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More to do late game? What would you like?

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I'm just curious. Without any concerns for it ever being made or how hard it would be to make and implement, what more would you like to be able to do in RoG?


For me: I would like more structures. I wonder if any one else has a similar fascination with being able to build a house. (probably) And more machinery to do with gears - like something that would make harvesting roots faster. And more to do with pets - like the beefalo milk & cheese mod. *looks at what I just wrote* Oh gosh, I really am all about the farming games. They would have to come with challenges too of course, just don't know what.

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21 minutes ago, PicklePet said:

I'm just curious. Without any concerns for it ever being made or how hard it would be to make and implement, what more would you like to be able to do in RoG?


For me: I would like more structures. I wonder if any one else has a similar fascination with being able to build a house. (probably) And more machinery to do with gears - like something that would make harvesting roots faster. And more to do with pets - like the beefalo milk & cheese mod. *looks at what I just wrote* Oh gosh, I really am all about the farming games. They would have to come with challenges too of course, just don't know what.

Something like adventure mode for DST. If you succesfully finish it, you get additional skin item, let's say, you can get 3 additional items for the week, so you need to complete 3 adventures for 7 items. It will make game much more replayable.

Of course, Forge looks like what i'm saying about, so we just need forge

Just want o see how it will work

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Changes to the world that start happening after a very long time would be interesting:

  • 1 extra deerclops spawn after 500 days and up to 2 per player in the server.
  • A dragonfly which may randomly respawn (if it was killed) with new powers after X amount of days have passed in the world, and give better loot: Eg: lightning mutated dfly
  • New wild storms and perhaps new seasons, like shipwrecked seasons that randomly start to happen between the usual seasons after 300 days of the world, and require you to start adapting your gameplay.
  • After 800 days worlds could allow world hopping, retaining your knowledge and some items but being able to travel with your friends to new lands. These new lands could have unique setpieces and dangerous special encounters that yield better loot, which you couldn't obtain otherwise.
  • New skills unique to each character that start appearing after having existed more than X amount of days.

More special events like the forge throughout the (real world) year would also spice the game a lot, like one event every 2 months or so.

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I'd enjoy if there was more bosses that come to you as the game goes on. I loved the seasonal giants for that, so every season you need to prepare for a good fight. Sadly, they felt the need to make Mgoose take the same fate as Dfly, so that leaves only two giants that come to you. Perhaps if a hound wave would get replaced by a special boss mob (Not a varg because I just despise fighting those things) that is as balanced as bearger or something, I don't want to have to wake up to toadstool stomping towards my base.

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6 hours ago, EsaiXD said:

one of the things i was thinking could happen is that after 800 days varggs start spawning from hound waves


5 hours ago, Weirdobob said:

I'd enjoy if there was more bosses that come to you as the game goes on. I loved the seasonal giants for that, so every season you need to prepare for a good fight. Sadly, they felt the need to make Mgoose take the same fate as Dfly, so that leaves only two giants that come to you. Perhaps if a hound wave would get replaced by a special boss mob (Not a varg because I just despise fighting those things) that is as balanced as bearger or something, I don't want to have to wake up to toadstool stomping towards my base.

We need mega Varg, boss that summon Vargs

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I agree with the sentiment, the game could use another layer for more advanced players.    More sophisticated building capability, different types of mobs/giants and variation in seasons.    

Some ideas that I had:

1.   A world in which weather is not only determined by seasons but also by your geographic location.

2.   A.I. opponents that learn from their experiences with players.

3.   The capability of "enemies" to collaborate.   Imagine spiders being intelligent and organizing a sophisticated attack on a base.   


As a veteran player I'm fairly bored.   Fuelweaver is certainly a difficult kill but I don't think it is the right approach, simply adding bosses that require far more effort and collaboration, there are many other ways this game can be made harder that would be more interesting.   

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and drops craft of item that makes hounds neutral. Maybe hound teeth crown or scepter. Or make it construction, like bone totem that removes houds aggro from everyone in radius. Make something that will spend a lot of teeth, i don't know what to do with them

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