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Good ways to fill base with oxygen?

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1 hour ago, QuQuasar said:

Late game, oxygen production and cooling builds like this, this or this.

There's no reason to not build a good electrolyzer setup right away when you're switching to electrolyzers.

Late game solutions may involve using polluted water or morbs for polluted oxygen and refreezing it into clean instead of electrolyzers to save water.

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Arash, I'm curious about your containers set up.

My base.. well my whole asteriod is littered with them, and after 150 cycles I've stop to make any order.

So, do you pill up in your base everything (exept polluant like slime and polluted dirt) = no difference between containers,

or do you get one type per floor? (top floor sweep container only, 2nd granite, 3rd sandstone, 4th metal..etc.. ?

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3 minutes ago, Argelle said:

Arash, I'm curious about your containers set up.

My base.. well my whole asteriod is littered with them, and after 150 cycles I've stop to make any order.

So, do you pill up in your base everything (exept polluant like slime and polluted dirt) = no difference between containers,

or do you get one type per floor? (top floor sweep container only, 2nd granite, 3rd sandstone, 4th metal..etc.. ?

I place everything in there, and if I want to disinfect it, I put slime + bleach stone at the bottom rows.

you could also do the same with ore scrubbers + chlorine piping

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