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Volcano tamer oddities

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Hi guys.  I have the following : 


Essentially, I'm picking the copper, putting it on rails and have it cycle inside this compartment until it drops down below 200 degrees. Thing is, I keep getting those micro "packet" of metal in the mg/mcg range.  They don't seem to be exchanging heat at all. That wouldn't be much of an issue if the rail system allowed for merging "packets" like gas and liquids, but it does not. So eventually, my rail gets filled with those super small packets and prevent anything from going out anymore. I need to manually "vent" it out (by changing automation conditions).

Even when it lands on the ground, it still doesn't seem to exchange heat with the environment, at least until it's merged into a larger "packet".

Is that "known issue" or considered "as designed"?

And, any idea how to prevent that?

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18 minutes ago, Mastermindx said:

Is that "known issue" or considered "as designed"?

Good question.

Everything is as designed, sorry to say.

If any material has less than 1g to it, then it will not exchange heat. A link to the relevant part of the wiki in the spoiler:

A useful workaround is to limit the time the conveyor loader is active, a timer sensor will help in this regard. This way the conveyor loader will have a chance to accumulate an amount of material that is more useful for heat exchange purposes. It's not necessarily the universal solution but can be of use for your design.

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I don't circulate the material. I use the conveyor meter to limit packets to 0.5kg/s (or whatever the average volcano output is). At that size, by the time it exits the chamber, it has essentially cooled down as much as it is going to. If you want to stick essentially with your current design, don't loop it, just add a conveyor chute if it hasn't cooled enough to leave the chamber.

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1 hour ago, JRup said:

Everything is as designed, sorry to say.

Awww... That sucks.


1 hour ago, JRup said:

A useful workaround is to limit the time the conveyor loader is active, a timer sensor will help in this regard.

Well... That would limit throughput (not that I think in this specific situation it would matter). Also, it might reduce the odds of it happening, but maybe not eliminate it.

I guess I could use a Cycle Sensor and have everything on the rail thrown back on the ground for a few seconds every cycle (Recovery instead of prevention).  Would fix the first room... Not the second one though. (I have 2-stage cooling....). I guess I'll think of something... Eventually :P


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43 minutes ago, Mastermindx said:

I guess I'll think of something... Eventually :P

An idea would be to use a conveyor meter to reduce the flow of material and discard the temperature sensor part, that also works.


Double shipping is always an option, but it adds to complexity. Nips the problem in the bud. Some not so unrelated, old and crusty pictures in the spoiler...


Left side is the origin of the materials, ships unconditionally until there is nothing remaining. Pressure plate on the right is set to 20.1 kg. Secondary loop discards last package in the shipment. This will leave any remainders on the pressure plate.








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Another option is to disable the loader until you have an excess of material, which means you'll never have small packets on the line.


Weight plate (above 200kg or something) controls the loader. That mesh tile is needed to prevent a bug in debris formation. Lots of extra thermal mass and two turbines because I'm obsessed with self cooling. Don't do something stupid and crude/petroleum is fine to separate your steam from your volcano.

Similar idea to what @JRupjust posted, but I think some of the complexity in his was to account for a different bug which has been fixed supposedly.

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14 minutes ago, wachunga said:

Similar idea to what @JRupjust posted, but I think some of the complexity in his was to account for a different bug which has been fixed supposedly.

Now that I recall, the actual bug that was that packages under 20kg actually behaved as if they had 20kg so you could have 1kg packages with the same heat energy as one with 20kg. It sounds exploity and indeed it was. One could say that it got patched out just in time for devs to release the sparkly new conveyor meters.

The double shipper I made was exactly for a copper volcano tamer where I had dealt with the same issue OP had, that and the bug; with that the copper was out in time to be used instead of gumming up the cooling lines.

An added boon of double shipping is that one can dump all that debris in a vacuum and then ship it for individual cooling, if one should like to do some extra heat extraction.

I eventually added a meter into the old build, reducing the size of what had to be cooled and my tamer works a little more fluidly, so to speak.

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12 minutes ago, JRup said:

An added boon of double shipping is that one can dump all that debris in a vacuum and then ship it for individual cooling, if one should like to do some extra heat extraction.

Yup, store it as just barely condensed @1000C and you can use it to power a petroleum or sour gas boiler. After that copper fuel is spent, send it to your turbines. More complexity, but all kinds of nifty stuff you can do.

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5 hours ago, Artorias36 said:

If vulcano had an automation port we could disable the sweeper when the vulcano is active, so that it just picks normal quantities and not micro grams of refined.

Unfortunately you need a mod for that, it adds geyser activity sensors that really should've been available just by fully analyzing it. I mean, it's got the blinkenlights and everything.

The issues with the conveyor belts and moving things out of the steam room are one of the reasons I've started coupling heat indirectly instead. Basically, a hydrogen gas loop takes the initial heat spike into the steam chamber, reducing the metal to about 190°C, then it drops into the intermediate oil bath where it gets cooled to 107°C or so and the oil transfers the heat into the steam, and finally the last oil bath where the turbine output water cools it to a little under 100°C. All from a self-cooled steam turbine. And by building in vacuum you don't even need any steel for this build, though steel radiant gas pipes make the cooling a little more efficient, using wolframite pipes it ends up at 102°C instead.

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I add conveyor shutter with timer sensor, something like 30 sec once each 5 cycles. 0.001 mg of metal just fall down on the floor, and merge into large piece of metal. Then robo arm put it back to rails (robo arm also connected to timer sensor, something like 20 sec each 50 sec).

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