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Don't Starve Together Journals

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Note - I decided to continue the story of the little comic short in lit format since I was starting to struggle with some bits and well, I felt some parts needed some explaining. There have also been changes made so it's not a perfect translation of what happened in the comic. So, here is the lit version of "Three's a Crowd". Enjoy.


Three's a Crowd.png


Three’s a Crowd

It seemed like hours before Wilson finally drifted off to sleep. Least, to Maxwell it seemed like that.

I can't blame the man though. Charlie can be terrifying when she wants to that's not my concern right now.

He flipped through the pages of the Codex Umbra, looking at various spells. Looking for one he wanted, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Ugh… It's in here, I know it.

He glanced over to Wilson, seeing the man had his back turned to him, fidgeting a bit in his sleep.

"Poor man. He must still be having nightmares."

Maxwell narrowed his eyes, hearing what sounded like a much weaker version of his voice.

"We talked about this. You stay quiet while I'm awake. None of this being my conscious."

A man who looked a lot like him appeared before him in the form of shadow, crossing his arms.

"I didn't forget. But I hope you didn't forget that you promised I could come out once Mr. Higgsbury was completely asleep. So he wouldn't find out our little secret you're so embarrassed about."

"I'm not embarrassed about being bonded to you. I rather he not see me at my weakest and oh lookie, you're the weak link, William."

"I'm not you… I'm…"

"A pathetic excuse for a man, that's what you are." Maxwell scoffed, closing the Codex. "But… a deal is a deal. Don't get any funny ideas."

"Like I could have any without you knowing."

"There's a good boy. I'm going to bed. Enjoy yourself till dawn comes."

Maxwell closed his eyes as William walked into him, taking control. The features in his face becoming softer, his slicked back hair becoming loose. He let out a sigh as he opened his eyes, looking around.

He got up, setting the Codex next to his backpack, taking a pair of glasses out of his coat pocket, putting them on, feeling relief at being able to see properly.

Least he let me have those back.

He looked over to Wilson again to be sure he was still asleep. Wilson turned over a bit, mumbling to himself. William couldn't help but chuckle a little at the sight before heading over to where they kept their spears, grabbing one before walking to the edge of where the campfire light ended.

He stared into the darkness, not sure what he was expecting to see.

It's all I ever get to see these days save glances I can get out of Maxwell.

He lowered his head, clenching the spear in his hand a little tighter.

I was such a fool. I never should've found that book. I…

"We're one in the same my friend… and now… you belong to ME!"

"No… No… NOOOOO!"

William cringed a bit, shaking his head at the memory. He wanted to forget it all so badly… but he couldn't. Not with that shadow looming over him. Shutting him away.

Making sure he did all he could to make him forget who he was.

Making him forget there was ever a man by the name of William Carter.

And yet… I still remember. My name… and all the suffering I caused others… Jack… His girls… Charlie… it was all my fault.

He lowered his head, a lone tear slipping down his face.

I just had to screw everything up.

"Oh, William. Poor, poor William Carter."

William froze as he felt a hand touch his face. He looked up, his eyes widening as he saw a young woman before him who was covered almost entirely in black, save her face. He was still, his green eyes locked with her amber ones. She smiled gently, caressing his face.

"You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into."

William was trembling, trying hard not to react but…

"AAHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed, backing away from her, dropping his spear on the ground, a loud thud sounding off from the impact.

She disappeared into the shadows as Wilson shot up, grabbing for his own spear quickly.


William froze again as he and Wilson locked eyes, panic in his own… and confusion in Wilson's.


Oh no… Oh no…

Wilson tilted his head, looking him over before raising an eyebrow.

"Since when do you wear glasses?"

William found himself backing away a little, feeling fear starting to build in him.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking Higgs-"

"I can't leave you alone for a minute, can I?"

William gasped, glancing behind him, seeing Maxwell behind in the form of a shadow, an unamused look in his white eyes.

"M-Maxwell it… it was an accident-"

Maxwell grabbed him by the shoulders, bringing him close to him.

"So much for not getting any funny ideas. You pathetic little magician."

Wilson stood in silence as he beheld the site.

What…? What is this…? What's going on?

"M-Maxwell, m-m-mercy!"

"Oh I'll show you mercy!"

Maxwell broke into bits of shadow flames before phasing into William's head, the man screaming in agony as he fell to the ground, gripping his head, his glasses falling off.

Wilson gasped before hurrying over. "H-Hey! What's wrong? Maxwell-" What on Earth is going on here…?

William looked up at Wilson, one side of his face showing fear, the other side showing anger.

"H-Help…! PLEASE! " William begged, cringing as he felt Maxwell's control come over.

"Quiet you! Let's not forget our deal!" Maxwell grolwed. "Don't pull him into this."


