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Caves Beta - September 18th Update

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On these servers i've deleted save folder on both, i've started master, then slave, restarted master with c_regenerateworld() , played, found a sinkhole (closed), and stopped.


Have you generated server token? Are you launching server with -lan command?

Look for my posts in page 5, maybe you have the same problems I had.

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Hey Klei, I found something that seems like an exploit with the buggy bunnymen. If you befriend one bunnyman, and half-striking a neutral mob(in the video provided, I attacked a neutral bunnyman.) all other bunnymen allied and non-allied will rally together and attack the neutral mob you targeted.


I was about to write about what the expected outcome of triggering an ally bunnyman to attack another bunnyman based on DS but I needed to confirm my expectations. After that I decided to test this scenario with DS:RoG, and it seems to also happen there. So now I'm not entirely sure this is a bug. Just figured I'll report it regardless.



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Hey Klei, I found something that seems like an exploit with the buggy bunnymen. If you befriend one bunnyman, and half-striking a neutral mob(in the video provided, I attacked a neutral bunnyman.) all other bunnymen allied and non-allied will rally together and attack the neutral mob you targeted.



I was about to write about what the expected outcome of triggering an ally bunnyman to attack another bunnyman based on DS but I needed to confirm my expectations. After that I decided to test this scenario with DS:RoG, and it seems to also happen there. So now I'm not entirely sure this is a bug. Just figured I'll report it regardless.



If you actually hit the bunnyman everyone will attack you (even your friend bunny).

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@Dylan738, and that's expected... if its a full strike. But what I did was half-striking, which is a trick to order allies to attack something without aggroing the target to yourself. The main concern I have with this is that even non-allies will attack the target you half-striked regardless. 

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Hi, help me pls

Connecting to master failed, waiting to reconnect . . .

My DoNotStarveTogether Setting.ini:


default_server_name = Public Test
max_players = 2
server_password = 
lan_only_server = false
shard_enable = true
is_master = true
master_port = 15557
cluster_key = telebone
DST_CAVES_SERVER Setting.ini :
server_port = 11009
steam_authentication_port = 12949
steam_master_server_port = 12949
default_server_name = Public Test
max_players = 2
server_password = cNJkFJmVQ2leW7
lan_only_server = false
shard_enable = true
is_master = false
master_ip =
master_port = 11005
shard_name = caves
cluster_key = telebone
shard_id = 12844552
Firewall open this port
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A friend of mine has just found out about the cave beta thing and decided to come to my server to have a look.

So he joined my server, went down to the cave and got himself killed. My cave server reset and my cave base is lost.

Personally I think this reset should not have happened. To me the surface and the cave is one world and the world should not have reset for anything except a team wipe.


I try to get down to the cave and rollback the server but once it has reset its too late for roll back.


Also just found another glitch. I harvested a lurk plant but didn't get the leafy meat.

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@Mday, yeah at the moment the caves and overworlds master/slave shards are treated as entirely unique servers but are only connected. The devs have mentioned that this would happen on the Rhymes with Play Dev Stream where they showcased the caves. They intend to make both worlds more integrated wherein if a live player exists on either the overworld or the caves none of the servers will reset.


More info may probably be shared by the next stream, until then give your friends a heads-up about that. Cheers.



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Hi, help me pls

Connecting to master failed, waiting to reconnect . . .

My DoNotStarveTogether Setting.ini:


default_server_name = Public Test
max_players = 2
server_password = 
lan_only_server = false
shard_enable = true
is_master = true
master_port = 15557
cluster_key = telebone
DST_CAVES_SERVER Setting.ini :
server_port = 11009
steam_authentication_port = 12949
steam_master_server_port = 12949
default_server_name = Public Test
max_players = 2
server_password = cNJkFJmVQ2leW7
lan_only_server = false
shard_enable = true
is_master = false
master_ip =
master_port = 11005
shard_name = caves
cluster_key = telebone
shard_id = 12844552
Firewall open this port


Master port must be the same on both settings, you have

master_port = 11005

master_port = 15557

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@Mday, yeah at the moment the caves and overworlds master/slave shards are treated as entirely unique servers but are only connected. The devs have mentioned that this would happen on the Rhymes with Play Dev Stream where they showcased the caves. They intend to make both worlds mored wherein if a live player exists on either the overworld or the caves none of the servers will reset.


More info may probably be shared by the next stream, until then give your friends a heads-up about that. Cheers.

Yea, I kind of know this could happen. I told him to head to my overworld base but then he decided to check out the cave.


I guess I could've place some sign at the sinkhole/ portal etc to remind visitors about this.


It will also be better if messages, player statues, and logs etc are shared between the two server. Right now there is no way to know whats going on in the cave. I don't even know the count down was going as this dude didn't tell me soon enough about he's death.

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  • Developer

Yea, I kind of know this could happen. I told him to head to my overworld base but then he decided to check out the cave.


I guess I could've place some sign at the sinkhole/ portal etc to remind visitors about this.


It will also be better if messages, player statues, and logs etc are shared between the two server. Right now there is no way to know whats going on in the cave. I don't even know the count down was going as this dude didn't tell me soon enough about he's death.


Yep, we're working on getting them more tightly integrated. We completely agree, that they should feel like "one world" for all intents and purposes. Thanks for the feedback!

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We've been talking in another thread about how DST seems to now be missing some set-pieces and all boons.  And now that I'm thinking about it I can't recall seeing any in the caves either.  I still see things like the Bunny-men villages, but things like the various cave-base set-pieces seem to be missing and I haven't seen a boon (or even a non-player-skeleton) in the caves either.


I've only spent a few hours in the DST caves though, so I'd like to ask:  Anyone else seeing set-pieces or boons down in the caves or do they seem to be missing from DST caves like they're missing in above-ground DST?

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This didn't help =( . maybe problem in ip? i have router.



Are you running these servers on the same machine or different machines? (I'm closing this thread, please continue the convo in the new thread. :-) )


We've been talking in another thread about how DST seems to now be missing some set-pieces and all boons.  And now that I'm thinking about it I can't recall seeing any in the caves either.  I still see things like the Bunny-men villages, but things like the various cave-base set-pieces seem to be missing and I haven't seen a boon (or even a non-player-skeleton) in the caves either.


I've only spent a few hours in the DST caves though, so I'd like to ask:  Anyone else seeing set-pieces or boons down in the caves or do they seem to be missing from DST caves like they're missing in above-ground DST?


Yeah, there's no boons in the caves yet at all. They should still show up in the overworld though, I'll have a look into that.




A new build has been posted! Please continue posting feedback in the new thread:


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