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Alright, so Wormwood, even though he came from the moon, has no perks or anything even related to the recent Return of Them updates. So... why not give him a perk for the sea? Using one living log Wormwood could be able to craft a living oar, which is a small upgrade to the driftwood oar. It could have more speed and durability than the driftwood oar, while not outclassing the Malbatross bill, and I think it could have a nice niche. Maybe it could also do an underwater-y sounding scream when you didn't time a correct row with it 0-0.

This would fit well with the rest of his crafting tab's contents, which includes almost completely utility-type crafts (barring of course his healing craft).

I even drew up a quick sketch (done in like, 10 minutes. Just a proof of concept):


Edit: I also wanted to say that a great unique feature for this oar would be being able to row in any direction from one side of the boat, this way you don't have to walk across your boat to change directions! It makes sense since the oar is alive and could probably move the head of it itself.

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4 hours ago, UbiAnomaly said:

Maybe it could also do an underwater-y sounding scream when you didn't time a correct row with it 0-0.

Was gonna say I don't want any sort of living log oars unless they're screaming. Thankfully you realize the necessity of such a feature so you have my full support.

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19 hours ago, UbiAnomaly said:

Ok, but why?

because yet another oar with no special effect is not needed.

however, something that opens up new boat maneuverability would be welcome.

if you can't think how an oar with backward force would be useful then you need to fight seaweed or crab king more.

I really like your idea but i disagree with it doing nothing note worthy.


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Just now, Well-met said:

I really like your idea but i disagree with it doing nothing note worthy.

it screams!

ok but what if you could use it to row in any direction from any side of the boat, since it's alive and could row itself.

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