Wilson felt his worry grow as he grabbed onto the man's arms. "M-Maxwell, you leave this man alone! I MEAN IT! O-Or…" He looked to the edge of the camp. He growled before starting to drag him towards it.

"Or what!?" Maxwell grinned madly. "What could you possible do, Higgsbury? There's no saving the poor man! He made his grave and now he can sleep in it!"

"No…" Wilson reached the edge of the camp. There was a hissing noise heard as soon as Maxwell and Wilson were close enough. "Do you hear that?"

Maxwell's eyes widen.

"That presence… No… You wouldn't-!"

Wilson snarled. "I've had it up to here with you as of late! Maybe now you'll understand why I was so desperate to find a way out!" He shoved him as hard as he could… Right into the darkness as he stepped back.

Maxwell hit the ground hard, cringing a bit from the impact. He got up slowly, growling at Wilson.


Wilson smirked but said nothing.

The hissing grew louder as it rushed towards Maxwell.

"You… Thief…"

Maxwell looked behind him, fear coming to his eyes as he saw the woman again, this time however, she wore a look of rage, her amber eyes slitted as she held her claw hands out wide, going to strike.

"Ah… Ah… YOU CAN HAVE HIM!" Maxwell yelled, his demeanor changing as William came back into control, the man having complete panic in his eyes as he looked into the woman's eyes. He braced himself, bringing his arms over his head.

Instead, he felt a set of arms wrap around his midsection, pulling him back into the light as Wilson pulled him away.

"Leave him be, Grue!"

The woman hissed before disappearing from sight.

William was still shaking, his arms not moving from where they were, not even bothering to look up.

"Hey, hey…" Wilson frowned, feeling a twinge of guilt as he let William go by the fire. "Easy now. It's over."

William hesitated before moving one his arms away, looking at Wilson with squinted eyes.

"You… You saved me…?"

Wilson looked around, grabbing the glasses and offering them back. "I did. I'm terribly sorry for that. I panicked."

William took the glasses, his hands were still shaking as he put them back on,.

"I-It's fine. It's… It's not everyday you see something like that… Ehehehe…. Eh…" William brought his arms around himself, trying to get the shaking to stop. "Guh… Come on stop that."

Wilson went to him, stroking his back. "Deep breaths. In and out."

William closed his eyes, focusing in on his breathing, trying to pace it. It was hard at first, but eventually his breaths came out steadily, his body slowly calming down.


Wilson had a gentle look in his eyes. "It's okay. Don't apologize." But… this is MAXWELL. Why is he so shaky now? And… so scared? And what was with the screaming?

"But you were trying to sleep. I woke you up because I got spooked by Charlie… and I just made… HIM mad at me." William lowered his head. "I just can't do anything right."

"That's not the Maxwell I know."

"That's because I'm not him." William lowered his head more. "Least… not exactly him."

Wilson gave a concerned look. "What do you mean by that?" He asked, squeezing his shoulder a bit.

William sighed, closing his eyes.

"... I… I don't know if I can-"

"Not, one, word, out of you."

William cringed, gripping his head.

"Maxwell… Please."

It clicked as Wilson looked at the man before him.

It's a split personality. Maxwell and… This man. And from what it looks like, they're a regular Jekyll and Hyde-... Hm... "So, what does Mr. Hyde want?"

William's facial expression turned dark as Maxwell took control over part of his face.

"Do NOT call me that Higgsbury!" He growled. "I am no Hyde! He's just a nuisance!"

Wilson gave a flat look. "You be quiet or I throw you to the Grue again. I'm SURE Charlie would LOVE to see you again."

Maxwell went quiet, his facial expression turning back to a pained one. William feeling control come back to him. He groaned a bit, holding his head.


Wilson cringed. "I'm so sorry about that."

"Not your fault. It's my fault I got stuck like this with him."

"Does he do this all the time to you?"

"Well… not till recently." William looked to the fire, sighing. "For the longest time I was quiet. He got to do what he wanted. I wasn't sure why I was here… but then I started to remember. Started to think… maybe I wasn't him like he kept saying I was. Then… well… other things happened. Like you taking the throne and… I don't know. I just… started wanting to be the one in charge because I once was. Maxwell… He… He just took that from me because I was a fool enough to make a deal." William lowered his head. "A deal so stupid just for the sake of being a well renowned magician. I was so stupid."

Wilson frowned. "I know that feeling. Wanting to be the best of your field, to want to be great. That you'd do anything, anything at all to get it. Including making a deal with the devil."

"And in the end it cost me so much. My brother, my nieces… Charlie." William gripped his arms. "I lost everything. Including myself."

