It Lies Underground (Closed)


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Delmar, in his desperate attempt to get back at Oxryklne, notices the creature but tries not to react. Do not interfere, creature. Or we might have some problems. He then pokes Oxryklne 3 times and burrows as fast as he can and tries to cover up the hole so Oxryklne doesn't see. if Oxryklne wakes up, the first thing he will see is the fake frog.

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After 5 seconds of waiting, Delmar peeks his head out from the ground with a mix of surprise and anger. He jumps out of the hole and walks up to Oxryklne, then places him near the pond aswell as placing the fake frog in front of him again. He splashs as much pond water on Oxryklne as he can, then burrows again as fast as he can he also tries to cover up the hole yet again. (You get the point)

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One of the frogs catch Oxryklne (Well, not like he can fight back) in its tongue, but before it can do anything Delmar impales it and one other unlucky frog. He throws their lifeless corpses into the pond. He grabs the last one in his mouth and tears it apart, as his bloody jaws creak and grind, Oxryklne is covered in frog blood as a result. The fake frog is also still there.

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To compliment the orange light, another one started shining in one of the denser clumps of forest in the distance. Should anyone choose to follow it they would find that, along the way, several trees were ripped down and stripped bare to create a large bonfire in a clearing, lighting up the pond which the clearing housed quite easily and a bit of the tree-line around it. The pond itself is still and, under the firelight, a shiny black, with what appeared to be a little stream of bubbles periodically escaping from it's dark depths. Next to the fire was a mound of vegetation - berries and carrots included, but also pine cones and random leaves - which appeared to be cooking in the intense heat of the bonfire. Because of this, the smell of cooked vegetables and fruit filled the air like a thick cloud, almost outweighing the pungent odour of pine tree sap and burning wood. Then, the inevitable occurred; a few rabbits approached warily from the nearby rabbit holes, heading towards the vegetation. The pond bubbled steadily.


After a few minutes, the smell of burning meat was added to the smell of cooking food.


The siren sighed, flicking her tail lazily in the pond. She felt full, and tired, and with the bonfire burning surely the others will head over there eventually. Anyone she didn't know would be added to the menu, naturally, but she felt safe here. She felt confident that she'll be okay here. Something nagged at the back of her head; something to do with Webber, but she ignored it, and went into a snooze whilst hidden just under the surface of the pool, completely hidden save for her armour and weapon.


(Sorry it's so short again; I'm hitting a bit of a block here until daytime comes. Also, I notice people are using the whole "the creature" thing, so I guess that's one idea out the window, and she'll just be called the siren until someone asks for her name. Which was the intention anyways.)

Edited by FieldNotes
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