfly just spawns them so you have something to deal with other than itself and to enrage after they die, BQ forces you to figure out what to do during p2 since simply using a weapon doesn't work well and allows you to get them away so you can deal damage to it without anything other than a weapon or keep using the strat that you were using for p2
  4. The Rotwood KAnim binary format is very similar to DS/T's with the addition of a few more pieces of data. you can read the extra pieces of data in your ktools fork. Happy modding!
  5. Much of the functionality was cleaned out. I'm sure you may have already realized, but the mod loader in Rotwood is essentially just copy pasted over from Don't Starve Together. (Rotwood as a whole could be seen as like. a really, really good and big mod of DST in the first place, haha! A lot of similarities between the two!) In the case of AddPrefabPostInit, local modfns = modprefabinitfns[inst.prefab or name] if modfns ~= nil then for k,mod in pairs(modfns) do mod(inst) end end was cleaned out from the `SpawnPrefabFromSim` definition. And for AddComponentPostInit: local postinitfns = ModManager:GetPostInitFns("ComponentPostInit", name) for i, fn in ipairs(postinitfns) do fn(loadedcmp, self) end was cleaned out from the `EntityScript:AddComponent` definition. I'll leave you to figure out the rest, take a looksies at DST's scripts! If you don't own DST you can look at a public git my friend hosts: https://github.com/penguin0616/dst_gamescripts
  6. Kiting boss is fun because they may have different abilities and require different timings and you also you can decide if you want to be risky and deal as much damage as possible or hit the boss one less time before kiting to be safe. Players just run from grumble bees in a straight line to use pan flute and run back to the boss, there's nothing unique to expect with grumble bees they always run to you and use their default melee attack. You wouldn't accept any suggestions that make the boss fight easier when this must be the case with grumbles so no point in discussing it. I don't like minion summon boss mechanic in DST but minions can be bearable like woven shadows with FW this is only the case though because they have 1 HP.
  7. Today
  8. the people who detest it when other players use cheese even when it doesn't affect them would have an aneurysm playing there
  9. I also have my fair share of souls challenge runs under my belt and I genuinely find DST's combat to be more interesting when its at its best (like with FW), there's way more depth to it even when it looks simple at a glance, souls combat is little more than just pressing a button when the developer intends you to so they can spoonfeed you an opening to press another button to do damage; its success lies in its simplicity but I don't know why it receives so much praise nobody said this, this is a strawman
  10. Don't fight together is chill with an endless coperative server. Probably the best for long term play. Meow together is mainly for survival servers, with the ability to save your world to play later, there are almost always alot of people online it is best if you want to just quickly drop in a survival server. Those are the two i basically exclusively use.
  11. nah, the community should start looking for better strats if the strat that they found isn't fun, most people probably don't even know about that or at least never tried so avoiding attacks is avoiding the fight? kiting is cheese confirmed? you can though, practically all characters have strats for that suggest making that part of the fight more fun instead of removing minions or just accept that it's a puzzle boss?
  12. I don't want to run back and forth, this isn't fun and it is avoiding the fight because a single player can't deal with grumble bees and BQ at the same time. So If "no one" else tries the boss should be changed.
  13. once i fully release my video game i'm SLOWLY working on i wouldn't mind colabing with DST as its part of my inspirations for this project (others being Starveio, SJM, and Doors) in the event that we do collab, i'm taking AFW
  14. If they make it cheaper, sure. Nope, big spender bright staff. (These things still are soooo grindy and slow to get)
  15. how is it relevant? what does it change? how does why they ended up being the way they are matter? that's what you can do if you don't want to learn or do anything that requires even slightly more effort like flute for p2 and a speedboost for p3 and p4 obviously, but no one else tries so idk that's why i think that your ideas would be worse it isn't? staring at the boss after grumbles get back and before it does the next screech during p3 sucks but that's it you only need anything other than a speedboost for that during p2
  16. I just received my Youtooz figurines. I didn't find any item cards indicating they come with a DST skin inside the packaging. The only thing that resembled a code was the 'youtooz authenticity code', but that doesn't match the format to claim codes within DST and google said it is for the 'youtooz vault' which actually is still only a planned feature and not live yet. Has anybody else received their figurines yet and did they include an item card/code? Not sure if it's just bad luck on my part or a general issue with the first batch.
