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Shipwrecked & Hamlet Content discussion

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First off let me get this out the way fast: This is NOT a thread to beg for the entirety of DS Shipwrecked or DS Hamlet to be added to DST, Instead this is a thread to discuss what features, mobs or craftables FROM those respective DLCs you would like to see added and not in just a Direct Copy & Paste form: But rather modified, Expanded upon.. and Improved like we’ve been seeing happen with RoT & the other updates.

Now it’s time for a short story, I’ve recently went back to playing DS Single player Edition: And after all these years of playing am foolishly just NOW discovering I could have built a Sky/Sea Machine to transport me between DS RoG/Shipwrecked & Hamlet I was playing Adventures mode as Wendy and completed adventures which turn me into Maxwell, AND I was surviving just fine in Vanilla DS up to Day 26, where I had finally constructed a Sky Worthy for the first time ever and went to Hamlet (I’ve been to hamlet before.. but never a World in progress version) So there I am in hamlet (a relatively NEW DLC for Console Players) in a highly Unfamiliar world with mobs and features I am not prepared to deal with. Maxwell makes a quote about pollen allergies or something- and suddenly I start sneezing and dropping items in my inventory having to pick them back up again, this is all fine and dandy.. no big issue, until I’m walking along the edge of the map and Sneeze some of my inventory into oblivion. Afterwards some strong winds start blowing and the items ive sneezed out my inventory start sliding towards the same fate as my dark sword including my precious codex umbra! So in a panic I scramble to recover the items before the wind or my sneezing blows them off the map.. by this time: I’m starting to get hungry and need food but I’m low in health and Classic DS knowledge would be to chop a tree get a few birchnuts cook them up, Except the trees I chopped ended up dropping hostile snakes or scorpions which inflicted me with poison damage over time. So there I am dying.. scrambling to find a way to heal, chopping tall grass with a machete tool to collect grass because normal grass isn’t available anywhere nearby..

When it occurred to me: some of this stuff really needs to be in DST..

the wind blowing my inventory away was exciting (frustrating but any survival game SHOULD be..) being low on health trying to quickly chop a tree to avoid starvation having a chance to spawn a hostile scorpion or snake all of this is “Exciting” to me.. 

There is a love/hate relationship with these dlcs.. I love the dense Amazonian jungles, the trapped temples, the strong winds, the scorpions the Poison DoT, I HATE the pig city and the trading economy that takes away from the above survival aspects.. the same can be said about Shipwrecked- I love the variety of boat types you can craft and upgrade and some of the biomes & mobs here- I hate some of the absurdly broken stuff like Coffee or Woodlegs (yeah I went there ;) )

The TL:DR LESS RAID BOSSES And MORE challenges from the environment itself please.

Things I would “Like” to see from Shipwrecked- Snakes, More boat types, Jellyfish, Coral Reefs, Palm Tree/ Palm Guardian, Crabbit, Coconuts!

Things from Hamlet, Tall Grass, Trapped Temples, Walking Piranha plants, Scorpions, Strong Winds, Lily pads, Lotus Flower.

Both: Poison Damage over Time effect.

Maybe it’s just my personal opinion but I enjoy needing to craft a machete just to get a handful of grass instead of collecting it all by hand, I enjoy having more weather types beyond just “Brr too cold”, “Yowch too hot” “It’s raining.. frogs?!” 

A survival game needs more survival aspects and less raid bosses- I mean I get it, they’re the easiest “thing” for Klei to add.. but when are we going to get the exciting juicy game changing stuff? 
(Not to discredit all the cool content they’ve been doing because it’s all been awesome..) I just really wish new weather, new hazards, were brought to the table ALONGSIDE all the things they’ve already been doing.

Personally I would love to see Disease 2.0 where instead of just spreading like it used to, it can spread to and contaminate animals as well and trees and well basically Explain how Hamlet got it’s Hazardous biome you need a gas mask to travel through…

Except- if you the player cures those diseased plants or kill those infected creatures before they can contaminate more stuff- YOU can prevent your world from becoming a Hamlet style “Hazard Biome” 

Dont Starve & DST at its heart and core is still a survival game.. not a RAID Boss Simulator but a Survival game.. and as such- I feel like the most important part of a survival game should be paying attention to your environment, if animals or plants are sick- get rid of them, if your Beefalo’s are starting to look like they’re going extinct, protect them so they can repopulate..

What we DONT NEED is indestructible “mob spawners” YOU The players should be fully responsible over how alive or how much of a barren wasteland your worlds become.