Wilson sighed, hesitating a bit before bringing an arm around his shoulders. "You've been through the wringer. Maxwell takes plenty of prisoners in his game. But… I wouldn't say it's the end of everything you knew. Who knows, there might be a chance."

"Maybe… I just barely started remembering who I was… it's… it's all still blurry. The only real thing that is proof that I'm not him is my name and even then I'm not sure."

"What's your full name?"

"William. William Carter."

His eyes grew wide.

"Well then, what's your name little lady?"

"Wendy. My name's Wendy Carter."

"... Any relation to a Wendy Carter? Blond hair, blue eyes?"

"She's the daughter of my brother, Jack Carter."

Wilson gave a gentle look. "Then I know for sure she's safe. I was looking after her and her sister Abigail back at my camp. They spoke fondly of an uncle Will.."

"Heh… I'm surprised they still do. I knew they were under your care, I just didn't think they would ever want to see me again. I took their father away from them."

"They're very understanding girls. They miss their father dearly but they miss their uncle as well."

"I didn't think anyone missed me."

"You're nothing. That's why you would think that. Because all you are, is a fading memory."

William cringed, holding his head again a little.

"I'm someone… I'm someone…"

"You're a piece of trash that's what you are. A weakling with no strong will of his own."

"Shut up… SHUT UP!"

"Pheh… You know when dawn comes I'll get you under wraps again and I will punish you severely for tonight."

William had fear come to his eyes before he lowered his head… almost like he was bowing.

"Y-Yes, Master."

"Good boy William. You will never disobey me again. Understand?"


Wilson shook William's shoulder. "Don't give up! Are you bloody insane!? You have the chance to make HIM work for you!"

"You stay out of this Higgsbury!" Maxwell growled. "This has nothing to do with you! I'm not sure how you can hear me, but that still doesn't change the fact that this is business between me and this sorry excuse for a magician!"

Wilson growled himself. "You be silent. I know your weakness now. I know what bothers you and I guarantee if you don't leave him alone I will find a way to make you miserable."

"Oh you son of a-"

"Cussing isn't dapper."

Maxwell growled before he went silent, William lifting his head up a little in confusion.

"You… You could hear him…?"

Wilson rubbed the back of his neck. "I… I did. I'm not entirely sure how. I think it has to do with the time I spent on the throne fighting THEIR influence. But I could hear him."

"You would be the first then. Then again… this is a bit of a new experience for both of us. We… some what have to work together. More so I come out when he wants rest and I stay silent as he goes about his day. He's the master and I'm nothing but a pawn to him."

"Well, we'll have to slowly start turning things around on him won't we then?" Wilson had a smirk come to his face. "We know he's afraid of Charlie but we can't use her all the time. But I'm sure there's other things that could bother him enough to let you out even for a time."

"Maybe.." William sighed. "I'm not sure I'll be useful to you. I barely remember my own past. The only things I know is what he knows and that's it."

"Regardless, you're a person. A human with the puppet master trying to pull your strings like he pulled the ones on our lives not so long ago."

"He takes pride in it. He likes being in control. He hates it when things aren't his way. It drives him mad."

"Then all the more reason for him to start becoming the silent one. But more importantly, all the more reason to set you free."

William looked to him in surprise.

"Why do you want to help me so much?"

Wilson gave a small shrug, a smile crossing his face.

"Because I don't like seeing people suffer. Why stand by when there's something to be done?"

William was silent, staring at Wilson before a small smile came to his face, his eyes a little misty.

"You never leave anyone behind. That's what Maxwell noticed about you and what I noticed too."

Wilson had a surprised look in his eyes.

"Y-You did huh?"

"Yeah. You could've only looked out for yourself yet… you chose everyone else."

"Because that's not how I am, nor how I was raised. I'd rather look out for everyone else than even dare think about my own safety."

"You really are something else, Wilson."

He gave a sheepish look shrugging.

"Not really. Just a scientist."

"You've proven to be more than that. More than you realize."

"Well… hopefully I can keep surprising you."

"I have no doubts."

William gave a small smile, chuckling a little before looking to where the horizon ended.

"For once I wish night could last longer. I haven't had this much free will since… well… before I found the Codex."

Wilson frowned, bringing a hand to his shoulder.

"You don't think Maxwell will allow you that time, huh?"

William shook his head.

"Like I said, he doesn't like it when he's not in control. It makes him angry… and me… he scares me to no end when he flies into a rage."

"I'm so sorry. I promise if there's a way to separate you two I'll find it."

"Thank you, Wilson." William looked to the darkness again. "And maybe… some how help her."

"Charlie. The Queen... But also your assistant."

"Yes… I feel awful for what I caused to happen to her. I want to apologize for that… and… Some how make it better… even if she doesn't forgive me I can't let her stay like that. It… It's not who she really is."

