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Is scienceless ruins rushing even worth?

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I mean, I'm pretty sure it's just a flex of skills considering how little time is saved and how much more difficult it is than the regular tier-2-science rush. I guess you can ruin the day of pub tryhard wannabes that go down there with stacks of pig skin and blue caps on day 16, but I don't see much more use.


the pub tryhard wannabe was me when I found out about ruins rushing, but don't tell anyone.


Yes, my day was ruined. Curse you, pub Wolfgang.

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29 minutes ago, Guille6785 said:

define "worth it"

Mm... like, if it's reasonable to go that early down there knowing that you could spend 3-4 days gathering resources to be much safer, have more space and, lucky enough, living logs. When I saw your rushing videos I was like "Ah, that was so cool, but what is he going to do with so many crowns and a mag?". Maybe I'm an ignorant and it has many advantages once you can do it consistently, I don't know. I tried so many times and it was hell to get one right.

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Not really worth it considering a science machine can give you +8 spaces for loot. It's mainly for the challenging aspect of it.

Unless you allow stage drops or setpieces, then it may be worth it to do it if you get a backpack (or a tophat if playing maxwell) if you're feeling lucky enough to get a lazy explorer for quicker exploration.

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10 minutes ago, SapoLover said:

Mm... like, if it's reasonable to go that early down there knowing that you could spend 3-4 days gathering resources to be much safer, have more space and, lucky enough, living logs. When I saw your rushing videos I was like "Ah, that was so cool, but what is he going to do with so many crowns and a mag?". Maybe I'm an ignorant and it has many advantages once you can do it consistently, I don't know. I tried so many times and it was hell to get one right.

It's ultimately completely subjective, to someone it may be "worth it" for how fun it is by itself but might not bother if they want to do other things first instead of rushing straight to the ruins, obviously using science is safer but it's not like not using it is pointless, this is largely dependent on your own personal preference

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Although I wouldn't say scienceless is something that should always be done of course, certain world gens and goals would clearly benefit from it. For example, if you find a TNT quickly and you want to rush Celestial Champion then a scienceless ruins rush would make sense in order to mitigate the risk of missing the night 11 time gate for the moonstone event.

Other than those niche situations though I'd say it's just a good way to practice being able to ruins rush without relying on too much equipment or food. If you can consistently get what you need and more with only things you can pick up on the way there, then you'll be better off basically regardless of if you have moggles or armor or healing, and this aspect DOES save time as you can rush the ruins if time is getting tight.

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if it took you 16 day to prepare and stack of pig skin to be ready its not rush anymore...
people just usually precraft alchemy engine and get 4 pig skin from two pig house torn down. that was plenty of armor already. 
also get mole if u want to get moggles. once u get glowberry or lightbulb just place down the alchemy and craft all necessary item like armor and tools. 

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This game has no goals or long-term rewards. The only reason to do something is to do it. Most of the reason you'd do a scienceless run is because it's fun, but the extra time saved can be the difference between whether or not you have time to do the moon event on day 11.

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You can consider it as an arcane way of playing the game.

Yes, scienceless ruin rush can be done, and I know I can also do it given enough practice. But do I or do you want to do it depends on whether you enjoy the process. I personally don't enjoy the process (mainly because I don't like walking). But I think some people definitely enjoy the stress and glory, and some strategic speedrunning benefit, and it's worth it for them.

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19 hours ago, SapoLover said:

Mm... like, if it's reasonable to go that early down there knowing that you could spend 3-4 days gathering resources to be much safer, have more space and, lucky enough, living logs. When I saw your rushing videos I was like "Ah, that was so cool, but what is he going to do with so many crowns and a mag?". Maybe I'm an ignorant and it has many advantages once you can do it consistently, I don't know. I tried so many times and it was hell to get one right.

My thoughts exactly. Scienceless ruins rush is a cool challenge in a solo world created only for this challenge with no intention to play further. I've tried one recently after being inspired by Guille's Wigfrid rush. It was fun, thrilling and satisfying. I killed AG on day 5, also as Wigfrid, with ~10 hp left, starving through the last 2/3 of the fight (literally lost most of my hp from starvation and not from the fight). I closed and deleted the world after I checked the AG chest (it had a lazy explorer but no starcaller). That was it for me - I knew it wouldn't make sense for me to go crafting crowns and then return to the surface after that. It wasn't a good start of the world for my game style. I wouldn't want anyone to do this kind of rush on a public server with me because it's extremely selfish and anti-coop. A person who does this will likely hoard all the thulesite for themselves and leave all the gems on the ground to be destroyed by earthquakes and eaten by moleworms. They are not doing it for the team, they are not even benefitting themselves - they are just doing it for a show-off.

In any world where I plan to play past the first autumn, I want to at least get a starcaller (or several, if I play with other people). If I'm going for a boss rush and shadow pieces on day 21, I'll likely want a thulesite club as a backup in case I don't get a lazy explorer from the AG chest or get unlucky with killing McTusks early winter. This means I will need living logs and I'll go put of my way to get them before proceeding into the ruins. Getting living logs is the longest and the most RNG-dependent part of the ruins rush for me (or maybe I'm just unlucky and tend to find ruins before finding blue mush forest). If I'm going for the living logs anyway I'll spend time either checking an evergreen forest if I see one, or will go out of my way to find blue mush biome after I find muddy biome. So it makes sense to then grab a few blue mushrooms as a safety net since I'm already there. Collecting stuff for the alchemy engine and science machine is something that will come by naturally as I look for living logs on the surface/check sinkholes and do some early surface exploration. If I get living logs from an evergreen forest, I'd need a shovel to dig up so at least I want the science machine. From there it's only a couple extra materials to get alchemy, hambat and a couple of football helmets. I won't destroy a whole pig village for a ruins rush, but I might hammer a couple of standalone pig houses, or pig heads in the swamp, or an occasional touchstone if I find one. If I feel like really going out of my way to spare all of these structures for some reason I'll kill a few spiders and transform a couple of pigs into werepigs with monster meats to get some pig skins. I managed to do all the proper ruins prep with living logs, football helm, lantern, hambat, spare hambat materials and healing by day 5 which is not too late to go underground. As a nice bonus, if you craft alchemy you can also prototype golden tools and later craft a pick/axe, so you can go Werepig on your way out of the ruins. Great for characters like Wanda and Maxwell, and both also benefit from extra living logs which I'm prioritizing getting before ruins rush.

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I mean, its fun and fun makes it worth it right?

But if u looking for progress in the game after that I would for sure go for livin logs to the ruins and that or requires Totally normal trees, day 4 upstairs to get the chance to spawn treeguards or find blue mush biome really early which does have room for some learning in between anyway

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