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Idling in the bathroom

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When it happens that some dupes are idle they will just hang around ... until bio-break.

When they finish their business they will continue to hang around - in the bathroom.

So it will happen that several dupes meet in there - until there's work to do and they leave the bathroom together.

The problem is that only one of then will wash hands and the others will spread germs all over the base.

I'll suggest to make dupes leave the bathroom as soon as they finish their business. Is there any other way to ensure that without having a separate toilet for each dupe?


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You will have to have only one lavatory and sink per bathroom in this solution, but you wont need to assign it to a single dup. put presssure plates on the inside of your bathroom except the one block of floor closest to the airlock door on the inside, then automate the plates to lock the door, so if they idle inside, without going past the sink first, the door remains locked. They have to be on their way out for another dup to be let in.

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Make your dupes a duplicant amusement park.


There's enough wheels for everyone, they're priority 1 and the automation periodically switches them on and off. So whenever a duplicant is idle, he'll head after a wheel of his choice when they become active, but will step down when they get deactivated and then he'll be willing to pick up any higher priority tasks that may have appeared in the meanwhile.


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It's probably priority 1, so that they'll do it but do anything else first.

Another option is to put the bathrooms in CO2, but that has been dangerous in the past.  Sometimes they suffocated in the bathroom, but I haven't seen that in ages (side question, did they fix this?).  I do that with my farms because I had a colony die because everyone decided to hang out in the farms and they depressurized the plants and starved.

Carrot or stick, your choice.

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4 hours ago, Master Miner said:

That's a nice solution - for how long do you let them run?

I made the active phase about 10 seconds long, but that's nothing set in stone. It has to be long enough so an idle duplicant makes some reasonable move towards the place during the active phase because he'll stop immediately when they switch off.

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