Wilson's gaze softened. "I understand. You want to free her."

William nodded.

"Even if means I get trapped again. I'd rather myself than her."

Wilson's eyes widened a little. "Don't say that!"

William's head shot up, giving Wilson a confused look.


"No one, not man, not beast, not shadow being deserves to be trapped to that horrible… horrible throne."


He shook his head quickly. "No one deserves that."

William's eyes widened a bit before he put a hand to Wilson's shoulder.

"I can't imagine what tried to possess you. While Maxwell has been king for a good long while I imagine if anyone did follow after him it would just be the same thing, just with someone else."

He nodded lowering his gaze a little. "Sorry."

"No, don't be. I tricked you into coming to find me. That was my fault."

"What? William-"

"The knowledge you were given for the staff to locate the door. How you bested all the trials. The fact that Maxwell played on your kindness to undo the lock. It felt awful to watch you do it. All the suffering you did… and then to have Charlie get you too. It was all my fault."

Wilson frowned, shaking his head. "No. I was so desperate to get out I abandoned everyone and everything I had built up hoping to find a way back.."

"That's right. Your camp. Your team."

"Yes." Wilson sighed. "So… let's just put it this way. We were both bloody idiots this week, be both made some very poor choices that cost us a lot, I have no idea where my friends are or if they're even still alive and your dear assistant has now turned on you. We've both lost a lot, so please, stop being so hard on yourself because I'm just as stupid."

"Wilson don't-"

"I am. I had responsibilities and I thought I could get away with it because I was hiding just how badly my sanity had gone. William, I was mentally exhausted and I was being selfish. I deserved it."

"Geeze… He really is like you."

William cringed a bit.

"I guess we are. It's like looking in a mirror."


"... Is… that pity I hear in your voice?"

"Shut it."

William shook his head.

"Wilson… Can… I do something to make it up to you? I might be able to do something to put your mind at ease."

Wilson grew curious giving a nod. "S-Sure."

William took a deep breath, bringing his hands together, small shadow flames forming in them.

"Please… let me just do this at least once." William cringed, feeling a dull pain in his head. "Show me… The camp of the The Survivors."

The flames came together, forming a small orb, an image coming to it made out of white lines. William held it up for Wilson to see, showing the lines formed the image of the very camp they were looking for. It was still standing and everyone was still there.

Wilson's eyes grew wide before relief came to them.

"They're okay. They're all there. Willow, the girls, Wigfrid, Ms. Wickerbottom. All of them. Oh thank heavens."

William smiled a bit before cringing, the image fading as he brought his hands to his head.

"Guh… Headache."

"Watch it, William. I let you do that, but I can't stop the headaches."

Wilson frowned, bringing a hand to his shoulder. "Thank you for that but please, take it easy."

William nodded.

"Just… wanted to give you some peace of mind."

"And I feel so relieved to see the others." He wiped at his own eyes quickly, giving a small smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." William looked to the horizon again, seeing the sun was coming, letting out a sigh. "Guess my time is up." He closed his eyes, removing his glasses.

Wilson sighed looking away.

And now another day with Maxwell. Lovely.

William cringed, Maxwell's features returning to his face. The man felt himself slip back into darkness, Maxwell coming back into control.

"We'll talk later."

"Yes, Master."

Maxwell took a deep breath before putting the glasses into his coat pocket, getting up.

"We speak nothing of this to the others. Capiche?"

"What do I get out of it, "King"?"

"I'll go easier on the spineless one."

Wilson crossed his arms. "Call him William and we have a deal."

"Fine. I'll be easier on William, and I let him use my magic. Deal, Pal?"


"Good." Maxwell picked up his bag and spear. "We should get moving."

Wilson nodded, doing the same.

"Oh and if you try to get even with me for last night I'll hide your pipe."

"Pfffft!" William was trying his best not to laugh. "He's got wit! That's for sure!

"Guh…" Maxwell rubbed his temples. "Two is company. Three's a crowd as some say."

Wilson smirked.

"Come now. Let's head off."

Edited by Aileen-Rose
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Pleasant Surprise.png

Pleasant Surprise

Burn… Burn… BURN IT ALL!

Willow stared intently into the fire pit, throwing in as many logs as she could, just trying to get her mind off things. She was frustrated, confused, sad. So many things and she just wasn't quite sure what to do other than to burn as many things as possible.

"Willow?" A small voice asked behind her. She looked to see Wendy, a sad look in her eyes. "Are… Are you mad at Wilson…?" She asked quietly, fiddling with her sister's flower - a hound attack the day before having sent her beloved twin back into her flower.

