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Overall DLC feedback and future expectations

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On 9/12/2021 at 9:16 PM, pether said:


You are right, it is not common on the internet to see people agree on things. I guess ONI attract kind of people who prefer to stop and think for a moment before they rush doing things, because this will make playing ONI easier in the long run. And on the forums it gives enough time to see valid points people make. I really love this community and I hope it will stay the same forever

PSSSSSTTT ! Don`t let other game forums now, otherwise the "Terrible Horde" train will arrive here, lets keep it a secret.

Currently its still the nice chilled community oasis :rolleyes:


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Update to the list!

With recent game updates, I can happily cross out radiation lamps, automation ports, radiation rebalance, and rover deconstruction. Also, I'm supper happy to see that new worlds known from vanilla ONI appear as a big maps :)

I also added plant meat recipes based on recent discussion and missing buildings from base game

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I would add 

a rocket biomodule from the vanilla game to bring seeds or eggs from space POIs. So if the world is generated without some specific seeds/animals, they could be obtained from the space POIs or a player can get more seeds (primarily wheezeworts) from POIs (like in the vanilla game). Also it can be used to transport beetenes to another asteroid or from POIs.

A separate category for mutated seeds - so they cannot be fed to fishes and for better logistics (like you want to move some specific mutated seeds to another asteroid or get pips to plant specific mutated seeds).

Animals overlay or count in inventory - (currently only eggs are counted). This helps when you build some walls and animals get stuck and you do not see it unless you click every tile built.  Or move animals away from the built tile like it is currently for dupes.

Satellite dishes from the vanilla game for early meteor warning and incoming rocket detection.


Mutated animals will be nice to have. Mods are available.


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7 hours ago, KonfigSys said:

a rocket biomodule from the vanilla game to bring seeds or eggs from space POIs.


In particular, road-blocking OP pip behind rockets sounds more challenging than providing them 'from the start' via printing pod on some clusters.

7 hours ago, KonfigSys said:

A separate category for mutated seeds - so they cannot be fed to fishes and for better logistics (like you want to move some specific mutated seeds to another asteroid or get pips to plant specific mutated seeds).

I do agree that better 'logistics' is needed for seeds (and food) to split mutated from non-mutated (and fresh from stale), but fish eating seeds currently is easiest disposal method for unwanted seeds. Or do you mean something like a checkmark "allow mutated seeds"?

7 hours ago, KonfigSys said:

Satellite dishes from the vanilla game for early meteor warning and incoming rocket detection.

They are back in latest beta.

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1 hour ago, AndreyKl said:

I do agree that better 'logistics' is needed for seeds (and food) to split mutated from non-mutated (and fresh from stale), but fish eating seeds currently is easiest disposal method for unwanted seeds. Or do you mean something like a checkmark "allow mutated seeds"?

If it is in another category you can select/unselect it in the fish feeder menu. Or prohibit feeding fishes with mutated seeds. There are not too many mutated seeds anyway and there is another way of disposal through composting.

Right now if you choose feed fishes in the feeder menu with let's say bristle seeds, the dupes will bring normal and mutated seeds to load.


And it is pain in the ass to plant seeds with pips when you have both types of seeds. Now you need to build agricultural tile, get the required seeds planted and then destroy the tiles to get seeds on the ground for the pip to pick. If they seeds will be in a separate category like industrial, you can simply choose to move the required seeds to the bin.

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On 6/21/2021 at 2:53 PM, pether said:

Radiation specific plant (leaving wheezeworts for cooling focus)

I couldn't agree with this more.  Wheezeworts provide far too much utility right now, and their functions can (and should) be split into two separate plants.

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On 11/13/2021 at 4:41 AM, KonfigSys said:

rocket biomodule

good catch, I forgot they existed. added to the list. I also added Autopilot module to the list

On 11/13/2021 at 4:41 AM, KonfigSys said:

separate category for mutated seeds

agreed, added

On 11/13/2021 at 4:41 AM, KonfigSys said:

Satellite dishes from the vanilla game

Those were on the list, but they are back in beta so I crossed them out along with vanilla telescopes.

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On 6/22/2021 at 12:38 AM, crbd115 said:

Radbolt application in everyday food/decor/recreation/medicine/etc (somebody said "popcorn"?)

Could be microwave for warming food. And there could be like -1 morale for eating freezed food, 0 - eating room temperature and +1 when eating warmed food.

On 11/15/2021 at 11:35 PM, goboking said:

Radiation specific plant (leaving wheezeworts for cooling focus)

Would be so logical. Or maybe without plants making radiation?

There is enough ways to make radiation even without wheezworts.

Wheezworts should stay as a good old chilly breeze carrying friend of dupes, not the hazardous radiation killing dupes monster.:-o

And what about shine bugs and their morphs? I think radiant meant for high radiation and abyssal could be eating radiation or blocking it, leaving shine, sun and other innocent bugs for light and decor only.

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