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Wanda, the death of Maxwell and THEM.

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As the title says, I think Klei can finally give us the answer to the age-old question that has remained unsolved for all these years: how did Maxwell resurrect, if Wilson could see his flesh melt and his skeleton dissolve?

I believe that Maxwell predicted his own death the moment he was released from the throne: if it is true that what he learned was the result of the knowledge of THEM, and if it is true that THEY are somehow omniscient, then it is reasonable to think that they also know how to reverse entropy (or time travel, if you prefer. Although technically it doesn't make much sense, but okay). Perhaps Maxwell cast a spell, so that his remains could spontaneously recompose, like a corpse that revives, becomes old and then young, like watching a movie backwards. Clearly this violates the second law of thermodynamics, but magic shouldn't be bound by those principles.

That Wanda is in some way disciple of THEIR?

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8 minutes ago, W0l0l0 said:

I don't know if this is the illuminati or something but a possible way of reducing entropy was proposed once and named Maxwell's Demon!


It is a very famous apparent paradox. In reality the little devil, having to think about when to open the door to let the particles pass, consumes energy and, therefore, the total energy of the system finally tends to increase. However, given enough time, each closed system returns to its original state. It is a statistical question, demonstrated by Ludwig Boltzmann. Except that the amount of time it takes for this to happen in a macroscopic system is greater than the current estimated Universe life :'D For a system of few particles, on the other hand, the spontaneous reduction of entropy is, statistically, frequent enough to be observed. They are called "heat fluctuations" and are well known in the field of quantum thermodynamics.

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13 minutes ago, Pop Guy said:

As the title says, I think Klei can finally give us the answer to the age-old question that has remained unsolved for all these years: how did Maxwell resurrect, if Wilson could see his flesh melt and his skeleton dissolve

Perhaps this Rose Appraiser can shed some light on your question. When Maxwell was released from the throne, he was snatched just after complete disintegration. They, having grown tired of him at the helm, decided to throw the puppet to those he dragged into the game. Wilson only ever saw half of an exchange, hence why Maxwell knows Wilson was latched to the thrown without Wilson stating it and why Wilson was in the Constant before Maxwell's skydiving. Reconstituting a body from literal dust is a challenge no matter what Entity you are, which grants enough time for Wilson to sit on the throne and be unceremoniously usurped by Charlie. We have been told that They just watch, much like how humans watch/play/watch someone play a game: entertainment, and what better way to get a new form that to get rid of the old in some way?

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Preeeeeeeeetty sure reverse entropy isn't time travel. It IS the act of reverting something to a previous state, but in order to achieve time travel using it you would need to revert LITERALLY EVERYTHING except yourself.

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I've always thought that it was just because you can't "die" in the constant, you just become a ghost or wake up on another island. You can see that you can't really die in the constant, when he examines Abagail he says,"Why won't these mortals just stay dead?" Source: Wiki

I do like yours better since his "death" is a dramatic event in the story, so it deserves a dramatic revival.

As always, have a nice day!

1 hour ago, GrMcGillacactus said:

Maxwell doesn't know how he was resurrected, going off the Cyclum puzzle.

Many(including myself) think he was lying, maybe because he didn't care about it because he has been a puppet for THEM so he isn't suprised by much anymore.

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Maybe through either a short,  the next story arc, or Wanda's dialogue it'll explain something.  Maybe if she examines him she'll making a comment on how his situation is similar to hers.  I mean,  Wanda is using the shadows to keep herself alive.  Maxwell could easily be doing the same thing but with ease as he's using the Codex Umbra.

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