"Mad, sad and… GAH!" Willow was trying to compose herself, running a hand through her hair. "Just… Idiot just had to go run off by himself and do whatever it is he did that got him killed! Or… I dunno, maybe he isn't dead but… He had to leave. He had to leave us all by ourselves to fend off all these new things. Way to be a hero, Wilson. Bloody idiot." Willow hiccuped a little, trying to wipe away the tears in her eyes quickly. "Freaking… bloody… idiot."

Wendy moved to her side, bringing her arms around her. "I miss him too." Her voice cracked. "He promised he'd take care of us. That he wouldn't leave us like Daddy did. I dunno why he lied but there has to be a reason." She sniffled a little. "It hurts but I… I hope he didn't mean it."

Willow frowned, bringing her arms around the child.

"Oh Wendy. Listen to me complaining when this is hurting you just as much." She sighed. "Yeah, I miss him. Though I swear I'm slapping him so hard when he shows his face again his head will spin."

"Can I make him do the sacrifice for Abi?" She asked, burying her face a little.

"Let's not get too crazy now." Willow stroked her hair. "He's been a moron but not to that degree."

She sighed, huddling closer to her. "Okay. Can I make him let me stay up extra late?"


Willow kept the girl close, cradling her a little, feeling herself relaxing a bit from her burning tantrum.

Wilson, where are you?


Willow perked up, holding Wendy protectively.

"What was that?"

Wendy looked around. "I… I dunno. The others were out to hunt."

Willow kept the girl close to her, grabbing her lighter, getting into a battle ready position as she looked around.

"Whoever or whatever is out there, don't try us!"

It was quiet. Then there was some rustling in the bushes nearby.

Wendy growled a little. "Begone monster!"

"What the little lady said! Whoever you are, back off!"

The bushes soon parted… but to their surprise it was no beast but a man. He stumbled out, falling before their feet, a small groan leaving him.

"Help…" He whispered.

They gasped before kneeling beside him, Willow turning him over. "Hey, easy now. We'll get you some help - Wendy go get some ice and that last batch of healing salve please!"


Willow got to work, trying to remember all the things Wilson had taught her about healing as she rolled the man on to his back to get a better look at him.

He was fair skinned and had messy blond hair that draped over his face a little. He looked up at her weakly, showing his eyes were a pale blue color.

"Who are you…?"

She frowned. "My name's Willow. You just stumbled into our camp. Where's it hurt?"

"My stomach." He coughed. "Thank goodness. This was the camp I was looking for. Can't believe my luck actually brought me here."

"Easy now. What do you mean looking for?" She hesitated before moving his shirt a little to get a better look at his stomach, cringing at seeing a pretty large gash. "O-Oh geeze."

"Hound got me… and I knew about your camp for awhile." He coughed. "This is the camp lead by Wilson P. Higgsbury."

"W-Wilson... You know Wilson?"

Wendy ran back, carrying supplies in her arms, skidding a little as she fell to her knees next to Willow. "Got it Willow!"

The man looked to Wendy, his eyes widening in shock and joy mixed together.


The girl looked to him before her eyes grew wide, recognition coming to them. She dropped what was in her hands, bringing one of them to his cheek.

"... Daddy?" She asked, voice cracking a little. Is… Is it really Daddy?

The man brought his hand over hers.

"My little Wendy. You're okay."

Tears came to her eyes before she leaned down, kissing his head, minding his injuries. "I am. But you're hurt. Oh Daddy."

Willow was in shock but she quickly shook it off, getting right to work on the man's injuries.

"I have so many questions but they can wait till I get this fixed." Willow said, starting to patch up the injury with ease. "But at least give me a name."

"Jack. Jack Carter."

Her eyes widened a little before going back to work.

So this is the guy that Wigfrid and the others mentioned going missing after the final act. I thought he was dead.

Jack relaxed, feeling the pain starting to die down as Willow finished her work.

"Much better."

"Good. Just take it easy on that injury until it heals, okay? Don't make me use the lecture techniques Wilson uses."

"Noted." Jack sat up a bit, keeping his focus on Wendy. "Now, you, c'mere." He brought her into his arms, hugging her tightly. "Oh my little girl."

Wendy let out a squeal, hugging him just as tightly. "Daddy!" She buried her face in his shoulder a little. "You're gonna be okay."

Jack kissed her head.

"Yeah, just need some time to heal. It's so good to see you again. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Daddy." She nuzzled him a little, some tears rolling down her face. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming."

"You're not my dear. You're not." Jack held her closer. "I just hope I'm not dreaming too."

"Nuh uh. I'm real." She cuddled close to him. "I'm here."

Jack smiled, stroking her hair.

"That's my girl."

Wendy relaxed a little, nuzzling his hand. "I love you."

"I love you too. So, so much."

"You're gonna stay right?"

"Only if you want me to."

She hung tightly onto his shirt. "I want you here! Me and Abi have missed you so much!"

