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Polluted water geysers

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Don't think they need much explaining, spew out piping hot polluted water which would probably create a fair bit of polluted oxygen.

It would make things a bit more difficult and interesting but still manageable

Not saying it would have to replace the water geyser, but in stead of all water geysers being clean be neat to have some polluted.

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The thing is, that the poluter water becomes water if becomes steam and then cooled down. That proces is called destilation.

The geysers release gases at high temperatures. And there are no thing as "poluted steam", because the contaminants that convert "water" in "poluted water" are not volatile. I thing that a element able to being disolved in water, that transforms water into poluted water is a better aproach to what you want.

Still, there are other ways to achieve what you want, like using natural gas generators with gas geysers.

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Fair enough on the temperature purifying the water.


I'm not really looking for a way to easily get polluted water, more trying to come up with ways to add small incremental increases to the difficulty of the game.  So if a player wanted the game to be a bit harder they could set it so that instead of getting a few steam geysers they gets 1 steam geyser and 2 polluted geysers.  Though the polluted geysers would have to pump out warm polluted water instead of hot I guess

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It could puke steam and polluted water.
The steam would condense to water.
Water dripping into polluted water converts to polluted water.
So there would be water and polluted water. And Steam. :)

In late game, anyway, you need polluted water more than clean water.
Especially if that reed is going to be more useful.

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Mud could be a relatively heavy liquid which slowly separates into polluted water and dirt if it doesn't flow. Polluted water would rise and dirt would fall down. When there is distinct amount of dirt in one cell the it would turn into a dirt block - same as it happens when dirt is heated and turns into sand.

To get polluted water and dirt, one could build a separation tank where hydro-sensors and automation regulate mud level, auto-sweepers collect the dirt and where polluted water can flow over to the next tank.

Perhaps mud could also carry some amount of other materials like gold.

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Why not have it only emit one material? Or have it be similar to natural gas where the Geyser emits Mud as a dense liquid and natural gas as a byproduct from the methane generated from rotting debris found in mud? or steam, and when water comes into contact with mud it becomes polluted. this way you get both.


In the end you need to heat the mud up to dry it, or something similar

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