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Is it ok/safe to empty Don't Starve Together's "cached_mods" folder?

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7 hours ago, Duck986 said:

this member already has 0 posts, 0 reputation and 549 profile views, and that's because people think mentioning @ klei pings the entire company...

Damn, you made me look. :D

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Yea, it seems it was ok to empty the contents of the folder.

It's kind of weird they don't make it automatically clear old files by itself or at least let people know there's a folder which collects bloat after time that needs to be manually cleared. It makes it worse that the Steam properties of DST just says the entire game is 2GB and doesn't account for this folder taking up more space which from what it seems can be insane based on the amounts of mod you used over time.

This folder also stays when you uninstall DST too so it can be stuck just eating up space and nobody would ever find out, they probably should add a button or something in the settings to clean this folder up or at least have it show on Steam properties of DST of amount of GB DST is using because as it is now unless you're a modder and randomly hover over this folder then see an absurd amount of space being used you will never even know this is a thing.

There was bloat in it all the way from 2016 till now... like damn.


Also, that @klei account probably shouldn't exist.. it just trolls people that thinking it will notify someone from klei to your post :/

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1 hour ago, PeterA said:

Yeah it's safe, there's also a cleanup button in the Mods screen.

Oh, that's what the clean all button on the mods area does? It empties the cached mods folder? Always thought it just reinstalls all your mods and probably a lot of other people think that way too.

It would be good in the future if its hover info tooltip actually says what it does then nobody has to run into such an odd occurrence like this since just "Clean All" is too vague and gives no idea to what it actually would do :lol:

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