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Shipping slime to mushroom farm

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19 minutes ago, Cipupec2 said:

In other words, no way to make it work inside a base.

Actually it can work pretty good inside a base.  You just have to be creative with your routing.  Use conveyor bridges past airflow tiles/ladders, stay within solid tiles, etc.  I have a mushroom farm in the bottom center of my base, while my puft slime farm is near the top to one side.  

Another, alternative method, is to build a room specifically for holding slime that is completely sealed that is up against where you want to use the slime.   Use a high pressure vent to fill the room with well over 2k of gas (chlorine, CO2, whatever).  Use an autosweeper in the room to put the slime into a series of storage compactors, to keep your input from backing up.  Then the slime won't ever sit on an open tile.  You may get a small amount of off-gasing as it travels through open areas, but strategically placed deodorizers should take care of it.

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The first time I did it, I didn't plan in advance.  I restructured a couple of hallways and doorways, and stuck an air vent right over top of one stretch to keep the pressure close to 2k to make it work.  However, from that point on, I planned my base so that if I did need to ship slime somewhere, I could.  Its not impossible -- it simply takes a bit of planning.

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All above. You can try a setup with a smart storage container to reduce the amount of slime transported as well.

Connect the storage container to a "Not Gate" and "And Gate" + Clock Sensor to transport only small portions of slime during a certain day time. 

"Not Gate" for activating the Smart Container if you are under a certain amount of slime

"Clock Sensor" for controlling the amount of slime which will be loaded and transported to your mushroom farm

Use walls, water or areas with high pressure and a chlorine room for the conveyer route. Any remaining PO2 can be filtered with a small pump and sensor for example. 

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3 hours ago, Cipupec2 said:

How is this possible? something changed in the latest update?

Sure. The Smart Storage Compactor is active aka signal out if the treshhold is reached, for example 2000 kg. Through a "Not Gate" the signal is on, if the amount is under 2000kg.

You can do the same stuff with metal refinery: Smart Storage (Iron) >> Not Gate >> Metal Refinery (Iron endless). If someone is taking Iron out of the container, the Metal Refinery is on... small solutions :)

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You don't need no smart storage. When i go home i will post a print screen whit my automatic mushroom farm, whit limited offgas (just when the sweep arm pick the slime to deliver to the farm tiles) 

Post edit: As I promise under you have my moshroom farm: The delivery of mushroom is still under construction until i finish my kitchen, and food storage and sorting area. 

The principle is simple:

I excavate and store in the right the slime (in my previous game i have a slime farm.. in this one i will not build one). To prevent offgassing the storage and the conveyor loader are in water. The slime goes to the receiver trough the farm tiles to the conveyor receiver (is under water to the same reason). When is needed the sweep arm  take the slime from the receiver to the farm tiles (this is the only time when the slime can offgass in the food farm area) When the mushroom is ready to harvest the dupe harvest it and the sweep arm take the mushroom the the kitchen to be cooked (this part isn't finished yet in my play)






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My mushroom farms have tiles at the top, but have about 4 evenly spaced vents to let CO2 In.  Each vent has a deoderizer on top in case some P02 gets out.   My surplus slime is in a CO2 filled closet adjacent to the farm with an airflow tile at the top and 2 deoderizers on top of it.  When a bubble of P02 is created, it's scrubbed clean and provides a small bit of oxygen for the base.  That solves the problem for me.

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