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Why so many people think Wanda is Broken?

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Because Wanda is by far the best character if played by a very experienced player, outclassing any other chars.

Now, this is not necessarily an issue because very few are experienced enough to play her right, most streamers fail to do it, let alone regular players.

She has huge damage and saves so much time with porting around AND with no need for cooking at all except excess meat to stew. No need for sanity foods, you just want to stay insane early game, you chug raw meat or cooked monster meat. You dont need to cook healing food.

2 clocks are enough to keep you alive, 3 or more for some bosses.


No need for living logs, just nfuel and fights with ncreatures are trivial because of range.


Range helps so much and helps keeping you safe in so many encounters.


She has a slow start because ruin rushing needs you to get stacks of thul pieces and you waste a lot of winter  hunting mctusks, but after the port system is in place you just consistently save days every season, which also means better food efficiency, less lightbulbs used etc.

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