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Pickle's First Person Mod! (finished :D)

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I've been working a lot with skyboxes and camera angles for the Smashup mod recently, and decided to throw what I know into this first person mod as a little side-project. (well, it was little when it started)

But here it is, and I'm pretty proud of it.




This thing was a pain to make though, you have no idea. Did you know Darkness just flat out doesn't work at low camera angles like this??? As in like, if you're standing next to a campfire and look up, it is impossible to tell it isn't broad daylight outside. Lights on. Yea, half this mod is just a second shader running on top of the first one at night to darken the floor and surrounding objects. And it looks pretty good, I guess... (except in caves)

I did a smaller test run with the vanilla singplayer don't starve community, and they seemed to like it. I agree that combat feels kinda weird, but its easy enough to just Ctrl-Q back to normal view for fighting. But I made changes to some of the action buffers and locomotor so you can walk forward and swing your weapon at things while still holding W and it wont cancel your swing. This makes it... suspiciously easy to chase down and kill rabbits without traps... but I'm not a don't starve vet, so maybe I was always just bad at it to begin with.

Mod config menu lets you change mouse sensitivity, fov, and other things.

Hope you guys like it!

Thank you to @CarlZalph for help with some of the earlier components, and to the Klei dev team for fixing that one shading bug related to hud tinting

Okay, back to Smashup

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6 hours ago, Tezumoto said:

I really like first-person games, but I think in Don't Starve it's better to play with a view from above.
But your mod is good!

Yea, I'd agree. It's like the 3D slider on a 3DS where it's really cool when you first get it, but you get tired of it after 20 minutes and rarely ever turn it back on again.

Its pretty cool to try out thought! And that's why it's toggle-able.

I definitely would not recommend combat with this mod, but I find it's a lot of fun to just walk around an existing base to see it from a different angle. 

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It's awesome seeing the game from another perspective. I think the problem with combat in first person isn't really something you can control much since combat is all about hit and run tactics, which doesn't translate very well in first person. I bet with something like Skyrim combat this mod would be more enjoyable in terms of combat. Staggering enemies via stamina, blocking attacks with a shield. I'm sure creating components to handle stamina, holding a button to block incoming attacks, and adding a stun effect to mob brains would be really enjoyable.

Either way this is an awesome start and it would be great to see more content creators add onto this idea of playing from another perspective. Great job.

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