My point is SW/Hamlet bring new challenges to the world of Dont starve, and I find it odd in a game all about chance- that more trees do not have a “chance” to spawn some hostile attacking mobs..

Chopping a tree and it spawning a scorpion or snake so you panic run away and chop another tree only for it to also spawn an enemy so you run away and chop a third and finally its enemy-less and gives you the food you need…..

This is stuff that SHOULD Be happening in DST but for whatever reason…. Klei won’t amp the survival aspects up to 11.

After all: There is still a lovely little menu full of things you can toggle on and off, more and less over…

Just provide some additional world presets (default, hardcore, Custom etc.. that ticks those boxes for the players who are too lazy to do it themselves and there you have it!)

These menus are Overlooked, when they desperately NEED to be the main focus of Klei’s attention and if anyone will seriously listen to me I would gladly explain in great detail Why. But here’s the short version:

Imagine being able to reduce the amount of saplings or twiggy trees that spawn in your world and replace those instead with Spiky bushes which HURT your health when you pluck them for sticks.. imagine being able to choose how much regular grass or Hamlet style Tall Grass spawns so you need a machete to even harvest the grass with.. 

I guess the entire point of this post is Shipwrecked and Hamlet has some amazing content that really shakes up the survival aspects of Dont Starve- Content that DST even after all the updates it’s been getting… still lacks. The Moonstorm is nowhere near as intimidating as having my precious resources slide across the map and off the ledge of the world.

So maybe it’s time we stop discrediting the good things SW & Hamlet did right and perhaps look at those for ideas of how to make DST a bigger better game for everyone?

Giving me BACK the poison damage over time effect and letting me decide rather or not Frog Rain drops normal frogs or poison dart frogs is the simplest example of Amping up the difficulty and it’s all thanks to the lovely menu full of features you can toggle on/off more/less over.

The game can be as EASY or as HARD as you want it to be.. if only you would play around with this Completely overlooked menu of things you can alter about your worlds.

Not EVERYONE is going to like Wildfires, not EVERYONE is going to want Hamlet strong winds… 

Which is exactly why maybe features Klei is “on the fence about adding” should be OFF by default and we the players can toggle it on and how much of it we want to happen if we want it at all.

I personally would have LOVED more lunar horror mobs, even if they were just sold as a paid DLC reskin of existing mobs that only I saw.. (similar to how certain games have downloadable filter packs that let you increase/remove the blood & gore)

Instead: They were poorly received and got the Axe early in.

Im sorry if this thread seems out of place or just like one big random rant but going back and playing Solo DS has opened my eyes to how much easier DST has been becoming. 

But I only have one question to ask- with a menu full of stuff we can toggle on/off more/less over- WHY is Klei holding back on Anything??!!

It’s time we Amp things up to 11!!!

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Even that weird biome where gas fumes from the ground and the “flurps” attack you randomly from out of the ground while traveling the biome would add a little more excitement & unpredictability.

Klei used a bunch of advanced survival ideas from making the world feel more alive by having Piko or Prime Ape scramble to steal the tree resources you just chopped, to having flurps randomly ambush you out the ground from out of nowhere- these kind of mechanics and gameplay in its current state does not exist in DST.. and maybe it’s time they SHOULD.

it doesn’t HAVE to be Flurps, it doesn’t have to be a copy and paste from the DLCs- But the Mechanics and advanced challenges of survival those DLC’s brought to the table is something I would love to see in DST.

I desperately want to see these “Fire Lands” Maxwell says in his quote where Redbirds come from, in my mind I picture a volcanic like biome where all the trees are scorched or petrified, lava ponds litter the area capable of spawning Larvae or Magma Golems randomly, the ground is seeping with cracks of red volcanic magma piercing through its surface, Magmatic Spider Warriors (the type seen as a skin for Webber and also as Scrapped Spider types) litter the apocalyptic scorched biome But most importantly of ALL-

It burrows heavily from already established biomes, mobs, weather patterns, hazards and gameplay mechanics from SW/Hamlet.

Imagine traversing through a Biome where enemies can spawn randomly out of that biomes grounds, much like Flurp do in SW..

These ideas, these mechanics, this dream of an Amped up to 11 type of survival game- We shouldn’t just toss SW and Hamlet aside and proclaim them as “Bad Dlcs” YES both of those DLCs had some incredibly broken & highly questionable features: But let’s not completely over-look all the COOL & good ideas & mechanics they brought to the table that as of this post- Are not in DST.


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