"Alright, alright, Shhh…" Jack stroked her hair again. "Shhh… I'm here now."

The girl quieted, leaning her head against his chest. "Good." She closed her eyes, curling up a little.

"What's going on here?"

The others had returned from their hunting trip. Their eyes went wide at the sight of Jack, especially the eyes of Wigfrid, Wolfgang and Wes.


Jack looked to them, giving a sheepish grin.

"Hey guys. Long time no see, huh?"

Willow got out of the way to avoid getting trampled as the trio rushed over.

"We thought you were dead!" Wigfrid shouted as she hugged the man carefully, the other two joining in on it. "How did you find your way here!?"

"It's… a very long and complicated story." Jack did his best to return the embrace. "And a very confusing one. Even for me."

"You can tell us when you have the chance because we all want answers. Oh Valhalla above, thank goodness."

Wendy wiggled out of his arms to avoid getting squished. "Oof!"

Willow picked her up. "Pretty glad to see your dad, huh?"

"Yes." Wendy nodded. "Oh I hope Abi wakes up soon. She needs to see this."

"I'm sure she will. I bet she'll be very excited too." She smiled. "So what does your dad do anyway usually?" Even shredded up those are some pretty high class looking duds he has there.

"Oh, I guess we never mentioned it but he's a doctor."

Willow's eyes went wide before she tried to grin, not wanting to upset the girl.

"O-Oh… That's… Great."


"He's one of the best. He always did what he could to help any patient. Even Uncle Will." Wendy sighed. "Now if only we could find him too."

Willow frowned, hugging the girl a little tighter. "We'll find him and we'll find Wilson too and good thing there's a doctor here - cause that scientist is gonna need one when I'm done with him."

"Don't kill him, please."

"He'll be mostly dead."

"Okay." She chirped before looking to the others, hopping out of Willow's arms and right into Jack's once again. "You guys are hogging him!"

The three parted, letting the girl have her father.

"Sorry, wee lass." Wigfrid chuckled.

Jack smiled, holding Wendy close to him.

"My little girl."

She giggled, hugging him tightly. "My Daddy!"

Wes squished his cheeks together. Too cute!

"So sweet." Wolfgang smiled.

"Indeed." Wigfrid chuckled. "Family back together."

Willow kept her distance, the others greeting Jack and asking whatever questions they had for the man. She sighed, looking upward, her mind racing with so many thoughts.

New surprises. From the new beasts, the changes in the land and now this guy.

Wilson, where are you when we need you?

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The Queen's Muse.png

The Count of Umbra Rosa

Charlie was pleased with how things were changing in the land. It was beautiful the amount of chaos that was starting to unravel for the survivors. It was amusing to watch as they tried to understand the changes. It was also amusing to watch how Wilson and Maxwell reacted. Maxwell especially.

Ah, seeing him scurrying about in fear to find answers is always a fun show. Serves him right after all he put me through. Now he's at the mercy of my hand. It's just beautiful.

Charlie got up from her throne, stretching a bit, deciding she wanted to take a small walk through the throne room.

It's a comfortable chair but legs need a good stretch once and awhile.

She made her way down the staircase and into the sculpture area of the throne room. She scowled a bit, noting there were still some statues of Maxwell lying around.

Note to self, turn them into crushed marble and make them into griffons or something much more pleasant than that man.

She continued her walk, humming in thought over some ideas for what to do next. But that thought train was soon interrupted by a sound she didn't expect to hear in the throne room of all places.

Well, least a sound she hadn't heard since she smashed the phonograph that Maxwell had to put up with on his time on the throne.

Is that music?

Unlike the music of the phonograph, which was a more upbeat rag time song, the music she heard had a more melancholy tone to it. The biggest difference of all, it was a classical piano she heard creating the song and it didn't sound like it was coming out of any phonograph. It was live music.

I don't have any pianos in here and I certainly know no one else should be here but me and They can't play music of any kind to save their lives. But this music it sounds so… soothing.

Charlie followed the music, trying to pin down the source. It got more clearer and louder as she came closer to wherever it was coming from. As the music became perfectly clear, her eyes went wide in surprise.

There, between two broken Maxwell statues and a few torches was a man. His hair was dark in color, scraggly and matted and went down to his shoulders. He was pale in skin tone and he was dressed in what Charlie would assume was a nightwear of sorts that was torn in some places. She took note of his face, noting the tiredness in his deep blue and darkened veins on his head.

I've seen symptoms like that. He's suffering from insanity.

She took her attention away from that and focused on where his hands were. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. There was no real piano but where the man's hands were piano keys made of shadows. As he pressed his fingers against each key music notes would appear in the form of shadows, floating into the air, carrying the sound.

