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Of all the wonderful variety of features of The Gorge at least the recipe book should survive

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It would help newer players, as they discover crockpot recipes, while still not making the game any easier for the pro's that have cookie cutter food builds. It could also dispaly the stats of thet item when you eat it based on how much it restores

EG: a standard crockpot recipe gives 5 sanity, but the player has full sanity, so in the book in would be +1? sanity, but if they had low enough sanity it would just read +5, as well as dispaly any special effects the food has on the player, if any(hoping for coffee from shipwrecked).

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A recipe book would be quite convenient. You still have to figure out how to make the food in the first place, but it'd be easier to create the more unusual recipes without having to reference a wiki. And definitely a lot easier for new players.

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I agree. Cooking can be hard and confusing, and having to Alt + Tab outside of the game just to check the wiki is annoying!

I mean it's not like we are not going to do it anyway if we are newbies, so just let us stay in the game while we look at our recipes. 
Even better, let us craft a recipe book before being able to check our discovered recipes or let us read the book crafted by someone else to check out what he has unlocked!

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4 minutes ago, ExtollerOfTrolls said:

I'm curious if they will add anything back to the base game after this update is over.

It would be very interesting if you could find Mumsy and Billy somewhere in the world, and perhaps initiate a trade with them, like the pig king.

I love them but i'd rather find them in the next "-orge" event instead of the base game! We are getting somewhere, i can feel it.
A new character will join the party. A character that is not Winona. 

*sad Winona whines in the distance*

EDIT: I was actually thinking that it would be cool to have a "reskin" for the pig houses the player can craft. Those houses should spawn the special piggies from "The Gorge"!

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2 hours ago, Onetel21 said:

EDIT: I was actually thinking that it would be cool to have a "reskin" for the pig houses the player can craft. Those houses should spawn the special piggies from "The Gorge"!

But if it's just a reskin... Webber is still attacked. *Weeps for spider child*

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