  17. With the added danger of it possibly bouncing off something and back towards the player?
  18. It is relevant for the discussion and no matter how many times you say it isn't it won't change but I'll stop discussing this further. Using bunnymen to kill a boss for me doesn't make the fight fun but is only a solution to a terrible boss fight, same with walls for DF it is just avoiding bad minion summoning mechanic. Just because you find something easy it doesn't mean that everyone else will or that players even want to go that far with learning a boss fight. I don't like new bosses but I do think that they are better for solo players. I am comparing what I dislike less and it is new bosses. I completely agree here, If we had a window of opportunity to deal damage grumble bees wouldn't be such a problem. I know that someone will quote and say that you can already do that by using cane and road but that is just avoiding the mechanic and is so boring.
  19. it isn't, read the discussion 1st going to it after screeches end during p3 and p4? the fun part is figuring out the strats, e.g. abigail, bramble husk, shadow prison, lunar fire, spell that ignites everything nearby, scare song, moose, merms, spiders etc. and some characters are better at strats that everyone can use e.g. wolfgang, wanda and warly at pan flute
  20. I feel like a large problem here is the assumption that just because a boss is doable solo means that it's automatically well-designed. Which simply isn't the case. As an example, take the boss Bed of Chaos from the original dark souls. Did you know it's extremely easy to beat this boss? With precise aim and positioning, you can destroy her two roots with firebombs from the center of the arena and immedietly rush in to destroy her core. Does this mean that Bed of Chaos is actually a good boss? No, obviously not. Everyone knows how atrocious this boss fight is. It's quite possibly THE worst boss in the entire franchise. Likewise, just because there are strategies to reliably do the raid bosses doesn't mean that they're secretly good fights. Take Bee Queen as an example. Yes, there are strategies to separate her from her grumble bees. Sleep spam, fence maze, wall cross, ect. Or just spam a ton of bunny hutches to overwhelm her numbers with your own. I've even done these my self occasionally. But that doesn't make her a well-designed or fun fight. In my experience and opinion, Bee Queen is a much more fun fight when she and her minions are given actual attack patterns. Places where the player is given an opening to attack her majesty instead of having to wrestle them from the game by force. Does it make the fight easier? In a sense, yes. But I don't think that's inherently a problem if the goal is to make the fight more reasonable to do solo.
  21. no, because it's irrelevant, why did they make them that way changes nothing now they are the way they are, why were they made that way is irrelevant now you overestimate how much time getting bunnymen/catapults/bees/flutes/ice staves/walls requires why? they're really fun to fight solo atm no statistics, i've just tried them before learning how to do it minimal gear and they weren't as bad, the worst part was FW deaggroing after you teleport sometimes these can be too the point was that they'll become able to if they'll become as easy as daywalker the point was that everyone'd be able to do that during 1st autumn 1st try i always kill toad during autumn/winter for fun that's likely since you like new bosses and think that minions are bad
  22. Thats the point, it doesnt enforce a change at all. Except honey trail removal but thats not the main rework idea here. 20 merm guards will still steamroll her as per normal. It just means you are working with your followers instead of watching them chase bee queen stupidly. No idea what the resistance is about. Swapping a honey trail for a honey lob attack is the only real difference if you fight her solo. Otherwise my idea is a fun buff to follower users. Atleast the honey attack adds another dynamic risk to the fight. Honey trail adds zero fun what so ever. People on these forums are 100% against having fun. Its mad. Cheers lad for your support
  23. You want to say that it is irrelevant when it makes no sense that it is so, the reason you keep repeating this is because it suits you. It isn't irrelevant because bosses wouldn't ever be like this in DS. Games are made to be beaten and for most games it is so that anyone can do it within a reasonable timeframe. Bosses would be completely different If they were designed for single player even If they difficulty was the same. Where are your statistics on how many players can kill FW without weather pain or brightshade staff? You keep using this but can't back it up because players that can kill FW usually can barely do so with all the tools available to them. Because other mechanics can be dealt with by solo players and most bosses can be kited. There are exceptions to this like CK and Toadstool. Most players can't do that and I am not wasting first autumn on toadstool, that is more of a lategame thing after all bosses are killed to build mushlights. I haven't given any specific suggestions and only asked for specific mechanics to be replaced so how can you say that a boss would be boring If it was changed?
  24. @grm9, @00petar00. Guys, this multi-quoting is getting out of hand. I've given up on more threads than I can count because of it .... staaaaaap
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