It was magic. It had to be. There was no other way to explain what she was seeing. But what didn't make sense was how this man was here.

I know for fact I put a tight lock on the door and I've never seen this man before. He doesn't look like anyone I saw Maxwell make a deal with and I know all the survivors' faces from my hunts.

She looked at his face again to be sure. It seemed somewhat familiar but no name was coming to mind.

In any case, he's here somehow. Now the question is what to do with him.

Two thoughts came to mind. She could either throw him out of the throne room and join the others in surviving or just kill him since he was trespassing in her private space.

Or… maybe I could use him.

She stayed silent, clearing her mind to focus on the music the man was making. She had heard plenty of piano music in her lifetime but something was different about this music. Then there was something she noticed.

I don't hear any of the Their voices. Usually they're either shouting or whispering at me but I can't hear them at all with this music. My mind is actually calm for once. It's... beautiful.

She smiled as an idea came to her mind.

Looks like I might have a use for someone besides amusing me by surviving for change.

Her smile faded as she put on her best concerned look, kneeling before the man.

"Excuse me, Sir?"

The man gasped, looking up, the piano keys fading away as he stopped playing. His eyes were wide in fear and surprise as he beheld Charlie. She brought a hand to his chin, keeping up her worried facade.

"You don't look so good, Darling."

The man was stiff for a moment before giving a small nod.

"I haven't been in my right mind in years to be quite honest."

Charlie frowned at this.

"Insanity. You poor dear." She cupped a cheek in her hand. "Though I must ask, how did you get here? Generally it's only me in here."

"I'm not sure. I just remember being knocked out for a moment by a pest of shadow monster that I've been trying to shake for years and the next I woke up here and he was gone. Though I was greeted by his "friends" as it were so I did the one thing I knew I could do to keep them away and that was play my music."

"Oh, you poor dear." Charlie looked into his eyes, seeing there was something lingering behind them.

The man sighed. "I don't even know why he brought me here. I remember him mentioning something about a new king has been throned but that's about it. Though honestly I don't miss the bugger."

"You've been through a lot… A new king." She hummed in thought. "There used to be one but he's gone now. Out to the wilds where he belongs. But… there is hope for you." She gave her best kind look. "Your music. It seems to have some sort of healing property. Do you use it for that?"

"It was my one way of holding onto any bit of sanity I had left while I was the asylum. I don't know how but I could make music by just focusing and pretending I was playing the instrument of my choice. I usually stuck with piano but I found I could do others like violin. Either way, it drove the monsters away and let me have some peace and quiet. Sadly, I could never keep it up forever since my hands would get sore but… in a sense, it does heal the mind. I may have little sanity left but I still have it because my music allowed it. It silences all the voices. It sets the mind free from Their grasp."

Charlie's hand moved from his cheek as she cupped both of his hands in hers. "A musical genius, plagued by insanity. Such is the fate of many creative souls. Yet here you are, holding on by a thread. A single note." She smiled. "A survivor… I must ask, what will you do here now that you are out of the asylum? It wouldn't seem you could just walk out there like that. Your clothes are hardly suited to last in the wilds."

"I don't think they're suited for anything in the world." The man frowned. "But to be honest… I'm not sure where to go from here. At the rate things were going I never thought I'd leave the asylum. Now that I'm out… it's unclear what I should do. I would consider going back to my family like I planned to but I have no idea where I am and if they're even still around. Last I heard of anything about them my wife was missing and my son possibly dead. They were the reason I held on for so long but… now I'm not sure what to do. I have no where to go."

Charlie frowned, running her hand through the man's hair. "Oh you poor darling. You truly have suffered haven't you?" She pretended to think for a moment before a gentle look came to her. "If you have no where to go… you could stay with me. It gets rather lonely around here and I know how it feels to be plagued constantly by THEIR influence." She looked him over. "A bit of changes here and there and you'd fit right in."

The man gave a surprised look, tilting his head.

"You… hear them too?"

"Oh, all the time. It's quite awful and I'm not sure what I could do about them. I just wish they would leave me alone to think."

"Well… maybe my music could be of assistance. I know it clears my mind when I hear it, maybe it could work for you too."

A touched look came to her eyes, even managing to get them to look misty and full of tears.

"You would do that for me? A total stranger?" She asked her voice cracking. "Oh you are far too kind. I couldn't, you need it more." She looked away, sniffling a bit.

"Oh, Miss, please don't cry."

"I don't even know you but you're showing me kindness despite your suffering."

"As long as I can hear my music too it works for me. I see no harm in sharing it. I'd rather someone not have to deal with Them like I've had to. It would be my honor to be able to help someone else be free of suffering."

Charlie looked back to the man, seeing a gentle look in his eyes as he squeezed her hands a bit. She allowed a single tear to fall.

