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What day number is the game's difficulty maxed out at?

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Hound attacks, chance of treeguard spawning, numbers of frogs in frog rain, and I'm sure other things all get worse as the days go by, but to a point. The wiki lists some of these, but I'm wondering what the final day is that these variable factors cut off at, like what is the day in the game where everything the game throws at you is at it's maximum occurrence/intensity level. 


Anyone know?

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Unless it has changed, you will get more hounds after day 70 on the default setting, rather than the "lots" setting. For some possibly now fixed reason, the "lots" setting wouldn't reach the highest hound spawn amount.


Changing world settings has always had side effects like this.

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It's because changing the hounds makes them no longer escalate, they start and end at a fixed amount. 

Day 100+ would be when hounds reach their maximum in combined number and frequency, at least in vanilla DS.

I think treeguards max out in potential number at day 80 but might be wrong.

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Hound attacks, chance of treeguard spawning, numbers of frogs in frog rain, and I'm sure other things all get worse as the days go by, but to a point. The wiki lists some of these, but I'm wondering what the final day is that these variable factors cut off at, like what is the day in the game where everything the game throws at you is at it's maximum occurrence/intensity level. 


Anyone know?


100 I guess. Chances of enraged Birchnut tree or Treeguard generation and hound generation, Krampus generation, meeting Ewecus/Varg at the end of trail got maximized at that time. But most hard season is summer, yeah, with Hellfire hounds.

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It's still 100 for hounds:

local function CalcPlayerAttackSize(player)	local day = player.components.age:GetAgeInDays()	local attacksize = 0		if day < 10 then		attacksize = attack_levels.intro.numhounds()	elseif day < 25 then		attacksize = attack_levels.light.numhounds()	elseif day < 50 then		attacksize = attack_levels.med.numhounds()	elseif day < 100 then		attacksize = attack_levels.heavy.numhounds()	else		attacksize= attack_levels.crazy.numhounds()	end	return attacksizeend


Treeguards cap out at day 80:

    local days_survived = TheWorld.state.cycles    if days_survived >= TUNING.LEIF_MIN_DAY then		if math.random() <= TUNING.LEIF_PERCENT_CHANCE then							local numleifs = 1			if days_survived > 30 then				numleifs = math.random(2)			elseif days_survived > 80 then				numleifs = math.random(3)			end						for k = 1,numleifs do				local target = FindEntity(inst, TUNING.LEIF_MAXSPAWNDIST, find_leif_spawn_target)				if target ~= nil then					target.noleif = true					target.leifscale = growth_stages[target.components.growable.stage].leifscale or 1                    target.chopper = chopper					target:DoTaskInTime(1 + math.random() * 3, spawn_leif)				end			end		end    end


I just found this out now, but birchnut drake spawn chances are changed. They can no longer spawn in the first 20 days, and then have a spawn rate for each season:

		-- Birchnut monster chances have been reduced and tied to seasons instead of the number of days to balance things out for dedicated servers (which may be running for extremely long times)		DECID_MONSTER_MIN_DAY = 20, -- No monsters during the first autumn	    DECID_MONSTER_SPAWN_CHANCE_AUTUMN = .15,	-- high chance of monsters in autumn to cancel out double birchnut and general easyness of autumn	    DECID_MONSTER_SPAWN_CHANCE_SPRING = .08, -- next highest in spring because everything attacks in spring	    DECID_MONSTER_SPAWN_CHANCE_SUMMER = .033, -- low chance in summer since summer is hard anyway	    DECID_MONSTER_SPAWN_CHANCE_WINTER = 0, -- can't make monsters in winter, they have to have leaves 


Varg/Ewecus chances still cap out at 100 days:

local function GetAlternateBeastChance()    local day = GetTime()/TUNING.TOTAL_DAY_TIME    local chance = Lerp(TUNING.HUNT_ALTERNATE_BEAST_CHANCE_MIN, TUNING.HUNT_ALTERNATE_BEAST_CHANCE_MAX, day/100)    chance = math.clamp(chance, TUNING.HUNT_ALTERNATE_BEAST_CHANCE_MIN, TUNING.HUNT_ALTERNATE_BEAST_CHANCE_MAX)    return chanceend


Krampus may have been intended to ramp up to max levels past day 100, but the way the code is written only pre-day-50 and post-day-50 actually get used:

-- from scripts/tuning.lua	    KRAMPUS_INCREASE_LVL1 = 50,	    KRAMPUS_INCREASE_LVL2 = 100,-- from scripts/components/kramped.lua		if day > TUNING.KRAMPUS_INCREASE_LVL1 then			num_krampii = num_krampii + math.random(TUNING.KRAMPUS_INCREASE_RAMP)		elseif day > TUNING.KRAMPUS_INCREASE_LVL2 then			num_krampii = num_krampii + 1 + math.random(TUNING.KRAMPUS_INCREASE_RAMP)		end 


I can't find anything about frog rain increasing the number of frogs over time. As far as I can tell it's always random in the same ranges.


