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So I have this save that I am, over 150, maybe 200 days or so, all seasons came and went, all smooth and normal, then one day, after I passed through summer...it was autumn, and the summer heat would not go away...sure I thought it was because it was just the beginning of the season, and so I waited...middle of autumn, still overheating temperature, I had to constantly use things to not overheat...again I thought it would pass when winter arrived.
Well guess?

It didn't, it is winter, and so far, the temperature is at a level I need to keep all flingomatics on and I need to keep using summer items or I LITERALLY overheat during WINTER.

I am not sure if this is normal in the game or if it is a glitch.

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You need to use flingomatics for..? Those don't actually affect the player.


What else can you tell us? Are you wearing summer clothing in the winter? Are you holding thermal stone(s)? How many fire pits (endo/regular) are you standing next to, etc etc?

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Do you use mods? I know that the tiki torch mod can cause deadly temperature spikes.


I have mods but none of them ever involved anything with fire

In fact I had to recently get one mod to keep nightlights infinite because going to get wood was becoming difficult to get wood until I got the infinite tools mod to cope with that, but regardless,

 the only other light mod is the nightlights, and they are in a single place, the heat is on the entire map, which confuses me, specially how those lights were there almost at the very beginning of the base, yet the seasons were still doing all normal.

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You need to use flingomatics for..? Those don't actually affect the player.


What else can you tell us? Are you wearing summer clothing in the winter? Are you holding thermal stone(s)? How many fire pits (endo/regular) are you standing next to, etc etc?


Because if I don't keep the flingomatics on around the base the things will set on fire...in plain winter... 


Now that I have a lot of gold and blue gems, I am using ice amulets to go around.

No thermal stones

1 endothermic firepit and just (I never required a standard firepit since the character doesn't freeze)

the rest is just nightlights

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So the environment as a whole still behaves as if it was RoG summer?


Seriously, what mods do you have enabled? Even the unrelated ones may matter.


yep pretty much

wait let me, get the list, holy molly that is a lot.


Aditional Set Pieces


Bee Nice

Beefalo Milk

Birds and Berries and Trees for Friends.

Break the Ice

Buffed Pets (because Glommer's sanity aura is beyond tiny)

Character names(I don't know why it is on, this is so irrelevant if it is offline)

Chester Family Beta

Complete Your Map (Another irrelevant one due to being offline)

Configurable Dicable & plantable reeds

Craft Stuff


Deluxe Campfires 2.11 (only using its endothermic fire)

Display food values

DST resurrection shelter

DST Path Lights

DST Storm Cellar

Extra Equpi Slots API Edition

Fast Travel

Fear of Gnomes

Fishing Buddy

Flower Box DST

Friendly Slurper

Glimmer and Family DST

Glowing moonrock walls

Godly Fire - Infinite

Growable Marble Trees

Health Info

Flingomatic Behavior Configurator

Major Stack Size

Meteor More Mine

Mining Machine

More Actions

More Storage

Movable Portal


Never Perish Icebox

No Idle Wall Attack

Only Fertlize Once

Party Dance

Personal Chesters

Pickle It

Rabbit nest

Spike Trap

The Krampus(personal mod)

Tungsten Mod


Tweak Those Tools, Tweaked

Wall gates

Useless Junk

Workmole marks


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Man you have 52 mods and you didn't expect your game to show not even one error/bug? 0-o


Maybe cuta half of those mods and the things my work lol


Pff the world already started with about 10

the rest were slowly added with the ever growing need to build stuff to not get nothing to do with the save.

And like I pointed out, none of them are weather mods, the only one that has a day change is the Dawn Mod and said dawn mod was added since the very beginning of the game, and it never had this issue.

 if you still not sure that I know it isn't the number of mods

 In the Don't Starve, the singleplayer version, I have one with 70 mods, and it is at day 310 and absolutely no weather issue occurred.


 What I think that happened is that the temperature might have bugged due to issues regarding the computer shutting down unexpectedly, which I might be able to solve, if I try to override the current weather, which is a thing I am intending on doing once I get the time to run the game.

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to Update, I actually discovered what was the issue.

 It was not a mod changing the configurations, it was a mod that got removed from the workshop, thus from my mod files, the game kept identifying it as working and active, and with no world data from the mod, it was just stuck in a single season, Once I removed it entirely, it all started working well.

 So yeah, the case is closed.

 Thank you guys for trying to help me out!

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