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Spider Monkeys Are Underwhelming

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I'm not sure if it's just because whenever I see one I'm instantly reminded of the Boarilla, or what, but they really seem kind of underwhelming. They're big and spooky but I'm far more afraid of hippos, or hordes of bugs. They came off as more "spider-warrior" tier, and I was expecting they might jump, or have a slam attack instead of the warrior's charge. Anything really to give them an extra edge that isn't just punching.

I think having a smaller spider-monkey type act as the bulk of the nests while the current ones are the elite would be beneficial. 

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I think they should double the damage spider monkeys do. They currently do 20 dmg. 20 dmg is less than pengull and catcoon damage... Why is a huge gorilla fist doing less than a measly catcoon. But they should also increase the drops of the spider monkey if its damage goes up.

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I really dislike them too.

I don't know. There is something about gorillas that always makes me hate them in games.. and media..

King Kong... World of Warcraft, now in Don't Starve (Again after the Forge)

It kinda doesn't fit really. They are so big and look powerful, but end up dying with like 8 hits? They are not really difficult to deal with, just annoying. Like why do I have to kill around 5 gorillas who won't drop any silk just to harvest some silk trees...

Also does anyone know if they respawn?

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I like the idea of spider monkeys, but if they were to design a different creature in its place, I would suggest "Mantispider."

This keeps it bug themed and pun/play-on-words themed. They could have different tiers, or perhaps cry out after taking so much damage and a bunch of little ones would crawl out of the trees. They could make them black and red as jungle camouflage, or purple and white like an orchid mantis. Make them big, but smaller than Spider Monkeys and able to hurt just as bad.



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5 hours ago, metallichydra said:

they drop beard hair, dont they?
and they only do 20 dmg?!?
wow, thats underwhelming, i thought they dealt like 50 - 70

They drop beard hair and glands n stuff but rarely silk. They also don't seem to respawn so they do seem WIP which is a good sign.

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