I did a find-in-files search for "150" and found that depth worms reach maximum levels then, but that could get revisited when caves actually get in.


It's possible that the other thing didn't get set to 150 days exactly, but I'm not sure what it would be... I covered everything that ramps up that I could think of.

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It's still 100 for hounds:

local function CalcPlayerAttackSize(player)	local day = player.components.age:GetAgeInDays()	local attacksize = 0		if day < 10 then		attacksize = attack_levels.intro.numhounds()	elseif day < 25 then		attacksize = attack_levels.light.numhounds()	elseif day < 50 then		attacksize = attack_levels.med.numhounds()	elseif day < 100 then		attacksize = attack_levels.heavy.numhounds()	else		attacksize= attack_levels.crazy.numhounds()	end	return attacksizeend


Treeguards cap out at day 80:

    local days_survived = TheWorld.state.cycles    if days_survived >= TUNING.LEIF_MIN_DAY then		if math.random() <= TUNING.LEIF_PERCENT_CHANCE then							local numleifs = 1			if days_survived > 30 then				numleifs = math.random(2)			elseif days_survived > 80 then				numleifs = math.random(3)			end						for k = 1,numleifs do				local target = FindEntity(inst, TUNING.LEIF_MAXSPAWNDIST, find_leif_spawn_target)				if target ~= nil then					target.noleif = true					target.leifscale = growth_stages[target.components.growable.stage].leifscale or 1                    target.chopper = chopper					target:DoTaskInTime(1 + math.random() * 3, spawn_leif)				end			end		end    end


I just found this out now, but birchnut drake spawn chances are changed. They can no longer spawn in the first 20 days, and then have a spawn rate for each season:

		-- Birchnut monster chances have been reduced and tied to seasons instead of the number of days to balance things out for dedicated servers (which may be running for extremely long times)		DECID_MONSTER_MIN_DAY = 20, -- No monsters during the first autumn	    DECID_MONSTER_SPAWN_CHANCE_AUTUMN = .15,	-- high chance of monsters in autumn to cancel out double birchnut and general easyness of autumn	    DECID_MONSTER_SPAWN_CHANCE_SPRING = .08, -- next highest in spring because everything attacks in spring	    DECID_MONSTER_SPAWN_CHANCE_SUMMER = .033, -- low chance in summer since summer is hard anyway	    DECID_MONSTER_SPAWN_CHANCE_WINTER = 0, -- can't make monsters in winter, they have to have leaves 


Varg/Ewecus chances still cap out at 100 days:

local function GetAlternateBeastChance()    local day = GetTime()/TUNING.TOTAL_DAY_TIME    local chance = Lerp(TUNING.HUNT_ALTERNATE_BEAST_CHANCE_MIN, TUNING.HUNT_ALTERNATE_BEAST_CHANCE_MAX, day/100)    chance = math.clamp(chance, TUNING.HUNT_ALTERNATE_BEAST_CHANCE_MIN, TUNING.HUNT_ALTERNATE_BEAST_CHANCE_MAX)    return chanceend


Krampus may have been intended to ramp up to max levels past day 100, but the way the code is written only pre-day-50 and post-day-50 actually get used:

-- from scripts/tuning.lua	    KRAMPUS_INCREASE_LVL1 = 50,	    KRAMPUS_INCREASE_LVL2 = 100,-- from scripts/components/kramped.lua		if day > TUNING.KRAMPUS_INCREASE_LVL1 then			num_krampii = num_krampii + math.random(TUNING.KRAMPUS_INCREASE_RAMP)		elseif day > TUNING.KRAMPUS_INCREASE_LVL2 then			num_krampii = num_krampii + 1 + math.random(TUNING.KRAMPUS_INCREASE_RAMP)		end 


I can't find anything about frog rain increasing the number of frogs over time. As far as I can tell it's always random in the same ranges.


I did a find-in-files search for "150" and found that depth worms reach maximum levels then, but that could get revisited when caves actually get in.


It's possible that the other thing didn't get set to 150 days exactly, but I'm not sure what it would be... I covered everything that ramps up that I could think of.


What is the "other thing"?


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Several people in the thread have said that they think something was changed to scale to 150 days. So whatever that thing is, I didn't find it, if it exists at all.


Mmmmh... OK...

Mysterious thing... Old secret... Forbidden knowledge...

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