"I would be most honored. What's your name?"

"Edward. Edward Victor Higgsbury. Yours?"

"I'm known as Charlie. The queen of this realm. It's such a pleasure to meet you Edward or Mr. Higgsbury if you prefer."

"Whatever you prefer, Your Highness." Edward bowed his head. "I usually prefer Edward though. I was never really one for formalities."

Charlie tilted his chin up. "Then Edward it is." She hummed in thought, looking at his clothes. "Though do allow me to fix you up if I may? If you'll be part of my court now as it were you should look the part." She offered. "And it would be warmer for you."

"I would love to get out of these clothes." He felt his face, noting his thick beard. "And get a proper trim. I haven't looked in a mirror in a while but I know for fact I look like a wreck. I don't even know how long I was in the asylum but it's been quite some time since I could actually properly groom myself."

Charlie smiled kindly, helping him to his feet. "Please, allow me. Just hold still for a moment." She stepped back as shadows began to form around Edward. The man gave a surprised yelp before he was enveloped by them as his attire was changed. "There. What do you think?"

Edward looked at himself, eyes wide in surprise. He was now dressed in white formal shirt with a light pink vest and dark red suit coat on top, along with proper dress pants and even had gloves. He noted a small pendant that was around his neck that resembled a deep red rose with black leaves.

"It's amazing." He said, adjusting his gloves. "I haven't worn anything like this since my performing days."

"And to complete the look." Charlie created a mirror in her hands, showing him his reflection. "A proper trim."

Edward looked at himself in the mirror, seeing his hair was now properly cut to a short length and it was slicked back the way he liked it. His beard was mostly gone now and was now a small goatee on his chin. He noticed there was a now a red streak in the center of his hair. It was a bit odd but he he found it worked well with the outfit.

"It's perfect." He said, sighing relief. "Goodness, I feel like myself again."

Charlie smiled. making the mirror disappear in a burst of shadow flames. "I'm so glad to hear that. Though..." She looked him over. "I feel you're missing something." She hummed in thought before snapping her fingers as a conductor's baton appeared in her hand. "Here. Try this. Might help your hands instead of having to play manually."

Edward took the baton into his hands. He hummed in thought before turning away from her, raising the baton. He started making motions with it, music notes making themselves present. However, instead of just piano music, a whole orchestra could be heard, creating a gentle sounding symphony.

Charlie closed her eyes, taking in the music as the whispers that had started up again faded to nothingness. She could think clearly.

I must never lose him.

She applauded him as she stood by his side. "That was wonderful my dear Edward. Simply wonderful."

Edward smiled, stopping the music, taking a bow.

"Thank you, My Queen."

Charlie curtsied, a warm smile on her face. "No, thank you. It's such an honor to have someone part of my court. Someone I can trust."

"I'm happy to be of service. Whatever life I did have is long gone so I'm happy to have someone to serve."

"No longer just a musician. You deserve a higher title than that."

Edward's eyes went wide in surprise.

"A-Are you sure? I mean, I'm not exactly of the high class."

Charlie smiled, a bit more slyly this time. She made a sweeping gesture with her arm as she turned, leading him to her throne area.

"You are now. I was nothing more than a magician's assistant who was treated like nothing but an experiment by the former king. Now I am royalty and this world is mine to shape and form. To nurture and grow. You can be so much more than who you were born as or who you were before."

"I suppose." Edward kept close, looking around him, noting all the decorations. "I slightly remember this place being in ruin. Now it looks like a grand theater. It's beautiful."

Charlie smiled, giving a slight shrug. "It just needed a woman's touch. It's my stage to perform upon. Your stage to create magnificent music to keep the shadows at bay. Our place to call home… Count."

Edward's eyes went wide again.

"C-Count? My Queen t-that's quite the high position for just being a maestro."

Charlie tsk'd a bit. "It's a high position because I trust you Edward. You're part of my court. You're the only other person apart of it. I believe such a place of trust deserves the honor does it not?"

Edward thought about it for a moment before giving a small nod.

"It makes sense and I trust you, My Queen."

Charlie smiled, giving a nod of her own.

"Then welcome to the court. Dear Count of Umbra Rosa."

That does have a nice ring to it. And who I was before… that man is dead. This is who I am now.

Edward gave a bow, readying his baton.

"Shall I serenade you, My Queen?"

Charlie returned to her throne making herself comfortable.

"Please do."

"As you wish, My Queen."

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6 hours ago, Aileen-Rose said:

That does have a nice ring to it. And who I was before… that man is dead. This is who I am now.

Oh no, he's becoming a Maxwell isn't he?

Well anyway, looking forward to see how this progresses. Interested to see what happens if Wilson encounters him... or if Edward realized Wilson's in this world.

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