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Missing Verdant skins

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So... there's a lot of bundles on the shop but the one that's bothered me the most is the Verdant set bundle.
There's a complete Verdant skin set bundle that gives you 13 character skins! ...of the 18 characters.
The wording here is very confusing cause honestly you'd expect it to be a complete set...
Which also seems odd to me for the characters who were around when some others got their missing skins like Wolfgang for example. Willow was around when his and the others were pushed out but she seems to have been forgotten. 

So I've come to wonder if this means the characters that are currently lacking skins, Wicker, Willow, Wormwood, ect are going to get them or not!
It's not unusual for characters missing skins to have theirs come in later updates! It's the wording here that concerns me though, I'd be pretty disappointed if these characters didn't get theirs!

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1 hour ago, -Variant said:

So I've come to wonder if this means the characters that are currently lacking skins, Wicker, Willow, Wormwood, ect are going to get them or not!

I feel like they will certainly get them eventually. It would feel weird if a “complete” set of skins wouldn’t include skins for every character.

Of course, that would mean a few other sets would be in an odd spot at well, namely the forge sets (especially the gladiator one). I imagine they will eventually “finish” the sets in a future update, similar to how we got almost every missing Victorian set practically out of nowhere.

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I think they will add all of the verdant skin to one bundle when all of the characters get that skin which I think is during the next year lunar new year event or during sometime around the valentines (basically next year)

lol, remember when that skin set was a filler for the missing cast in the snowfallen set? XD


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The skins release in groups of 4-6 every major update, and we keep getting new ones to complete collections. I remember Wilson got his Verdant very late, as in I was already playing when that happened. They'll all get them eventually.

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